Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4104: Shameless enough

   Qi Yan's analysis provoked more than twenty **** kings to nod their heads in agreement.

   Everyone felt reasonable, and was very contemptuous and contemptuous of Ji Tianxing, and they laughed.

   probably knew that they were bound to die, but they felt a sense of relief and no longer had the slightest fear, so they were very indulgent.

   It might be comforting to laugh at the sword **** once before dying.

   Ji Tianxing can understand their feelings, knowing that this is their last release before dying, so he is not angry.

   He looked at Qi Yan and the others indifferently, and said calmly: "Like you, sinister, despicable, inhuman people, you are used to treating others as nothing.

   Therefore, your ideas and the way of thinking about problems are all about benefits.

   It's normal for you to have this idea, and I don't bother to argue.

   After all, your life has reached the end.

   See you again. "

   After saying the last three words, he sacrificed the Heaven Burying Sword, ready to send Qi Yan and others on the road.

Qi Yan also clenched his two war swords, staring at Ji Tianxing murderously, and roared: "Soldiers, although we are not the opponent of the Sword God, we would rather stand to die than kneel to live! Even if we end up at the end A drop of blood will never surrender!

   Clash with this seat, kill! "

After    roared, Qi Yan waved his double swords, and his whole body burst out with murderous intent.

   The twenty-odd **** kings were all infected by his tragic aura. Even if they were seriously injured, they would put aside life and death, brandishing the gods desperately, and shouting to kill Xiang Ji Tianxing.

   But a very ironic scene appeared.

   More than twenty gods and kings are desperate, rushing towards Ji Tianxing in a tragic and determined manner.

   Qi Yan shouted the charge slogan, but stayed where he was.

   When everyone rushed forward to Ji Tianxing, and the two sides were about to meet each other, he quickly retreated, teleported and fled!

   That's right!

   He urged the wounded kings to rush to Ji Tianxing, hoping that those people could entangle Ji Tianxing.

   As for himself, he had already made up his mind and wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

   There was a Primal Chaos Clock that blocked thousands of miles, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

   Now it is different. Ji Tianxing has put away the divine clock long ago, and there is no blockade or restriction around it.

   Don't run away at this time, when will you stay?

   "Hehe...you really are sinister and shameless!"

   Ji Tianxing’s divine consciousness has always locked Qi Yan.

  Even, when Qi Yan was full of tragic and heroic shouting to kill, he had already guessed that Qi Yan would take the opportunity to escape.

   A contemptuous sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, and he threw out the Heaven Burying Sword with his right hand and stab Qi Yan.

   The funeral sky also locked Qi Yan's spirit aura, like a meteor piercing the night sky, chasing Qi Yan.

   No matter how far Qi Yan escaped, he never wanted to get rid of it.

   At the same time, Ji Tianxing offered a sacred hammer again, swinging the hammer to the twenty-odd kings.


   "I would rather die in battle than surrender!"

   Numerous **** kings roared, wielding magic weapons to perform various magical skills.

   The overwhelming magical light and shadow, pouring down like a monstrous flood, is about to submerge Ji Tianxing's figure.

   But Ji Tianxing swung his magic hammer and smashed it over, and he shattered everyone's supernatural skills in a single encounter.

   Immediately afterwards, he waved his palm and shot out a few sword lights, and rushed into the crowd.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Amidst a series of muffled sounds, one after another God King was split in half by Jianguang.

   Ji Tianxing is like a torrent of steel, ramming and unpredictable among the crowd.

   Wherever he swept, the flesh and blood of those **** kings were bombarded and killed.

  Whether it is the hammer bombardment, the palm of the fist or the sword light, it has the power to destroy the world, and the gods can't resist it.

   After just three breaths, more than 20 **** kings were bombarded and killed 80%.

   Their **** body was bombarded and smashed into scum, and the godhead also burst into countless fragments, scattered in the ruins.

   The few remaining **** kings were so scared that they retreated quickly.

   One of them blushed, and he was about to explode and roared hysterically.

   "Sword God, let's die together!"

   "Wait!" But at the beginning of his self-destruction, he was caught by his companion.

   That was a gray-haired high-ranking **** king, covered in blood, so miserable.

   He pointed to the empty night sky behind him, and roared angrily: "The leader has escaped! The **** Qi Yan, let us charge, but he took the opportunity to escape!!!"

   Only then did the other **** kings react, and quickly looked at the night sky behind them, searching for Qi Yan's shadow everywhere.

   Naturally, Mao didn't find one. By this time, Qi Yan had already fled tens of thousands of miles away.

   Everyone was deceived by Qi Yan and treated as cannon fodder. They were deeply saddened and desperate.

   So, the white-haired **** king took the lead in surrendering to Ji Tianxing, and his voice shouted in grief: "Sword God! Qi Yan's treachery, shameless villain, we are ashamed to be with him!

   This is the first time I saw the Sword God tonight. We deeply feel that the Sword God is sentimental and righteous, which is admirable.

   Therefore, we give up and only ask the Sword God to spare us and give us a chance to reform.

   Even if you are a cow or a horse, we are willing to serve you as a pawn! "

   What the old man said was righteous, impassioned, and sincere.

   The other **** kings were all dumbfounded, staring at the white-haired **** king dumbfounded, thinking: "When did Lao Du become so clever? This is so beautiful!"

   Then, the few **** kings came back to their senses, repeating the words of the white-haired **** king one after another, in a sincere gesture of regret.

   Ji Tianxing was too lazy to look at them, and said blankly: "It's useless to surrender, I don't need captives!"

   After finishing speaking, he waved his palm to split the sword light and fist shadow, and slammed the magic hammer against everyone.

   "Ah! Sword God, you beast!"

   "Sword God, you are so vicious!"

   Several **** kings were full of horror, they all roared in anger, and fleeing desperately.

   But these are all in vain.

   After a muffled sound of ‘Boom Boom’, several **** kings were bombarded and killed, and the fragments of godhead were scattered in the world.

   Ji Tianxing didn't waste time to pack the spoils~www.ltnovel.com~ The figure disappeared with a flash.

   The next moment, he teleported thousands of miles, dashing through the night sky, chasing and killing Qi Yan.

   At this time, the Heaven Burying Sword was chasing and killing Qi Yan, and it had flown out 200,000 miles.

   Qi Yan saw that Ji Tianxing did not chase him, only a divine sword was chasing him, he was shocked and angry.

   "Damn it! Even the sword of the Sword God is so against the sky? Can you still take the initiative to hunt down this seat?"

   He was very unconvinced, and he intentionally stopped to fight and destroy the Heaven Burying Sword.

   But he had also heard of the legend about the Heaven Burial Sword, and knew that it was a spiritual and conscious divine sword.

  The most important thing is that the sword **** may catch up at any time.

   So, he dispelled the idea and continued to teleport and flee desperately.

   But it's a pity that no matter how fast he is, he can't compare with Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing looks very relaxed, walking in the night sky like walking in a leisurely garden.

   But with every step he takes, he can teleport thousands of miles away.

   took forty steps in a row and teleported 400,000 miles without changing his face.

   Finally, at 450,000 miles, he caught up with Qi Yan.


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