Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4148: Runes and renunciation

Although, the Chief of Internal Affairs and Canglan Immortal are both leaders of the Western Expeditionary Army.

However, there is still a certain gap between the status and status of the two.

The chief of internal affairs is the head coach, and the deputy commander of Canglan Immortal has no decisive right to speak.

Since the head of the internal affairs was cautious and decided to kill for only one day, then Canglan could only support it.

And the next day was very tormenting for everyone.

Not only the fleeing West Road army, the nerves have been tense, and they can't relax.

Even the Western Expedition Army who was chasing and killing them was the same mentally tense and kept fighting at all times.

Except for those who are seriously injured, there is not much combat power left, and they can still get a respite and are allowed to recuperate.

Other people, even if they are slightly injured, can only endure first.

But under the circumstances of the two parties so hard and desperate, there was no surprise or change in the result.

The day finally passed.

The distance between the two armies is still about 300,000 miles.

Both sides carried extremely abundant training resources, and it was impossible to run out of resources in the short term, and there was a problem that the divine ship could not last.

The West Road Army did not take it lightly, nor was it stupid enough to make mistakes again.

The Western Expeditionary Army pursued and killed for a day, but never found a chance, so they had to give up.

Under the command of the head of the internal affairs, several divine ships stopped chasing and killing and began to return.

Regarding this decision, the soldiers naturally tacitly agreed and supported, and no one would be foolish enough to oppose it.

Anyway, failing to annihilate the West Road army that defeated the alliance was the problem of the two coaches, and the emperor would only question them.

But if you continue to hunt down, the hardest and most dangerous ones are those soldiers.

It's okay to give up on the hunt earlier, at least to recuperate and heal his injuries earlier.


Although the Western Expeditionary Army gave up the pursuit.

The West Road army, which was fleeing so fast, didn't know about it yet.

After all, the two sides are three hundred thousand miles away, and no one's magical knowledge and magical skills can detect such a range.

The West Road army can only use another method to detect whether the opponent continues to hunt down.

Every other hour or so, the patriarch Wanyan would take out five magic runes and punch them into the sky and the earth.

Those five runes will turn into invisible waves, blending into the sea of ​​clouds and the earth, reflecting the scene of tens of thousands of miles in radius.

And the images of the appearance of the five magic runes will appear in the hands of the Wanyan patriarch, in a special mirror artifact.

This special artifact has the effect of remote monitoring and spying on the screen, and is often used to investigate news and certain bad things.

But at this moment, it is indeed the best choice to use this artifact to see if the Western Expeditionary Army continues to pursue and kill.


When the time came again, the patriarch Wanyan took out five more magic runes, threw out the godship, and drove into the sky and the earth.

The runes burned, turned into golden lights, merged into the sky and the earth, and disappeared.

Then, the five warships of the West Road Army quickly moved away and disappeared at the end of the horizon.

Inside the battleship, the patriarch Wanyan took out another bronze ancient mirror, cast a spell to activate this artifact, and began to look at the picture in the mirror.

After a few breaths of time, the West Road army flew three hundred thousand miles away.

Based on previous experience, several battleships of the Western Expeditionary Army will immediately appear in the screen and pass by quickly.

However, the patriarch Wanyan waited quietly for a while, but did not see the warships of the Western Expeditionary Army appear.

This result made him feel pleasantly surprised and relaxed, but at the same time very confused.

"The chief of internal affairs and Canglan are immortal, so they gave up on the hunt?

Is this impossible?

They have been chasing us all day, how could they give up at this time? "

The Western Expeditionary Army stopped chasing and killing. Of course, the patriarch Wanyan was happy to see it, and he was relieved. He could finally relax his mind and slowly adjust his breath to recuperate.

But he didn't dare to take it lightly, for fear that he would fall into the scheme of the emperor's teacher and the chief of internal affairs.

Therefore, he did not inform everyone of this result, and let the fleet continue to advance at full speed.

At the same time, he also began to ponder and analyze what conspiracy the Western Crusade would have.

"Are they lost? Wrong direction?

This shouldn't be possible. With the great internal affairs commander and Canglan's indestructible strength, even if he is following the wrong direction, he can immediately detect the problem.

Now that hundreds of breaths of time have passed, and they still haven't appeared, then it's definitely not a mistake.

Did they predict our path forward, and what shortcut do they want to rush to intercept us in advance? "

Patriarch Wanyan thought about it for a while, and thought it was impossible.

Even he himself didn't know the route and goal of his advancement. If the Chief of Internal Affairs and Canglan Immortal could guess, there would be a ghost.

Patriarch Wanyan thought about it, but couldn't guess the other party's conspiracy.

From the current point of view, the other party should retreat in the face of difficulties and give up the pursuit.

But to be on the safe side, the patriarch Wanyan waited for a quarter of an hour and then released five magical runes, spreading between the heaven and the earth.


The magical runes turned into five golden lights, merged into the sky and the earth, and disappeared.

Then, the patriarch Wanyan held the ancient bronze mirror and watched attentively, for fear of missing any detail.

After the five breaths, there is no movement in the mirror image.

After ten breaths, there is still nothing in the screen.

After a hundred breaths of time, the West Road army flew a million miles away, but there was still no response in the bronze mirror.

This time, patriarch Wanyan finally determined that the other party had given up on the hunt!

He no longer hesitated, and quickly told everyone the news.

After a while, there were cheers from the five divine ships, and many people sighed in relief.

The tense nerves of more than two thousand soldiers finally relaxed at this moment.

The five extremely fast flying warships also slowed down and returned to normal speeds.

Although everyone knows, the Western Expeditionary Army has given up on the hunt.

But they still did not dare to stay where they were and could only continue to fly forward.

As the clan chiefs gave orders, the children under his command went to heal and rest one after another, leaving only some uninjured people on standby.

After the children of each family were settled, the patriarchs used their spiritual knowledge to transmit their voices and asked the patriarch Wanyan's next plan.

"Patriarch Wanyan~www.ltnovel.com~ what shall we do next?"

"If something like this has happened, don't you first report to the lord leader?"

"My lord really has the foresight! We knew that the other party was so sinister and vicious, we should listen to the lord's reminder and just take a detour."

"Hey... The Sword God is indeed the Sword God, I am completely convinced!"

"Although, I don't know how Sword God guessed that we are about to encounter a crisis.

But I feel that in the future we must obey the orders and decisions of the sword god. "

Hearing the feelings of several patriarchs, patriarch Wanyan sneered in his heart, but did not show it.

He said to everyone: "A few hours ago, this seat sent a message to the lord leader and reported the specific situation.

At that time, the leader did not give any instructions, so let us not take it lightly until we really get rid of the danger, and then contact him by calling..."

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