Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4137: Sensation again

In fact, Bai Long's savvy has always been very high.

When he followed the Sword God, he learned a lot.

It is not only the experience and tricks of kendo and Shinto training, but also the person, strategy and so on.

But in this life, he found that the master has changed from the previous life.

The sword **** back then was cold and arrogant, very domineering, but not very proficient in strategy, and not good at guessing people's hearts.

In this life, Master has clearly corrected these shortcomings.

When he should be overbearing, he is never soft, and when he should use strategy, he is also absolutely unambiguous. The speculation and control of people's hearts are also very accurate.

Bailong also learned more under the subtle influence.

Just like this time, when he watched the whole process, he silently analyzed everyone's thoughts and goals.

When a quiet bystander is naturally able to see more clearly.

Ji Tianxing nodded, admiring Bai Long's analysis, and said, "That's right, you must be bold and resolute when you open up the frontiers and expand the land, cut the mess quickly, and control the overall situation as soon as possible.

If you stick to details and small things, it will definitely affect the pace and rhythm of the attack.

When guarding the territory and governing the world, one needs to be cautious, careful and careful about everything.

In terms of employment, we must try our best to follow this point.

Some people are only suitable for fighting on the battlefield, opening and closing, and making contributions.

And some people are more suitable to guard the territory and rule the world..."

Bai Long fully agreed with this, and kept it in his heart, and asked with a smile: "Master, from the observation of his disciples, Nangong should not be confused because it is insufficiently developed and suitable for people who govern the world."

"Exactly." Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement and said no more.

Afterwards, Bailong concentrated on driving the warship to the north, and Ji Tianxing returned to the twisted time and space of the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers to retreat and practice.

Before that, he still had more than forty pieces of the godhead that he hadn't finished refining. This time he got more than forty pieces of the godhead in the Secret Realm of Waves.

He estimated that after completing these ninety pieces of Godhead, his strength would be much stronger.

Back in the twisted time and space, Ji Tianxing meditated cross-legged under the blood flame **** tree, took out multiple pieces of the godhead, and quickly entered the cultivation state.


At the same time, news about the God-Slaying Army and Bolan Secret Realm began to spread.

The source of the news has two parts, one part is the leaked news from the people under the command of the wavelan domain master.

The other part is the news that She Mi Dongtian’s intelligence forces deliberately released under the command of the rebellious alliance.

The reason for releasing this news is to strengthen the reputation of the Rebellion Alliance, so that the people of the entire Vast Sky Continent know that the Rebellion Alliance is invincible.

And the **** of swords is haunting and omnipresent.

In addition, it was also for the purpose of severely hitting the morale of the first division of the emperor, so that the rebellious alliance overwhelmed the first division of the emperor.

Since the beginning of the creation of the Alliance of Rebellion, Ji Tianxing has laid down these plans and plans.

She Mi Dongtian is responsible for detecting intelligence and news, and planning propaganda and public opinion offensives.

The contest between the rebellious alliance and the emperor's division is far more than just fighting and fighting, and of course it also includes the battle of public opinion.

It is precisely because of She Mi Dongtian's proper planning that the rebellious alliance won the reputation of saving the world and won the love and support of hundreds of millions of people.

After the news spread, within a short day, it spread to all parts of the Haotian Continent.

Two days later, almost all the top forces, empires and **** king powerhouses in all regions received this news.

The people of the world knew that the emperor, who seemed to be standing still and guarding the Dark Night Region, secretly sent an elite Zhu Divine Army to the Wave Region to destroy the South Road Army.

Originally, the emperor's plan had been successful.

The Zhu Shen Army successfully ambushed thousands of South Road troops in the Secret Realm, and the two sides launched a fierce fight.

However, the emperor underestimated the strength of the South Road Army.

The Zhu Shen Army took the initiative, but failed to destroy the South Road Army, and it was still in a dilemma.

Immediately afterwards, the most unlikely person-Sword God, suddenly appeared in the Secret Realm of Waves, like a **** descending from the sky.

The Sword God overwhelmed thousands of Zhu Shen's army with his gestures.

Afterwards, the South Road Army completely wiped out the Zhu Shen Army and conquered the wave of waves.

Such ups and downs and ups and downs made all people who heard the news feel extremely shocked and excited!

The people of the Vast Sky Continent hadn't heard of such a thrilling war in thousands of years.

In this wonderful battle, the protagonist is the sword **** and the emperor, which is even more exciting.

For a time, all regions and empires of the Haotian Continent, hundreds of billions of people in the country, were all discussing this matter.

In the streets and alleys, groups of people can be seen everywhere, describing the process of the war with eloquence, and others will cheer excitedly.

For the next ten days, this incident was repeatedly transmitted and spread, and gradually became well known.

Although the vast majority of the people had never seen the Sword God, nor did they know the Zhu God Army.

But this does not prevent them from worshiping the Sword God, cheering for the rebellious alliance, and applauding the destruction of the God Slayer Army.

People in more regions are looking forward to the arrival of the rebellious alliance as soon as possible, to conquer their region and restore their freedom.

Although they cannot use practical actions to support the rebellious alliance and the sword god.

But they can use their faith to support and encourage rebellious alliances!

When the people heard the news, they responded with joy and eagerly awaited it.

But the domain masters of various domains, the helms of the top forces, and those ancient clans who are waiting and watching, are in a different mood.

While they were shocked and unbelievable, they were also deeply afraid and worried.

Judging from the current situation, the rebellious alliance is invincible, the momentum has been established, and it has extremely high prestige and popular support among the people.

However, the first division of the Emperor Division suffered a series of disastrous defeats and also lost several top powerhouses. The situation is not optimistic, and the situation is becoming more and more urgent.

Many domain owners are considering, should they make a choice?

Many top forces and ancient clans ~www.ltnovel.com~ have also begun to hesitate and weigh, should they continue to maintain a wait-and-see attitude, or vote for a rebellious alliance?

Judging from the current situation, the rebellious alliance under the command and leadership of the Sword God is already devastating, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and the emperor's master has no power to resist.

I am afraid that in less than a year, the Sword God will be able to sweep the entire Haotian Continent and encircle the Dark Night Region.

Although everyone understands that to take refuge in the Sword God at this time is not a gift in the snow, at best it is an icing on the cake.

Not only did he fail to gain the trust and respect of the Sword God, but he did not even gain much benefit.

But the most important point is to at least be able to stand on the team and keep one's power and foundation!

If you don't join the rebellious alliance, what should the sword **** do to dominate the Vast Sky Continent in the future and come to liquidate them?

At that time, they had no choice but to give up their foundation and escape from the Haotian Continent!

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