Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4129: The situation reversed

The two guardians and the 2,200 Zhu Shen army were very anxious at this time.

With the assistance of the Great Seal Array before, they could also suppress the children of the five clans.

Now that there is no seal of the big formation, just relying on their 2,200 people, wanting to deal with the 4,200 people of the five clans, it is really difficult.

The number of **** kings is two thousand less than the opponent, and the number of **** kings is more than fifty less than the opponent.

Think with your toes and know that if you try hard, the Second Protector and the Zhu Shen Army will definitely be defeated, and even the entire army will be wiped out.

Therefore, when the children of the five clans catch up, the strategy implemented by the second protector is to fight and wander, fighting and retreating.

Never fight recklessly with the other party, let alone make unnecessary consumption.

What he has to do is to save his strength as much as possible, delay the time, and wait for the great protector to resolve the Nangong clan before reuniting with him.

The great guardian has the same idea.

But it's a pity that the patriarchs and elders of the five clans all guessed the mind of the second protector.

They didn't give the second protector a chance to delay time.

The more the Second Protector retreats, the more fierce they culled, and the more fierce fighting power they burst out.

Before being constrained by the seal formation, the strength of the five children was compromised.

Now that the shackles are lost, everyone can do their best.

One can imagine how tyrannical the power burst out.


"What kind of **** punishes the army, without conspiracy and tricks, it's just a bunch of chickens!"

"Brothers, kill them all and avenge the dead brothers!"

"Slay the enemy and raise my might!"

The children of the five clans roared, roared, and rushed in desperately.

Above the battlefield, a dazzling divine light was lit up again, and there was an earth-shaking fight, and there was a loud and deafening noise.

Soldiers on both sides have been injured continuously, and they have been bombarded and killed in the chaos, with no bones left.

However, the situation was reversed at this time. The children of the five clans suffered relatively light casualties, while the Second Guardian and the Zhu Shenjun under his command suffered heavy casualties.

After all, the five clans have more children and occupy an absolute advantage.

Tens of thousands of miles away, the Great Protector saw the Second Protector and the Zhu Shenjun being pursued and killed, fighting and retreating. He frowned and his face was very embarrassed.

Although he had expected this result a long time ago, he did not expect this scene to come so quickly.

The Nangong clan is still resisting desperately, and he can't get out to help the second protector and others.

At the same time, Nangong Buhuo, who had long been scarred and miserable, also saw the five clans fight back.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and felt more confident in their hearts.

After all, the children of the five clans managed to get out of trouble, and while countering the Second Guardian and Zhu Shenjun, they were still approaching the Nangong clan.

Looking at their posture, they knew that they were coming to reinforce the Nangong clan.

This made Nangong feel a little comforted, and the disappointment of the five clans was also reduced a lot.


Unconsciously, three quarters of an hour passed.

The battle in the field is about to come to an end.

The Second Protector took the Zhu Shenjun under his command, far away from the previous battlefield, and finally reunited with the Great Protector and others.

But at this time, the second protector had already suffered serious injuries, and his body was dripping with blood.

The 2,200 God-Slaying Army under his command had also been beheaded more than half, leaving only a thousand and dozens of them.

In contrast, there are still more than 3,800 children from the five clans, and the wounded are relatively minor.

On this battlefield, naturally the five clans won, and the Second Guardian and Zhu Shen Army defeated miserably.

However, the battle between Da Hu Fa and the Nangong clan was opposite.

The great guardian received only a slight injury, and only three of his **** kings fell. The 15 surviving people were not seriously injured.

Nangong was not confused but was seriously injured. Nangong Nihuang, several elders, and many deacons were all seriously injured. Six other gods fell in the **** battle.

There were more than 500 people killed in battle and more than 600 wounded among the 1,800 soldiers of the God-Junker under the Great Guardian.

More than 1,200 children of the Nangong clan were killed, but more than 700 people were killed, and more than 500 people who survived were also severely injured.

Originally, the Nangong clan had reached the end of the force.

If the fight continues for another two quarters of an hour, the Nangong clan will be defeated and quickly perished.

However, the second guardian and the defeated general joined the great guardian.

More than 3,800 people from the five clans also joined the Nangong clan.

The two battles have become one.

This is of course beneficial to the Second Guardian and the Zhu Shenjun under his command.

But for the Nangong clan, it is even more advantageous.

At least, the Nangong clan got a respite and escaped danger.

The six clans temporarily abandoned their prejudices and joined forces to surround the Great Protector, the Second Protector, and the Zhu Shen Army.

There are 4,400 people left in the South Road Army, but only 2,300 people remain in the Zhu Shen Army.

The initiative returned to the hands of the South Road Army, and the Zhu Shen Army became passive.

Such a subversive result was unexpected to everyone.

The children of the five clans just surrounded the Zhu God Army and were not in a hurry to do anything.

The two sides confronted each other in the sky, and both took the opportunity to adjust their interest rate and deal with the injury.

The **** kings and powerhouses of the five clans all showed triumphant sneers, and ridiculed the great guardian and the second guardian.

"Hehe, this is the so-called Zhu God Army? The secret weapon that the emperor has carefully planned for so long? It really makes people laugh!"

"Two guardians, you arrived here early and set up a trap and ambush!

Why is this only means? What a disappointment! "

"We thought how earth-shattering the Emperor Master's move would be. I didn't expect it to be like a family!"

"If you only have this capability, then I am afraid that your entire army will be wiped out today."

Facing the ridicule of many powerful people, the Great Protector and the Second Protector were full of anger, but they were also extremely aggrieved.

I want to rebut, but I can't talk about it.

After all, what the other party said was the truth.

They seized the opportunity and set up traps and ambushes in advance.

But they didn't expect it to end up like this!

Before the start of the war, they flaunted their might, and the South Road army panicked.

But now, the South Road army is rebelling against the offenders, and the victory is in hand, but they are trapped in a heavy siege and it is difficult to fly.

This is too slapped!

The guardian's face was gloomy ~www.ltnovel.com~ so angry that he couldn't speak, and the regret in his heart was even worse.

The second protector couldn't restrain his anger, and roared with a stern face: "You rebels, don't be crazy!

The battle is not over yet, it is still unknown who will die!

Relying on you remnants of defeated generals and native chickens, it is absolutely impossible to be our opponent! "

The words of the second protector are a bit exaggerated.

But one thing is correct.

The war is not over yet, and the outcome is indeed unknown.

Even if the South Road Army had an obvious advantage, it would still be difficult to destroy the Zhu Shen Army, and it would have to pay a heavy price.

The patriarchs of the five clans actually wanted to take the opportunity to disrupt the military spirit of the Zhu God Army, and it would be best for the other party to defeat itself.

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