Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4149: Too eccentric

Today's West Road army has completely escaped danger.

With the expectation of everyone, the patriarch Wanyan sent a subpoena to Ji Tianxing asking about the next action.

After a short period of breath, Ji Tianxing sent back the subpoena.

Clan Chief Wanyan couldn't wait to take the jade slip and began to read the information inside.

Ji Tianxing's majestic voice immediately sounded in his mind.

"Next, you can choose a place, stop for a few days to recuperate and adjust your breath, and then rush to the next area to continue your mission.

The chief of internal affairs and the soldiers under Canglan Immortal's command had no casualties or damages.

In this ambush, they won the victory, but they failed to annihilate the West Road army. They will certainly not give up.

But with the style of the emperor's teacher and the cautious character of the head of the internal affairs, he will not intercept you again in the short term.

After you continue to conquer the various regions, this seat estimates that the head of the house will try to test your reality.

What he fears most is that this seat sits quietly in the West Road army and waits for the rabbit to annihilate them.

If he can be sure that this seat is not in the West Road army, he will make another shot.

So, what you have to do now is to tell the other heads of the clan and ask them to take extra precautions.

This seat is taking the army from the North Road and is looting the city and land, so there is no time to support you.

This news must be kept secret, and only known to a few patriarchs and his confidants! "

This was the longest conversation between Ji Tianxing and him after the head of Wanyan took refuge in the rebel alliance.

The reason why it is so long is because Ji Tianxing told his plan to the chief Wanyan in great detail.

Patriarch Wanyan was not stupid. He understood what Ji Tianxing meant and guessed Ji Tianxing's plan.

Suddenly, his emotions were a little agitated, and his body was full of enthusiasm, and he thought to himself: "Sword God really does not want to suffer. Our West Road army has been hit hard. He must annihilate the eight thousand soldiers under the commander of the internal affairs!

Great! It won't be long before this seat will be able to witness the peerless style of the sword god! "

Excited, excited, the task ordered by the sword **** still has to be performed.

Therefore, the patriarch Wanyan quickly notified the other patriarchs and conveyed the will of the sword god.

Two hours later, the five divine ships quietly stopped in an inaccessible mountain range, hiding in the mountains to recuperate.

The patriarchs settled down their children and gathered together to discuss plans.

Everyone looked at Patriarch Wanyan and asked: "Patriarch Wanyan, what instructions and orders does Lord Sword God have?"

"Master Sword God asked us to rest for a few days, what about after that? Continue on the mission?"

Facing everyone's doubts, the Wanyan Patriarch nodded calmly and said: "Although we were ambushed and lost more than 1,000 soldiers, it can be described as a heavy loss.

But our main force is still there. After recuperating and adjusting our breath, of course we must continue to perform our tasks.

Don't worry, everyone will be very cautious with the qualities of the emperor's teacher and the head of the internal affairs, and will not attack us again. "

The patriarchs frowned upon hearing this, and their expressions were a bit complicated.

One of the patriarchs smiled bitterly and said: "In a short period of time, the chief of internal affairs and the eight thousand elite will of course not take action against us.

But they were harmless and would never give up, and would definitely annihilate us.

Once we continue to perform our mission and conquer all regions, they will ambush again...By then, who can save us? "

Another patriarch also echoed: "Patriarch Wanyan, does the sword **** know about this and don’t plan to support us?"

The other patriarchs all lighted up and asked: "There are eight thousand elites under the commander of the internal affairs, except the sword **** can help us, no one else is good!"

"We have suffered such a heavy loss, and spreading it out will damage the reputation of the alliance. Does the Sword God swallow it?"

Through this ambush, several patriarchs saw the power of Ji Tianxing, and they all looked forward to Ji Tianxing to support them.

But Patriarch Wanyan glanced at the people and said blankly: "The Rebellious Alliance has a four-way army, and the lord of the alliance must personally lead the North Road army with the smallest number.

If every army was ambushed and the leader had to rescue him, how could he be saved?

Don't think too much, I have already asked the leader, he has no time to save us.

Everyone should be more careful!

The same strategy, if we are ambushed again, it is not a problem of strength, but a problem with the brain! "

After saying this, the patriarch Wanyan planned to turn around and leave.

Several patriarchs all looked stunned, showing expressions of regret and grievance.

Probably in their opinion, the Sword God did not trust them enough, and regardless of their life or death, it was really chilling.

At this time, the patriarch Wanyan who had just turned around, stopped again, and told everyone in a serious tone: "By the way, I hope you can keep it secret, and let your confidants know at most. , Must not spread out!

Otherwise, it will endanger all of our lives and affect the plan of the leader! "

After exhorting these words, Patriarch Wanyan really left.

Several patriarchs watched him leave, and when his figure disappeared on the top of the mountain, he started talking.

"Damn it! Those of us who joined the rebellious alliance later are so unwelcome to the Sword God?"

"When the South Road Army was ambushed, the Sword God rushed to support it immediately, but what about us?

Sword God is obviously partial! "

"Don't say it, getting up early to join the league is different from our treatment, and our status in the hearts of the leader is different. This is something everyone knows."

"Don't think too much about it, we are to blame. We didn't grasp the opportunity when we looked at it a few months ago."

Several patriarchs were indignant, but they also knew that this was self-inflicted and there was nothing to blame.

They are just thinking about it, and they must be careful next.

As the head of Wanyan said, it would be too shameful for them to be ambushed twice with the same conspiracy by the head of the internal affairs!


Five days passed in a flash.

More than two thousand people from the West Road Army ~www.ltnovel.com~ were almost recuperating in the mountains, and they embarked on the journey again.

They continued to perform their tasks and rushed to Qiulun domain to subdue Qiulun domain master.

At the same time, news of the West Road army being ambushed and heavy casualties also began to circulate on the Vast Sky Continent.

Of course, the West Crusade did not take the initiative to publicize or leak this news in order to keep it secret.

The channels and channels through which the news spread is temporarily unknown.

But what is certain is that the scope of the news is not wide, only a few top forces and strong people know.

As a result, those forces and the king of gods focused their attention on the West Road Army and the North Road Army.

Everyone is speculating that this is the first setback since the establishment of the Rebel Alliance.

Will the sword **** rush to support the West Road army in a rage and annihilate the 8,000 soldiers under the commander of the internal affairs?

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