Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4113: Absolutely

   When they heard movement outside the study, and sensed the fluctuation of divine power, the Changshan Domain Master and others were awakened.

   Several people changed their faces at the same time, and they held them in their hands without hesitation, and let out a roar.


   As soon as their roar sounded, they sensed an invisible majestic power and sealed off the entire palace.

   Then, they heard the muffled sound of four guards falling to the ground.

   Several **** kings are experienced people, and they immediately realized that a powerful enemy was coming.

   They spread out, occupying every corner of the study, staring at the door guardedly.

   No one took the initiative to open the study door to avoid being attacked by powerful enemies.

   They all stared at the door of the study, secretly accumulating their life's supernatural power, ready to explode a thunderous blow.

   After just two breaths, the door of the study was pushed open.

   A white figure appeared at the door and stepped into the study indifferently.

   The eyes of the Changshan Domain Lord and others immediately gathered on the white-robed young man.

   When everyone saw his appearance clearly, they sensed his divine aura and coercion, and their complexions suddenly changed, showing an expression of incomparable shock and horror.

   Although they have never seen the sword **** with their own eyes, when they saw the white robe youth, they knew that this man was the sword god!

   Just now they were still discussing how to deal with the upcoming attack of the rebel alliance, and how to face the sword **** and negotiate with the sword god.

   Unexpectedly, before they had discussed any results, the Sword God came to the door.

   came so quickly, so suddenly, it was caught off guard!

   For a while, the domain master of Changshan and others were stunned, staring blankly at the sword **** entering the study room, without making any sound or making any movements.

   Until the Sword God walked to the large desk and sat down on his own, the Changshan Domain Lord and others recovered.

   They looked at each other, and they all saw the panic and tension in each other's eyes, as well as deep anxiety.

   Ji Tianxing sat with a golden sword, his eyes lightly glanced at the people, and finally landed on the Changshan Domain Lord.

   "Why, don't you plan to say hello to this seat?"

   This is unreasonable.

   It was Ming Ming that he broke into the mansion of the Changshan Domain Lord late at night, uninvited, and broke into the study of others.

   He didn't greet the other party, but instead let the other party greet him.

   deceive people too much!

   But who is he?

  He is a sword god!

   Changshan Domain Lord and others didn't think anything was wrong, let alone be angry about it.

   mainly not dare.

   "Cough cough...this seat...no, in the lower Changshan domain, pay respect to Lord Sword God!"

   Changshan domain master quickly calmed down, tried his best to stay calm, bowed and saluted in a neat manner.

   The deputy domain master, three **** generals, and a superintendent also recovered, and quickly learned from the Changshan domain master, bowing and saluting Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly to express his satisfaction, and did not talk nonsense with them, he directly took out a piece of jade slip and threw it in front of the Changshan domain master.

   "Since you are already discussing the matter of surrender, let's make a decision now.

   Give you ten breaths, and when you think about it, take the vow of surrender.

   If you didn’t think about it, you don’t have to think about it again. "

   Hearing these last words, Changshan Domain Master and others were shocked, and there was a fright in their eyes.

   Although the Sword God said it was light, there was no murderous aura.

   But everyone had a cold back and felt panic and powerless from the bottom of their hearts.

  Because they know that the attitude of the sword **** is so indifferent, because the sword **** has never regarded them as opponents.

  Everyone is in the same study room, and the sword **** wants to kill them, but it's just a matter of time and effort.

   So, they only have two choices.

   either surrender or die.

   Changshan Domain Lord and others have never been impassioned and sacrificed passionate men.

  On the contrary, old foxes like them, who have lived for more than 10,000 years, cherish their lives more than anyone else.

   The two choices that Ji Tianxing offered, in fact, in their opinion, there is no choice, and they have already had the answer.

   That is naturally to save your life, choose to surrender!

   However, the domain master of Changshan frowned for a while, and then plucked up the courage to ask: "Master Sword God, you are brave enough to rise up for the people of the Vast Sky Continent. We admire it very much.

   But after all, Xia is a courtier of the God Emperor Shura. If you don't give a suitable price, it will be difficult for Xia to return like this..."

   Ji Tianxing was a little surprised, and he didn't expect Changshan Domain Lord to be so bold, so thick-skinned, and speak so directly.

   Before the Changshan Domain Lord finished speaking, he showed a sneer, and said in a calm tone: "Price? If you return, you will save your life, and you will still be the Changshan Domain Master.

If    does not fall, he will die immediately.

   is appropriate enough? "

   As his voice fell, there was still an invisible murderous aura that filled the study.

   Suddenly, the Changshan domain master and the deputy domain master, three gods, and a superintendent all shuddered, and there was a look of horror in their eyes.

   At this moment, they even felt the breath of death coming.

   They have long known that the sword **** is very powerful, but it is the first time they have realized that a **** king can be so powerful that they can't even give birth to resistance.

  They have no doubt that as long as the sword **** starts a trouble, they will not even have the opportunity to call for help or escape, and they will be killed instantly!

   Since the strength gap between the two sides is so great, what qualifications do they have to bargain with the sword god?

   Thinking of this, the Changshan domain master stopped talking nonsense, and quickly took the jade slip with both hands, and began to read the vow of surrender inside.

   A total of thousands of words of the vow of surrender, the Changshan domain master was taken aback.

   After he finished the first vow, his expression changed drastically, and his eyes were filled with disbelief and humiliation.

   The deputy domain master, the three gods and the superintendent also felt that the situation was not right, and they all wanted to see the contents of the jade slip ~www.ltnovel.com~ to see what the oath of resignation was.

   Ji Tianxing stared at the domain master of Changshan with cold eyes, and an invisible pressure enveloped him.

   The Changshan Territory Lord had a hard time riding a tiger. After swallowing several saliva, he could only bite the bullet and read on.

   The result is conceivable. As one vow after another came out, his expression became more and more ugly, and his whole body was sweating like rain.

   The deputy domain master, the three gods and the governor were also shocked and aggrieved, and their hearts were full of unwillingness.

  In the end, when the Changshan Domain Lord finished reading the vow of return, his heart was ashamed and desperate.

   His whole body was lit up with colorful lights, and a ray of rhyme appeared above his head. Deep in the sky above the study, there were also thunderous waves.

   The oath of the Heavenly Dao has been fulfilled, and the Changshan Domain Lord also sensed the mighty and mighty Tianwei, and formed an invisible connection with him.

   Enlightenment appeared in his heart, and those vows were witnessed by heaven.

   If he dares to break any oath, he will be condemned by God!

  In other words, the Sword God does not need to monitor him at all, and he does not need to pay attention to him. He must maintain his loyalty to the Sword God due to the supervision and deterrence of Heaven!

   As a result, Changshan Territory Lord has only one thought in his mind.

   is too vicious, too extreme!


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