Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4112: People who shouldn't show up

   Up to now, the Allied Forces have been divided into three operations, and they have all been very smooth.

  The main reason is that the several domains they attacked are all around Yanxu Dongtian.

   These domain masters had long expected that the Rebel Alliance would take them first.

   Therefore, as long as ten days and a half ago, they had called the emperor for help.

   But it is a pity that the emperor is too busy to take care of himself, is busy dispatching troops and generals to carry out his plan, how can there be extra manpower to help each domain?

   The domain masters of all domains saw that the emperor did not help, so they had the idea of ​​not having to be loyal to the emperor and the **** emperor Shura.

   Anyway, you don't care about our life or death, then I surrendered and rebelled, and you have nothing to complain about.

   With this mindset, when those who rebel against the alliance came to the door, they simply surrendered.

   Ji Tianxing encouraged Nangong Buzhu and others to continue to act according to the original plan, and remember not to be indifferent.

   Nangong sent back a subpoena without confusion, saying that he would proceed with caution and is currently rushing to the next domain.


   One day later, Ji Tianxing first arrived in the Changshan domain.

  The Feng, Yuchi and Bailian Guzong people have not yet entered the Changshan region.

   Even if they arrived at the fastest speed, it would take a day and a half before they could rendezvous with Ji Tianxing.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing decisively went to the cave house of the Changshan Domain Lord alone, to force the Changshan Domain Lord to surrender.

   He sent a message to the Feng Clan, the Yuchi Clan, and the Ancient Bailian Sect, saying that he had already subdued the Jiuhe Domain Lord, so that they did not have to rush to the Changshan Domain, and went directly to the next region.

   The head of Shenfeng and the others were shocked and unbelievable when they received the call.

   A few days ago, Ji Tianxing was still killing Qi Yan in the north, but yesterday Ji Tianxing surrendered the Jiuhe domain master.

   Now, before they rushed to the Changshan domain, Ji Tianxing arrived in the Changshan domain.

   Not to mention that Ji Tianxing is alone, he is sure to subdue the Changshan domain master, and his unparalleled speed is also jaw-dropping.

   The **** kings and disciples of the three powers are all convinced of Ji Tianxing and become more and more in awe.

   Regarding Ji Tianxing's order, they did not dare to neglect the slightest, and quickly changed their direction to the next area.

   Although they only have three divine ships, more than 3,000 soldiers.

   But with the previous experience, coupled with the power of rebelling against the alliance and the sword god, they are fearless.

   This time, they all tried their best to rush to the next domain as fast as possible and to subdue the domain owner.

   They also want to impress the Sword God and recognize their efficiency.

   Similarly, Nangong Buluo and others who are marching on the other side also have the same thoughts.

   Ji Tianxing did not think so much.

   He stayed in the twisted time and space to meditate and adjust his breath, warming up the foundation of the divine way, and continuing to refine the divine character fragments of the strong divine kings.

   There were more than forty pieces of the gods that were not refined last time, and when Qi Yan was intercepted afterwards, another 40 pieces of the gods were obtained.

   It is estimated that for a long time, he will be busy refining those godhead fragments.

  The speed of the Tushen warship is super fast. It takes two days for the King-class high-grade warship to arrive. It arrived in less than a day.

   One day later, the Tushen battleship arrived in the Changshan region and found the residence of the Changshan region lord.

   It is a group of palaces suspended in a sea of ​​clouds, protected by many divine formations, as well as a large number of elite guards, and many strong divine kings.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing was in retreat in the twisted time and space for fifty days, and then refined ten pieces of the godhead.

  Although there are still more than 70 pieces of Godhead that have not been refined, he can only put it aside and solve the Changshan Domain Lord first.

   The night is dark, with sparse stars in the night sky.

   On the top of the white sea of ​​clouds, the majestic palaces, shimmering with golden light in the middle of the night, looked very dazzling.

   Still tens of thousands of miles away, Ji Tianxing put away the Battleship Tushen.

   He walked across the sea of ​​clouds alone, and approached the palace group silently.

   He concealed his whereabouts and breath, even when he came to the square outside the palace, the guards patrolling around did not find him.

   Probably the Changshan domain master, like the other domain masters, had long expected that the Rebel Alliance would attack him.

   Therefore, the defenses of this palace group appear to be very tight, and even the number of patrol guards is more than usual.

   The defensive arrays throughout the palace group are also in an open state, which can be regarded as fully guarded.

   But these did not pose a threat to Ji Tianxing, nor could it prevent him from sneaking into the palace.

  He first releases his spiritual knowledge, displays magical powers and secret skills, and investigates the situation in the palace group.

   After about a hundred breaths of time, he had enough understanding of the situation in the palace complex.

   There are more than 15,000 people living in this palace complex, of which more than 4,000 masters in the Divine Sovereign Realm, most of them are guards.

   There are more than a dozen strong **** kings, of which there is only one **** king in the sixth stage.

   Ji Tianxing locked the breath of the six-layer realm **** king, carefully compared the information of the Changshan domain master, and confirmed that the person was the Changshan domain master.

Before    came, he was worried, fearing that the Lord of Changshan would be confused, and ran away timidly.

   In that case, he still has some trouble trying to conquer the Changshan domain.

   Fortunately, the domain master of Changshan did not do such a stupid thing, and it also saved Ji Tianxing a lot of time and thought.

   He remained invisible, and quietly passed through several large defensive formations and touched into the palace group.

   successfully avoided numerous patrolling guards along the way, as well as more than a dozen hidden guards, he went straight to the depths of the palace.

   In the middle of the palace complex, the most majestic palace was originally the residence of the Lord of Changshan and the main hall for daily discussions.

   But the Changshan domain master was very careful, and he didn't even live there, hiding in the depths of the palace complex, in a humble palace.

   At this time, the domain master of Changshan was in the study, discussing with several confidant generals.

  He has five confidantes. In addition to the sub-domain master, there are three gods and a superintendent~www.ltnovel.com~. I don’t know what everyone is talking about in a low voice. Everyone's expressions are very solemn.

   The dim light in the study was reflected on the face of the domain master of Changshan, making him frown and thinking, making him feel more tired.

   Maybe it was discussing some important issue, and several people were silent, looking helpless and depressed.

   At this moment, Ji Tianxing, like a transparent ghost, passed through the barriers and the guards and guards, and arrived outside the study.

   He stopped and listened for a moment, and seeing that there was no movement in the study, he knew that the Changshan Domain Master and others had not made up their minds yet.

   But he didn't want to delay time, so he raised his hand and shot a few magic lights.


  In a short time, the four immobile guards who were like stone carvings ten steps away were all stunned by the divine light.

   Their bodies fell slowly, about to fall to the ground, making noises.

   But before they fell down, Ji Tianxing waved his hand with majestic supernatural power, forming a mask with a radius of 100 feet, covering the entire palace.

   Even if the four guards fell on the ground and made a muffled sound of ‘puff puff puff’, they would not alarm anyone outside the mask.

   It was the Changshan Domain Master and others in the study, and they were immediately alarmed.


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