Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4140: Competing for performance

There is a resolute and resolute nature of fighting alone.

Ji Tianxing only observed him for half an hour before making this judgment.

After all, when this guy read the oath of surrender, even when faced with such a detailed and terrifying oath, he never stopped once.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Du Gu Zhan finished reciting the vow of return.

Then he returned to the team and handed the jade slip to the deputy chief.

Holding the jade slip, the deputy chief frowned obviously, and a hint of shame and resistance flashed in his eyes.

Before, he had only heard about how cumbersome, detailed and terrifying the Oath of Return made by the Sword God was.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he knew that the rumors were true.

But at this point, he could not repent and resist, he could only bite the bullet and read the vow of surrender.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing knew it well.

With the decisive character of Dugu fighting, the Dugu clan still waited and watched for a month or two before making the decision to surrender.

It is conceivable that the deputy patriarch, the law protector, and the elders must have intervened to some extent in the decision-making of the solitary war that caused this result.

The leaders, elders, and guardians of the other nine factions, after listening to the vows of surrender read by Du Gu Zhan, their faces were not very beautiful and very unnatural.

Had it not been for the presence of the Sword God, due to the strong strength and majesty of the Sword God, I am afraid that the powerful men of the nine forces would have long wanted to turn around and leave.

But this situation is clearly impossible.

So, after the deputy chief of Dugu finished the oath of surrender, the chief of the Wanyan clan took the jade slip proactively and began to read the oath of surrender.

What's interesting is that when the Wanyan clan leader took over the jade slip, there were also the suzerain and clan leader of the other two forces, who also wanted to take action at the same time.

But they were farther away from the deputy chief of Dugu, and the chief chief of Wanyan was closer.

Therefore, the head of Wanyan still grabbed the jade slip.

That's right, just grab it!

At the beginning, the various forces still had a wait-and-see attitude.

But the Dugu Patriarch opened his head, and everyone keenly observed that Ji Tianxing was very concerned about the Dugu War and looked carefully at it for a long time.

This detail made the hearts of many patriarchs and suzerains move, and immediately guessed a certain possibility.

Everyone is a smart person, so naturally I want to go together.

"Our ten forces will return together, and the sword **** is likely to form us into a large army to perform tasks.

Since it is a large army, there must be a leader to lead everyone.

The guy in Duguzhan looked upright, but actually thoughtful.

He is the first to stand up to support the Sword God, and is most easily favored by the Sword God, and is likely to become the leader of this team.

No... we must not let the Dugu Family steal the limelight, and we must also perform.

Even if you can't grab the position of the leader, you must leave a good impression on the sword god. "

It is with this kind of thought that the patriarchs and sect masters of several powers will shoot at the same time and want to take over the jade slip.

In the end, Patriarch Wanyan got ahead.

In fact, the situation was just as everyone expected, and Ji Tianxing also looked carefully and observed the Wanyan patriarch.

The heads of the clan and the sect masters are all human beings. Seeing this detail, they cried out in their hearts.

However, the opportunity has been missed, and it is useless to regret it.

Soon after the patriarch Wanyan finished the vow of return, it was the deputy patriarch's turn.

After the Yan clan's submission, the remaining clans and forces also took over the jade slips and took the oath of submission.

But this time, Ji Tianxing simply looked at the patriarchs and suzerains of the various forces without making detailed observations.

After two quarters of an hour, all ten powers returned, and the oath of heaven came into effect.

The divine light lingering on everyone, the Tao Yun appearing above their heads, and the thunder above the sky, all made them feel more pressured and in awe.

They had never seen it with their own eyes before, they just heard that the vow of surrender was terrible.

They always feel that the vows are witnessed by the Dao of Heaven, and that even the Dao of Heaven helps the Sword God is really alarmist and exaggerated.

But now, after experiencing it personally, they knew that the rumors were true, and they felt the horror of Tianwei.

When all ten forces had returned, Ji Tianxing put away the jade slips.

He looked around and said solemnly: "You have joined the rebellious alliance, so you must always remember the content of the covenant and set an example to implement it.

If anyone violates the covenant, don’t blame this seat for severe punishment! "

The patriarchs and suzerains of the ten factions nodded and said yes, indicating that they would obey orders and would never dared to disobey the sword god's will.

Ji Tianxing nodded in satisfaction and began to announce plans and tasks.

"Since you are already a member of the rebellious alliance, at this critical juncture of saving the lives of the people of Lebanon, of course, you must make a contribution and it is your duty.

This seat now announces that there is a special task for you to carry out. "

Hearing this, the powerhouses of the ten powers were a little surprised, but at the same time they were a little anticipating and nervous.

Surprisingly, they only joined the rebellious alliance, so Sword God trusted them and couldn't wait to arrange tasks for them?

What task will the sword **** let them perform?

It's really exciting.

Wouldn't they also form an army to attack all domains and deal with the army under the emperor's command?

Even more, use them as cannon fodder to die?

This is why everyone feels nervous.

Under the nervous gaze of everyone, Ji Tianxing said: "As we all know, since its establishment, the Rebellious Alliance has won many battles without losing any results.

Not only did the emperor who fights fall into the water, helpless, but also win the praise and support of the people all over the world.

And the domain masters of all regions of the Haotian Continent, after watching for a few months, also made choices one after another.

Only a part of the domain masters and forces chose to seek refuge in the emperor's teacher, stubborn.

And most of the domain owners and forces are either in a neutral and wait-and-see attitude, or they have the intention to surrender to the rebellious alliance.

The North and South armies of the League split their forces to conquer all areas, and the speed is already very fast.

But this is not efficient enough!

Therefore, we have decided that you, on behalf of the Rebellious Alliance ~www.ltnovel.com~, will send messages to all domains and persuade them to surrender. "

When I heard this, the **** kings and powerful men of the ten powers basically understood what Ji Tianxing meant.

It is nothing more than to let them represent the rebellious alliance to persuade the various domain masters to surrender.

Anyway, many domain owners are in a wait-and-see state, or have long intentionally surrendered to the rebellious alliance.

They only need to spread a word, and they will be able to accept it.

Of course, if any domain master couldn't figure it out and had to resist desperately, then they would have to fight hard.

All in all, this task still has certain risks.

At this time, I heard Ji Tianxing announce the result in a majestic tone, saying: "Dugu clan, Xiong clan, Li clan, Zuoqiu clan and Wan Nianzong are a team, led by the Dugu clan and led by Dugu Zong!

Wanyan clan, Ming clan... Qianjuntang is a team, led by Wanyan clan and led by Wanyan clan chief. "

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