Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4108: Junjie

   Qingfeng Domain Master is so intriguing, it makes the three principals a little confused.

   They glanced at each other and thought a little bit before they understood the mind of Qingfeng Domain Master.

   Obviously, the Master of Qingfeng Domain has long known that he will be attacked by the Rebellious Alliance.

   As the first domain master to be attacked by the rebel alliance, if he rises up to resist, he will definitely end badly.

   In order to slaughter the rebellious alliance, most of them will behead him to show the public, in order to deter other domain owners.

   But his forces are weak, and he is not qualified to fight against the rebel alliance.

  Emperor Master is now unable to protect himself, and it is impossible to send strong men and troops to reinforce him.

   In this case, if he doesn't want to die, he can only surrender to the sword god.

   But the spineless direct surrender will not only get no benefit, but will be laughed at by the people of the Li people.

   So, the master of Qingfengyu put on a welcoming posture, and wanted to sit down and negotiate with the sword god.

  Who knows, the Sword God didn't come, only three forces came.

  Furthermore, these three principals represent the sword **** and the rebellious alliance, and their attitude is extremely tough.

   Qingfeng Domain Master’s abacus failed, and he could not turn his face with the rebellious alliance, so he could only pinch his nose and admit defeat.

   Even if the scene of admitting defeat is not glorious, it will damage his reputation in the future, and he will not care.

   There are not many people in the hall anyway, and not many people know about it.

   But after he really started to pronounce the vow of surrender, he could no longer maintain his calm and grace.

  The surrender oath of nearly a thousand words is basically swearing to heaven, making various oaths, and restricting and restraining oneself.

   basically means surrender to the rebellious alliance, surrender to the sword god, and have no two hearts, never rebel, and take the sword god’s will as the highest command...

   If you give birth to an alien heart, violate the yang, betray the sword god, or deliberately damage the interests of the rebellious alliance, you will be condemned by heaven.

   The Master of Qingfeng Domain became more frightened as he read, and felt more despair and regret.

   Knowing long ago that he wanted to take such a harsh vow of surrender, he should take the risk, argue with reason, and demand all the benefits and conditions from the rebellious alliance.

   It's fine now, his vows of surrender have been read halfway, and it's really hard to beat.

   If you give up reading the oath of surrender now, not to mention that you have violated the first provision of the oath, you will be condemned by God.

   Even if he escaped the Scourge by luck, the principals of the three forces would never agree!

   It's really going to fall out, and he is the one who suffers in the end.

   Thinking of this, the unwillingness in Qingfengyu's heart disappeared.

   He has finished reciting the vow of return honestly, his whole body is shining, and there is a ray of rhyme above his head.

   In the depths of the sky above the palace, there was also a sky full of thunder, and there were loud noises of the sky.

   Obviously, Tiandao has sensed his oath.

   Such a vision of heaven and earth proves that the oath of heaven is established.

  From now on, the Lord of Qingfeng Domain has officially submitted to the Sword God, and there must be no disobedience.

   Otherwise, there is no need for the sword **** and the rebellious alliance to act, and the heaven will first punish.

   Although there have been many strong people who have been forced by Ji Tianxing to take the oath of heaven, no one has been condemned by heaven.

   But Ji Tianxing does not think that the oath of heaven is invalid.

   Those strong men who have taken the oath of heaven never dare to take their own lives to test the truth of the oath.

  Similarly, the Master of Qingfeng Domain was also very afraid when he saw the divine light all over his body and the Taoist rhyme above his head, and heard the thunder of the sky deep in the sky.

   He can clearly feel that the mighty and terrifying Tianwei, he dare not have the slightest chance in his heart.

   After the heaven and earth vision was over, he returned the jade slip to the patriarch of Shenfeng.

   The patriarch of Shenfeng put away the jade slip, bowed his hand to him, and said: "As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, and the Lord of Qingfeng will be grateful for the wise choice today.

   Now that the matter has been settled, please, please, please, I will leave now. "

   The three principals have never forgotten, Ji Tianxing gave them a six-day deadline to converge in the Changshan domain.

   Now that half of the agreed time has passed, they can't delay any more time, and must rush to Changshan Domain as soon as possible.

   Qingfeng Domain Master frowned suspiciously, and asked: "Everyone, don't the Sword God have any instructions or instructions?"

   He thought to himself, he has already invested in the rebellious alliance, how could the sword **** have to say something, or arrange some tasks for him?

   Unexpectedly, the three principals shook their heads at the same time.

   Patriarch Yuchi explained: "Master of Qingfeng Region, you only need to maintain the order of Qingfeng Region, and it is enough to prevent the people of Li people from suffering from war.

   If there is something that needs you to complete, the lord will issue another order. "

   Qing Feng Yu nodded his head to express his understanding, and he was also relieved.

   Actually, his mood is a bit complicated.

   Since he hoped that the Sword God would tell him something, it at least showed that the Sword God paid attention to him and had expectations of him.

   But he was afraid that the sword **** would give an order to summon elite soldiers and strong generals to join the team to fight together.

   In that case, he would also be born to death, fighting with the soldiers under the Emperor Shura, which is very dangerous.

   Fortunately, the Sword God did not instruct him to wait for the order, which is of course the best result.

   Seeing that the three principals were about to turn around and leave, he hurriedly followed, and was a little worried and exhorted: "Three, I hope you can keep today’s matter secret and don’t spread it."

   He didn't say the second half of the sentence, but everyone understood the meaning.

   If it is spread out, it will damage his image and reputation.

   The three patriarchs and suzerain looked back at him, all showing a playful smile.

   Xu Bailian chuckled and said, "The Master of Qingfeng Domain will keep it secret~www.ltnovel.com~ and we will not spread it around.

   But we came in mighty, so many people watched, the news could not be covered up, it would still spread. "

   Qingfeng Domain Master waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, the people all over the world know the result does not matter, as long as they don't know the specific process."

   "Of course not." Xu Bailian replied.

   Shenfeng Patriarch also said with a certain tone: "Of course we will not spread it out, just take care of the few confidant guards under your command."

   The few guards who stayed in the main hall and witnessed the whole process were the absolute henchmen of Qingfeng Domain Lord, and they would naturally be tight-lipped.

   Therefore, the face and reputation of Qingfeng Domain Lord should not be greatly harmed.

   The gate of the palace opened, and the master of Qingfengyu personally sent the two patriarchs and Xu Bailian away.

   Not long after, more than 3,000 soldiers from the three forces left the domain lord’s mansion, drove three divine ships, and rushed to the Changshan domain.

   From the Qingfeng domain to the middle of the Changshan domain, it takes two and a half days at the earliest.

   Waiting for them to find the Dongfu of the Changshan Domain Lord, it is estimated that the three-day deadline has just arrived.

   Therefore, the three divine ships are fully fired, and they are on their way at the fastest speed, without any delay.


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