Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4097: Reminders and warnings

  All of you here are old foxes, of course they know to take advantage of the opportunity.

   Qi Yan's strength is not too strong, it is only nine levels of the Divine King Realm, and many powerful people here are confident to kill him.

   But Qi Yan is noble, he is the leader of the inspector, and killing him is a great achievement.

   In the death list drawn up by Ji Tianxing, Qi Yan ranks among the top five important figures.

  Of course, the first is Emperor Shi, and the second is Mengshuai.

   If everyone follows Ji Tianxing to intercept Qi Yan, it will not only help Ji Tianxing share the worries, protect Ji Tianxing's reputation, but also get the credit for intercepting Qi Yan.

   The most important thing is that Ji Tianxing can easily kill Qi Yan in seconds, maybe they don't need to make a move, and the credit is done.

  Who doesn't want to take advantage of this kind of cheapness?

   So, the patriarchs of the seven clans and Xu Bailian eagerly signed up and wanted to go with Ji Tianxing.

   But unfortunately, Ji Tianxing refused all of them.

   "This seat has mastered the trace of Qi Yan, you don't need to follow, this seat can handle it.

   Don’t forget, the task given to you by this seat is more important!

   After so many days, the deadline is only a few days left. When will your children come? "

   Upon hearing Ji Tianxing's question, several patriarchs and suzerains were taken aback, and then all explained with a smile on their faces.

   "Leader, don't worry, the children of our clan are rushing at full speed and will definitely arrive at Yanxu Cave within the time limit."

   "The lord’s order, how will I disobey it? Please rest assured that my clan will arrive as expected."

   "The children of our clan have already galloped with all their strength, and they will arrive in three days at the latest."

   All the patriarchs and suzerains said that their children will arrive on time.

   Ji Tianxing didn't urge them anymore, and said in a majestic tone: "This time I go to punish Qi Yan and it will take at least eight days.

   And the time limit will come in five days, and all the personnel who rebel against the alliance should be there.

   At that time, you will divide your troops into battle according to the original plan, and eliminate the targets and forces on the death list.

   The performance and contributions of the various forces in the future will determine the amount of rewards after the war.

   I hope you can all fight for the common goal, not with some selfishness.

   If you think you can hide it from this seat, just go and try it. "

   His tone was cold, and the threat was self-evident.

   All the patriarchs and sect masters looked stiff, and there was a trace of tension and shame in their eyes.

  Although, they all kept smiling on the surface, not even dare to say.

   But in reality, everyone was alert and quickly put away those selfish thoughts.

   In front of the Sword God, they dare not play tricks or play tricks.

   Especially, Sword God has warned them in public.

   If they dared to commit another crime, they would really be arrogant to betray the alliance.

   When the time comes, the sword **** does not wait to see them, and even expels them from the rebellious alliance.

   And they have the brand of a rebellious alliance, and they are mortal enemies on the side of the Emperor.

   If both sides are offended, they will have nowhere to stay and they will end up miserably.

  Such consequences have made every force alert.

   Soon, the discussion was over.

   All the patriarchs, suzerains, and **** king powerhouses left the conference hall.

  While Ji Tianxing stayed in the main hall, he told a lot about Nangong Fu and Nangong Nihuang.

   After walking outside the hall, the patriarchs and suzerains did not rush to leave.

   They walked around to a remote place, pretending to be walking in the garden, but in fact they communicated through voice and talked about what had just happened.

   "Everyone, before, everyone thought that the Sword God did not trust us enough, and even we did not hide it.

   Everyone was a little angry, and wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Sword God after he returned.

   But now everyone has seen it, the Sword God did not hide this, but also reminded everyone in public. "

   "Yes! For this reason, the old man is not afraid that everyone will blame him.

   Actually, what a shrewd Sword God is? Can you not see that everyone is selfish?

   He didn't click to break before. This time everyone wanted to get him into trouble, so he just pointed it out.

   So, everyone should take care of themselves and do things steadily. "

   "In that case, Sword God can be regarded as saving face for everyone.

   We were selfish before, so he refused to trust us.

  If after today, everyone is still the same as before, I am afraid Sword God will be disappointed.

   So, please do it yourself. "

  "Stop having unrealistic illusions, we have joined the rebellious alliance, this is something the entire Vast Sky Continent knows.

   Only when we do things wholeheartedly can we get the recognition, trust and rewards of the sword god.

   Don’t forget, when the alliance was founded, it was talking about basic treatment.

   The Sword God also said just now that after the success of the great cause of rebellion, he will reward him with his merits. "

   "That's right! No matter what you think, anyway, my God of War clan will no longer hold back, and I will seriously implement all the orders of the Sword God from now on."

   "Hehe... Our Jiang Clan has never complained against the Sword God, and has always followed orders."

   "The Lan clan is also obliged to act and are most loyal to the sword god. Don't count me Lan clan."

   "Before you were arguing. We wanted to discuss with the Sword God. We Feng Clan didn't participate..."

   The seven patriarchs and Xu Bailian are all human beings. After analyzing the situation in an instant, they know what to do in the future.

   Then, everyone became righteous, loyal to the sword god, and assumed that I would not go with you.

   In this way, the eight forces are all thinking about it.

   I want to compete in the future tasks to see who can do a great job and win the favor of the sword god.


   In the Guangming Hall.

   The door was closed, and there were only three people in the hall: Ji Tianxing, Nangong Budou and Nangong Nihuang.

Nangong frowned without confusion, and said worriedly: "Young Master Long, before you came back, the eight patriarchs and patriarchs were still clamoring, and they wanted to ask you for an explanation~www.ltnovel.com~After all, you deceived them too. Made them feel untrusted.

   You just broke their selfishness in public and threatened them, I am worried..."

   Without waiting for him to finish, Ji Tianxing interrupted him, chuckles and said, "What are you worried about? I'm afraid that they will be more selfish and unfaithful to the alliance?"

   "Hey..." Nangong didn't say anything, but sighed in agreement.

  Nangong Nihuang was also a little worried, saying: "They don't want to take risks, losing their own power, but wanting to get credit. It's really... hard to say.

Mr.   , our alliance has just been established, and the trust between each other needs to be established a little bit, so don’t rush. "

   The father and daughter have nothing to say to Ji Tianxing, and they are also broken to betray the alliance.

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and comforted: "Don't worry, those eight guys are not fools, so naturally they know what to do.

   They have joined the Alliance of Rebellion and there is no way out.

  The only way out is to follow the orders of this seat, do things steadily, and do your best.

   Therefore, your worries are unnecessary.

   Moreover, I reminded them today that I just don’t want to punish them after things really happen. "


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