Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4130: He is really omnipotent

The patriarchs of the various ancient clans, as well as the great guardian and second guardian of the God-Slaying Army, are all lucid minds.

In fact, everyone has a clear understanding of the current situation.

It is true that the South Road Army has an advantage, but the Zhu Shen Army's idea of ​​dying together can also cause heavy damage to the South Road Army.

If the two sides smashed to the end, the final result is very likely to be...All the Zhu God Army will be destroyed, and the South Road Army will only survive more than 1,000 people.

In that case, the six ancient clans, each with only two or three hundred people alive, would have suffered unprecedented losses.

The name of the South Road Army, I am afraid, will exist in name only.

This is the result that the six patriarchs do not want to see.

But no matter how the five patriarchs ridiculed Zhu Shenjun and attacked the morale of the other party, it was impossible for Zhu Shenjun to be depressed, and it was impossible to surrender on the spot!

Therefore, the South Road Army must make a choice as soon as possible.

Is it to fight to the end with the Zhu God Army, fighting for the cost of tragic casualties, and to wipe out all the Zhu God Army?

Or take advantage of the situation to exit the Secret Realm and make plans after resting?

The reason why the Southern Route Army made the choice, not the Zhu Shen Army, was because they had the initiative.

The atmosphere on the battlefield immediately eased, and even the air became much quieter.

The patriarchs of the five clans began to discuss with voice transmission, what choice to make.

"Everyone, there are only two paths before us.

Either fight to the end and destroy the God-Paled Army in one go.

Either follow the previous plan, everyone exits the Secret Realm, and then make plans. "

"Anyway, the main mansion of Waveland has been destroyed, and there is no teleportation array to the outside world.

The Zhu God Army stayed in the waves of secret realm, we only need to block the secret realm exit, we can intercept them. "

"It must be a great achievement to kill the God-Slaying Army in one go, but we will suffer tragic deaths, and it is estimated that there will only be more than a thousand people left.

In that case, the army of the South Road will survive in name only. Can we withstand the consumption? "

"In contrast, the old man also feels that it is more reliable to withdraw from the Secret Realm and make other plans."

"In other words, let's ask Nangong's advice.

After all, he was the nominal deputy leader, and the loss of the Nangong clan was so tragic. "

"That... nothing, you can ask him."

When several patriarchs were discussing, some people asked Nangong not to be confused, which made everyone quite awkward.

But after the previous events, everyone's prejudice against Nangong was also reduced a lot.

Therefore, several patriarchs also acquiesced.

Jiang Chuyun, the patriarch of the Jiang clan, on behalf of several patriarchs, spoke to Nangong Buzhuan and asked his opinions.

Nangong Buluo's injury was very serious, and she was silently adjusting her breath to suppress the internal organs' injuries.

Hearing Jiang Chuyun's question, he replied without hesitation: "If this is such an important decision, if this is such an important decision, I am afraid it will upset the military's mind.

It's better to ask everyone to wait for a while, after this seat informs the leader of the situation, please the leader to make a decision. "

Obviously, Nangong knew that the five patriarchs might not listen to him, so he stopped making orders and gave this multiple-choice question to Ji Tianxing.

No matter what decision Ji Tianxing makes, everyone has nothing to say, and everyone will obey.

This is undoubtedly the best way.

Jiang Chuyun was taken aback, but he didn't expect that Nangong would deal with it this way.

But when he recovered, he nodded to express his understanding.

Nangong took out a jade slip of transmission, and began to enter the message in it, preparing to report to Ji Tianxing.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone.

In the sky south of the battlefield, a bright white glare lit up in the direction of the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

There is a thousand-meter-long, mighty and mighty divine ship, piercing the sky like a flash of lightning and coming straight to the battlefield.

The speed of that battleship was incredible, and it did not hide its divine light and unparalleled mighty breath.

Thousands of people on the battlefield were alarmed, turning their heads to look at the entrance, their eyes locked on the divine ship.

Even Nangong, who sent the call, was not confused, but subconsciously looked up at the sky and suspended sending the call.

After just two breaths, the majestic battleship crossed eighty thousand miles of the sky and came to the battlefield.


The mighty and majestic battleship stopped in the high sky, quickly converging its dazzling light and powerful divine power.

Countless people raised their hearts, staring at the divine ship intently, and the same questions popped up in their minds.

"Which strong man's ship is this? How come you forcibly break into the Secret Realm at this time? Is it the other side's strong support?"

On the side of the Zhu God Army, the Great Guardian and the Second Guardian are sure that the emperor is very confident in them and will never send strong people to strengthen them.

Therefore, this battleship that appeared suddenly is likely to be a reinforcement for the rebellious alliance!

The six clans of the South Road Army also had the same questions and concerns.

They all knew that apart from the leader of the sword god, no one would help them.

But at this time, the leader was hundreds of millions of miles away, even if he knew that they were ambushing in the Secret Realm, he couldn't make it.

Therefore, this battleship that appeared out of thin air is mostly the reinforcements of the Zhu God Army, the powerful sent by the emperor!

In an instant, both sides on the battlefield became tense, contracted their formations and assumed a defensive posture.

At this moment, under the gaze of thousands of people, the battleship was put away.

A handsome white figure of Shenwu appeared above the sky, standing in the sky, overlooking the entire battlefield.

There is also a handsome and charming white-haired young man in silver armor standing behind him like an attendant.

Everyone's eyes ignored the white-haired young man, all gathered on the white robe figure.

When everyone saw his appearance, all their complexions changed drastically, showing shocked and unbelievable expressions.

Even more than a thousand people couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Gosh! It turned out to be him!!"

"How could it be him? I don't believe it!"

"Isn't he in the north? How could he appear here?"

"I don't believe it, it must be an illusion!"

"Who must be pretending to be him!"

"My god, it turned out to be the leader!!"

"Gosh~www.ltnovel.com~ isn't the leader in the north? How come it seems to have fallen from the sky?"

"It's been ambushing from us, it's only an hour now, how did the leader come here?"

"Hahaha... I have already said that Lord Sword God is omnipotent!

He must have mastered some kind of ultimate supernatural power, can instantly cross a domain, shuttle in the **** realm at will! "

"Although you have made this conjecture on the premise, we all find it absurd and nonsense.

But now, I am afraid you guessed it right! "

"Awesome, my lord, this is incredible, it's a miracle!"

"Within an hour, across seven or eight domains, appearing next to us out of thin air... the storytellers in the teahouse dare not make up like this, right?"

"Leader is our patron saint! He is really omnipotent!"

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