Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4107: It will happen

   The three forces originally thought that the master of the Qingfeng domain would symbolically resist.

   At least, he had to lead the soldiers to charge a few times and sacrifice some soldiers to show his loyalty to the God Emperor Shura.

   Then, Qingfengyu chose to admit defeat and surrender on the grounds that the enemy army was so powerful that I could not let the soldiers sacrifice in vain.

   In this way, it can not only avoid excessive casualties, preserve the strength of Qingfengyu, but also win the reputation of loving and protecting the soldiers, why not?

   can make the three forces unexpected is.

   When they arrived at the mansion of the Qingfeng Domain Lord, the magnificent palace opened its door.

   Hundreds of guards in armor and swords guarded outside the mansion, but they all maintained a stern and serious posture and did not draw their swords to meet the enemy.

   When the gate of the palace opened, two escorts walked out of the main hall and came to the front of the three forces.

   After the respectful salute, the two security guards said that the master of the domain asked the principals of the three forces to come in for a comment.

   Such a scene stunned the principals of the three forces, which was a bit inexplicable.

   They looked at each other and thought to themselves: "What's the situation?"

   "We are here to attack the Lord of Qingfeng Domain. He didn't resist and opened the door to welcome us?"

   "The Lord of the Qingfeng Domain surrendered without a fight? This is too unreliable, right? He must have some conspiracy!"

   The three principals felt abnormal and suspected that the master of Qingfeng Domain was fraudulent.

   So the three of them hesitated not to enter the hall.

   Until the two transmission guards urged, the three said that they would take a few elders in.

   Unexpectedly, the two transmission guards said solemnly and solemnly, the domain master confessed that only three principals were allowed to enter.

   This made the three principals entangled, and they all thought that the master of Qingfeng domain was deceitful.

   Maybe Qingfeng Domain Master arranged some trap in the main hall, waiting for them to throw themselves into the net.

   Finally, the two transmission guards couldn't stand it anymore, so they satirized the three principals.

   The faces of Chief Shenfeng, Chief Yuchi and Xu Bailian couldn't hold back, and they all felt a little angry.

   But they changed their minds, they represent the rebellious alliance, and behind the rebellious alliance is the sword god.

   In this way, if the master of the Qingfeng domain is knowledgeable, it is reasonable to surrender.

   As for not letting other people in, I'm probably afraid of hurting face.

   Then, the three principals put aside their twitching attitude, put on a confident and majestic posture, and walked side by side to the hall.

   Of course, the face is very confident and majestic, but in fact the three of them are fully guarded.

   Once there is any sudden situation or abnormality, they will exit the hall as soon as possible.

   The three thousand children who stayed outside the palace will immediately launch an attack, razing thousands of miles to the ground.

   Under such circumstances, the three principals couldn't think of any reason why Qingfeng Domain Master would not surrender.

   Unless the Lord of the Qingfeng Region is a loyal loyal to the **** emperor Shura, he would rather die with everyone, and never humiliate and surrender.

   However, according to the investigation and clues obtained by everyone, Qingfeng Domain Master is obviously not such a person.


   After a while, the three principals entered the hall and saw the master of Qingfeng Domain.

   In the magnificent and brightly-lit hall, there are only Qingfeng Domain Master and a few confidantes.

   The atmosphere in the hall was very deserted, and it seemed extremely quiet.

   After the two sides met, they greeted a few words in a fake greeting.

  The Qingfeng domain master dressed as a middle-aged scribe, looked gentle and elegant, after meeting everyone, he also expressed respect and admiration for the sword god.

   Hearing this, the hanging hearts of the three principals fell back into their stomachs.

   At least, Qingfeng Domain Master has already expressed his attitude and is somewhat close to the sword **** and the rebellious alliance.

   Immediately afterwards, the master of Qingfengyu let the three principals sit down and drink tea, and the two parties can discuss things slowly.

   The three principals have confidence, and they appear quite confident and dignified.

   After all, they represent the face of the rebellious alliance and the sword god, and they can never be too weak, they must be stronger.

   The patriarch of Shenfeng said that his intention was very simple, and everyone in the world knows that there is no need to pretend to be confused.

   As for sitting down and drinking tea, that's not necessary.

   Anyway, they just came to inform Qingfeng Domain Master of something, they need Qingfeng Domain Master to give a word, an answer, and it will be done soon.

   Patriarch Yuchi and Xu Bailian hurriedly agreed, talking about a lot of the dark and brutal rule of the **** emperor Shura, regardless of the life and death of the people in the world.

   And the sword **** is the beacon in the night, the hope in despair.

   Only the Sword God has the world in his heart, is about the survival of hundreds of millions of Li people, and is willing to save the common people as his own responsibility, and he has established a rebellious alliance.

   And these ancient clans and forces, naturally, would not sit idly by, and were moved by the great heart of the sword **** before joining the rebellious alliance.

   Finally, they clicked on the subject and understood what they were coming for.

   I hope that the Lord of Qingfeng Realm will understand the righteousness, take the life of the Li people as the most important, and stop being obsessed with it, and help the Emperor Shura to enslave the people and cause injustice.

   As long as today, the Lord of the Qingfeng Region will know his way back, willing to return to the sword **** and return to the right path. Everyone will be gratified, and the people of Li Min will also be grateful for his merits.

   In fact, the meaning of the three principals is very simple, that is, they hope that the master of Qingfeng domain will surrender to the rebellious alliance and not be an enemy of the sword god.

   It's just that they are more euphemistic and exquisite, and it sounds like a bit of passion, justice, and generosity.

   Qingfeng Domain Master had already made up his mind.

   Before, he planned to appease the three principals first, and then act according to his plan and intentions, and carefully discuss the matter of surrender step by step.

   But the three principals were so impatient and they came up straight to the point, and he couldn't refuse.

   He can only show an expression of entanglement, hesitation and weighing. On the one hand, he said with a sincere expression that he also loves the people of Li people~www.ltnovel.com~ and does not want to see the suffering of all people in the world.

   On the other hand, he is the lord of a domain after all, how can the domain lord canonized by the **** emperor Shura be so perfidy?

   In short, Qingfeng Domain Master revealed that he wanted to submit, but he did not want to easily betray the God Emperor Shura.

   The three principals can see clearly that the Master Qingfeng domain has actually made up his mind to surrender, but he has not negotiated the conditions and has not met his psychological expectations.

   Seeing this scene, the three principals did not circle with him, directly explaining the pros and cons.

  If Qingfeng Domain Lord returns, there is no need to take actual action, just read a vow of return.

   After the Sword God succeeds in taking over the Vast Sky Continent, he will still be his Qingfeng Domain Master, and nothing will change.

   But if he refuses to surrender, then there is no discussion. The rebellious alliance will definitely punish him and choose another strong one to take charge of Qingfengyu.

   Anyway, on this continent, there is no shortage of **** kings and powerhouses, and there is no shortage of talents who can control a domain.

   The attitude of the three principals was very tough. Patriarch Yuchi even took out the divine ship and a jade slip, and gave them to the master of Qingfengyu to make a choice.

   Either go to war or return.

  The Qingfeng domain master who has been pondering, weighing, and hesitating, is also very witty, and he took the jade slip quickly and neatly, and began to read the vow of return.


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