Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4138: Never want to sit back and enjoy it

People in the entire Haotian Continent were discussing the destruction of the Zhu God Army.

While marveling at Sword God’s magical calculations, magical and powerful, everyone couldn’t help but wonder how the Emperor Master reacted?

The carefully planned strategy and the selected Zhu Shen Army not only failed to destroy the South Road Army, but the entire army was wiped out.

This not only lost the face of the emperor, but also lost many strong men, further weakening the power of the emperor.

Presumably, the emperor at this time must be furious, vomiting blood, right?

Not only the people of the world think so, but even the tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of **** kings and powerful men in the Dark Night Region have speculated like this.

The guards and maids in the Shura Shrine are extremely cautious these days, and they don't even dare to breathe, for fear of being touched.

But in fact, the emperor who stayed in the study with his eyes closed and his mind was not as angry as everyone had guessed, but he was calm and calm.

Nine days ago, when he first heard the news, he was indeed angry, roared, and cursed.

But he is the pinnacle **** king, and also an outstanding strategyist, best at controlling emotions, keeping calm and thinking.

In just a few short breaths of time, he recovered his calm and composure.

The annihilation of Zhu Shen's army certainly made him disappointed and angry.

But he knows that these emotions are useless. What he has to do is self-examination and reflection, as well as speculation on the next move to defeat the alliance, and then conceive a more perfect plan.

For nine consecutive days, he stayed in the study, repeatedly studying various maps, intelligence and clues.

He envisioned many plans and plans, but after careful deduction, he felt that they were not precise and perfect enough, so he never made up his mind to implement them.

There is no way, it is really hopeless to face a strong man like Sword God.

The invincible strength of the sword god, the deduction ability of the unexplored prophet, as well as the mysterious trail and speed of the journey made the emperor extremely jealous.

During these nine days, the emperor was really exhausted and worried.

In the end, he was forced to have no choice but to activate the altar array again and try to contact the God Emperor Shura by calling.

He reported the incident and the current situation to the God Emperor Shura.

And after the **** Emperor Shura pondered for a long time, he even gave a reply.

An answer that made the emperor dare not imagine, and even felt unbelievable!

When the emperor asked again and confirmed the answer, he almost cheered with excitement and excitement.

After the communication between the two parties was over, the emperor returned to the study, and he became full of energy and confidence.

All previous worries and anxieties were wiped out.

He returned to his former majesty and looked confident and mysterious.

The generals and guards under his command were curious, and asked him if there was any good news.

But the emperor kept silent, or smiled without saying a word, which seemed very mysterious.

Those generals and guards became more curious, but due to military regulations and laws, they didn't dare to speculate and talk, so they could only bury it in their hearts.


Ten days passed.

The Tushen battleship returned to the north of Yanxu Dongtian and merged with the army of the North Road.

Ji Tianxing spent five hundred days in retreat in Twisted Time and Space, refining 90 pieces of the godhead.

As he expected, after refining these godhead fragments, his strength doubled.

He also deprived him of eighty divine laws from these fragments of the godhead.

Today, the number of laws he has mastered has reached 1,380.

On the way to the next region, people from the three powers all entered the Battleship of God Tusk.

It was Bailong still controlling the battleship, and Ji Tianxing practiced for a while in the twisted time and space to stabilize the foundation of God's way.

On the twelfth day, the Tushen battleship entered the next area.

At this moment, a message of Jade Jane flew into the battleship.

Bai Long glanced at it and knew that it was a message sent by Nangong Buluo. After guessing that there was something important, he awakened Ji Tianxing by voice.

Ji Tianxing left the Jiutian Shijue Tower, appeared in the driver's cab, and picked up the jade slip.

Before reading the information in the jade slip, he guessed it.

After he read the information, his guess was immediately verified, and a playful smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Just as he expected, the message from Nangong Buluo reported one thing to him.

In the past few days, several top forces and ancient clans have expressed their intention of refuge and surrender, and sincerely request to join the rebel alliance.

"Hehe... these guys who have seen the wind do not care about their skin and dignity in order to preserve their power and foundation."

Ji Tianxing took the jade slip of the communication and murmured with a chuckle.

Bai Long also showed a teasing smile, and asked: "Master, did the news that you made an effort to destroy God's Jade Army spread throughout the Haotian Continent?

Those clowns couldn't sit still when they heard the news? "

Ji Tianxing nodded with a smile.

Bai Long curled his lips and commented: "Even if they know that they will be under the control of the rebellious alliance at this time, it is impossible to win the trust and respect of Master, but they still choose to take refuge.

That's because they saw that we are invincible and Master is invincible.

However, the emperor's division was unable to parry.

These clerks do not seek to make meritorious deeds, but to protect the world, but to keep their foundations, they can only quickly take refuge.

Alas... How can these guys who are unwilling to take risks and unwilling to invest in doing great things? "

He did not ask Ji Tianxing whether he would accept the refuge of those forces.

Because he knows that the answer is very clear, Master will definitely accept it.

For the big picture.

In order to control the Haotian Continent, completely overthrow the rule of God Emperor Shura.

But it is limited to acceptance.

Master can never trust and respect those forces, let alone give generous treatment.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Long asked the most critical question.

"Master, after you accept these forces and clans, you just let it go?

After you beheaded Meng Shuai before, didn't several forces also come to take refuge?

Are you not going to find something to do for these forces?

Can't let them do nothing~www.ltnovel.com~ and just sit back and enjoy their achievements, right? "

In Bailong's view, even these newly trusted forces would not receive any treatment or rewards.

However, they will be able to keep the foundation of the world in the future, which is the greatest benefit and preferential treatment when they invest in the rebellious alliance.

That's why he used the four words ‘sit back and enjoy it’.

Ji Tianxing glanced at Bai Long, then smiled and said, "You got the point in this sentence! That's right, the teacher had this idea for a long time, so let them do something.

It's just that there were only five powers that had taken refuge in the past, and it was difficult to become a powerful weapon.

Now that these five are added, there are ten forces, and it is indeed time to use them to do something. "

Bai Long's eyes suddenly brightened, and he asked expectantly: "Master, what task do you plan to arrange for them?"

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