Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4141: 4-way army

When Ji Tianxing announced this ‘special task’, the principals of the ten forces were mentally prepared.

In their view, the ten forces forming a large army to persuade the surrender of the domain masters are a bit overkill.

With the character of the sword god, most of them will be divided into two teams and act separately to be more efficient.

Since it is a separate operation, two strong people will definitely be elected as the leader.

Judging from the Sword God's previous reaction, it is obvious that the impression of Duguzhan and Wanyan Patriarch is good, and most of them will appoint these two as commanders.

It turns out that everyone's guess is completely correct.

As expected, Ji Tianxing divided the ten powers into two teams and let the Dugu clan and Wanyan clan lead them.

Appointment is appointment, he just announces the decision.

Did not say a word at the end, what are your opinions?

Nonsense, he doesn't need the opinions of the other eight forces at all, as long as they execute their orders!

People from the Dugu clan and Wanyan clan were naturally full of joy and energetic upon hearing this appointment.

They hurriedly bowed and saluted, thanked Ji Tianxing, and vowed to complete the task.

People from the other eight powers are quite uncomfortable, and their expressions are a bit complicated.

They admitted that they would not lose to the Dugu and Wanyan clan, but because they hesitated, they were not as decisive as the Dugu and Wanyan clan, so they missed this opportunity.

As a result, they were a little unconvinced with the Dugu clan and Wanyan clan.

But the sword **** is present, of course they will not show it.

After assigning the task, Ji Tianxing took out a dozen jade slips and handed them to Duguzhan and Wanyan Patriarch.

Some of these jade slips are used for communication.

Among them are two jade slips, which contain a sample of the vow of return.

That is for them to persuade the surrender of various domain masters. After success, they must stare at the vows of surrender read by the domain masters.

Duguzhan and the Wanyan Patriarch happily accepted.

Ji Tianxing again told everyone: "Your ten families and sects are treated the same. After our great cause is completed, we will give a place.

However, this is only the basic treatment and conditions.

In the process of rescuing the people of Li people and fighting against the **** emperor and emperor of Shura, this seat will also give corresponding rewards and punishments based on everyone's performance.

I hope that you will be rewarded only when you work hard and complete your tasks.

If anyone violates the law, deliberately troubles, destroys and delays the plan of this seat...

If you threaten, I will disdain to say it, so you can do it for yourself. "

Everyone in the entire Haotian Continent had seen the strength, means, and city of the Sword God, and no one would doubt it.

Therefore, upon hearing Ji Tianxing's words, everyone's heart trembled and their faces solemnly nodded and said yes.

Ji Tianxing exhorted Duguzhan and Wanyan Patriarch again, and left Tianai Mountain.

Next, he took the Tushen battleship and led the army of the North Road to continue to conquer other regions.

The ten newly joined forces also quickly returned to their respective territories and began to deploy manpower to prepare for special tasks.

According to Ji Tianxing's instructions, they divided into two teams and rushed to the east and west to persuade the surrender of the domain masters.


Just a few days later, another important news began to circulate in the Haotian Continent.

There were eight more ancient clans and two top forces who took refuge in the rebel alliance and met the sword **** at the top of Tian'ai Mountain.

They read the oath of surrender in the presence of the sword god, which caused the world to change and got the testimony of heaven.

No one knew what the Sword God had specifically talked about with the top ten forces.

But this is absolutely true, and the result is very obvious.

After the ten powers left Tian'ai Mountain, they returned to their respective caves and began to tune in their elite masters.

It is said that...the rumor came out that the Sword God arranged a special task for the ten forces.

The powerhouses of the ten factions will be divided into two teams to carry out the orders of the sword god.

As for the specific content of the mission, no one knows yet.

But what is certain is that Sword God will definitely use those ten powers to speed up the progress of conquering all domains.

Facts have proved that it is so.

Twenty days later, the ten forces each mobilized 800 elites, assembled into two teams, and marched in both directions.

Both teams are four thousand people, most of them are masters of gods, of which there are only 50 masters of gods.

A team led by Du Gu Zhan rushed to the east of Haotian Continent.

The other team, led by the Wanyan patriarch, rushed to the west of the Haotian Continent.

In this way, the number and power of the rebel alliance has grown again, and they have a four-way army in the south, east, north and west!

This made the reputation of the Rebellious Alliance even greater, and the people of the Li people in the Haotian Continent placed greater expectations.

Countless people are eagerly looking forward to the good news from the rebellious alliance.

After another two days, news of rebelling against the alliance finally came out.

After learning this news, the people of the Li people in the Haotian Continent finally knew what task the Sword God had arranged for the ten forces.

The first victory came from the Eastern Army led by Dugu Zhan.

The army of the Eastern Road entered a certain domain and broke into the domain master's mansion vigorously to negotiate with the domain master.

The five forces headed by Duguzhan took turns to persuade the domain master, threatening and temptation, with a tough posture.

Under the siege of four thousand East Road troops, the domain master and the soldiers under his command had no choice but to succumb and read the oath of surrender in public.

After forcing the landlord to surrender, Duguzhan conveyed to him the decree of the leader of the sword god, ordering the landlord to abolish slavery as soon as possible and restore the freedom of the people of Li people.

Because of the oath, the domain master naturally couldn't defy the sword god's order, and could only act according to the order.

After the army of the East Road successfully conquered the area, it quickly rushed to the next area.

Immediately afterwards, there was good news about the West Road Army.

The West Road army led by the Wanyan patriarch also successfully conquered a certain domain.

The specific process is basically the same as the experience of fighting alone.

It is also the West Road army that is advancing vigorously, aggressively, with a tough posture, persuading the domain master to surrender.

The domain owner has only two choices ~www.ltnovel.com~ either to retreat or rise up to resist.

And if he resisted, he would be besieged by four thousand western troops.

These domain masters who remained in their respective territories and were not ordered to go to the Shura Shrine were selfish and intended to surrender.

Therefore, the domain owner chose to surrender without exception.

After successfully conquering the domain, the Wanyan patriarch read out the decree of the sword **** on his behalf, ordering the domain owner to execute and restore the freedom of the people of the Li people.

The matter ended smoothly, and the patriarch Wanyan led the West Road army to continue to the next area.

After the news spread, all forces and hundreds of millions of people were discussing it.

This newly-added east-west army seems to be no different from the original north-south army.

But in fact, there is a big difference between the two.

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