Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4105: All here

  Sky Burial Sword is Ji Tianxing's natal artifact, there is a sense and connection between the two.

   As long as the Heaven Burying Sword follows Qi Yan, even if he escapes farther, Ji Tianxing can find his way, and will never lose it.

   After Ji Tianxing caught up with Qi Yan, he swung his sword to pierce a few sword lights without saying a word, and lifted his magic hammer to hit Qi Yan.

   Qi Yan is already injured, but also exhausted, his divine power is a bit weak.

   Seeing a few dazzling sword lights slashed, and the shadow of the big mountain hammer smashed down, he was so frightened that he could only stop running and resist with all his might.

   He knew the power of the sword light and hammer shadow was terrifying, of course he did not dare to retain his strength, he could only sacrifice all the artifacts and protective objects, and burst out all the potential.


   He held swords in both hands, swung sword light from the sky, forming a wall.

   There are four other artifacts surrounding him, circling and flying, forming a thick protective light shield.

   His whole body was lit up with colorful flames, and at all costs of overdraft, his robe was hunting and drumming.

   In the next moment, a few sword lights that opened up the world, severely hit Qi Yan.


   With a loud and earth-shattering noise, the light wall formed by Qi Yan's double swords was cut to pieces.

   Immediately afterwards, another muffled sound of "Boom Boom" burst out one after another.

   The defensive masks condensed into several artifacts surrounding Qi Yan were also shattered by the sword light.

   At this point, Qi Yan's dual defense was destroyed, and the sword lights that Ji Tianxing had cut out also collapsed.

   But the big hammer shadow of the mountain smashed down immediately.

   Qi Yan is no longer able to resist, he can only burn his divine power and blood, transform into a flame of blood into the sky, and burst out the last power to protect himself.

   This is a forbidden magical power, once it is used, it will consume thousands of years of skill, and it cannot be restored, causing permanent damage to itself.

   Before a last resort, Qi Yan would never use this trick.

   At this moment, he has become a huge blood ball of fire.

   The raging blood flames wrapped him so tightly that he was almost invisible.

   But it's a pity that even this can't save his life.


   The phantom of the big mountain hammer fell down, flooding his figure, and smashed the blood-colored fireball to pieces on the spot, exploding countless blood-light fragments.

   Qi Yan's body was also destroyed, turned into dregs in the sky, splashing out.

   Although his **** body was destroyed, his godhead survived, but he was seriously injured, and he was desperately fleeing into the distance.

   Even if he knew that he could not escape Ji Tianxing's pursuit, he would definitely die.

   But he can't sit and wait for death, and he will never give up any hope of survival.


   A white light flashed, and Ji Tianxing teleported in the night sky. He strode 20,000 miles in two steps and caught up with Qi Yan's godhead.

   He once again swung his sword to cut out four sword lights, covering Qi Yan's godhead, making it impossible to escape.

   This time, Qi Yan is doomed.


   In the muffled sound, Qi Yan's godhead was shattered by the sword light, turned into a dozen pieces, and floated into the night sky.

   The **** king powerhouse of the Ninth Stage, the inspector leader of the Vast Sky Continent, has fallen!

   When the divine light is scattered all over the sky, the world returns to darkness.

   Ji Tianxing also picked up the fragments of Qi Yan's godhead, turned and flew away.

   Soon, he returned to the previous battlefield, began cleaning the battlefield, and picked up the spoils.

   The battlefield with a radius of thousands of miles has long turned into a mess of ruins, with pits and cracks everywhere, and there is still blood in the air.

   The broken bodies and weapons of two thousand soldiers, fragments of armor, and the wreckage of the two warships were scattered in the rubble.

   Ji Tianxing’s divine consciousness covered thousands of miles, and it accurately searched out nearly 2,000 spatial rings, as well as forty fragments of the gods of the king and strong.

   As for everyone's armor and weapons, most of them were shattered by the rain of swords.

   After packing up the spoils, Ji Tianxing waved his palm again to unleash the mighty power of the earth, turning the earth in a radius of thousands of miles.


   After a dull loud noise, the land was restored to level, and the traces of the fighting and many fragments and wrecks were buried deep in the earth.

   Ji Tianxing then sacrificed the Battleship Tushen and let the Bailong drive the battleship away.


   Back in the battleship, Ji Tianxing did not meditate and adjust his breath.

   After all, he was neither injured nor consumed too much divine power in this battle, and his state was still full.

   Bailong opened the battleship's formation, but didn't know where to go, he asked: "Master, where are we going next? Return to Yanxu Cave?"

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "It is not necessary to return to Yanxu Cave Sky, you should fly south first, and ask Nangong if you are a teacher."

   Bailong said to obey orders, and then steered the warship to fly south.

   He knew that Master did not want to return to Yanxu Cave Sky, it was a waste of time.

  Master wanted to ask Nangong whether he was confused, whether the children of the eight powers had arrived, after all, the half-month deadline was coming soon.

   If the eight forces have all their hands, then the master will definitely take the next step.

as predicted.

   Ji Tianxing took out the jade slip of the transmission, asked Nangong Buluo about the situation, and explained that he had intercepted Qi Yan.

   After receiving the subpoena, Nangong was naturally full of surprises and shocks, surprised by Ji Tianxing's strategy and efficiency.

   Then, he gave Ji Tianxing a message back, stating that all the children of the eight powers had arrived today.

   As stipulated by Ji Tianxing, each power drew a thousand people, including 20 **** kings and 200 upper **** masters.

   There are more than 700 other children, all middle and lower gods.

   There is no way, only the strength above the God Sovereign Realm is qualified to participate in this war on the pinnacle of the Vast Sky Continent.

   Those gods in the heavenly realm ~www.ltnovel.com~ are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

   After all, this level of battle is already called the battle of the gods.

   Several factions are handled in accordance with Ji Tianxing's regulations, but there are two forces that surprised Ji Tianxing a little.

   One is the God of War clan, with 1,200 people selected, including 30 **** kings and 300 upper gods.

   The second is the Phoenix Clan of Shenfeng Dongtian, and it has drew 1,300 children, including 32 **** kings and 350 upper **** kings.

   This undoubtedly shows that these two ancient clans trust and support Ji Tianxing more.

   It can also be seen that they are not afraid of sacrifices and costs, but want to make contributions in this war.

  Because, Ji Tianxing said when the alliance is reached, and when the hegemony is achieved in the future, he will be rewarded with merits.

  No one knows how Ji Tianxing will reward them.

   But they all believe that Ji Tianxing will never be stingy, and there will be substantial benefits, and it will never be verbal recognition and some trivial honors.

   Take a step back and say that even if Ji Tianxing does not reward them with substantial benefits, they can still reap the trust, respect and friendship of Ji Tianxing.

   If you can become a life-and-death friend with the Sword God, the benefits need not be mentioned.


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