Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4096: Next step plan

   To become the top clan and power in the Haotian Continent, the helm must have a corresponding city.

   Many things and truths are well known to everyone.

   If you still don’t seize the opportunity this time, it’s impossible to join the rebel alliance.

   After all, the sword **** brought the nine powers, enough to kill the emperor, destroy the power of the **** emperor Shura, what do they want these forces to do?

   If they were sword gods, it was impossible to agree.

   Therefore, the helm and the strong of several forces have to make a decision within two days.

   Of course, there are still more than a dozen forces that continue to maintain a neutral and wait-and-see attitude.

   These people have different ideas.

  Although, they also want to overthrow the rule of the **** emperor Shura and restore their former glory and power.

   But they will never participate in the war personally, lest they cause annihilation.

   They didn't take refuge in the **** emperor Shura, because they didn't want to be eagle-dogs, bend their knees, and oppose the sword god.

   And they didn't take refuge in the Sword God and joined the rebellious alliance, and they didn't want to take risks, and went to war with the God Emperor Shura.

   Even if they get news that the Sword God intercepted and killed Meng Shuai, they also know that the Sword God is very powerful.

   But they knew better that even if the Sword God killed Mengshuai and Emperor Shi, and soon took control of the Vast Sky Continent, it would only be temporary.

   As long as the God Emperor Shura does not die, when he returns to the Vast Sky Continent, he will definitely seek revenge from the Sword God.

   When the time comes, the Sword God will most likely be killed by the Asura God Emperor.

   The Haotian Continent is still in the bag of the Emperor Shura, and the ending will not change.

   The sword **** was killed, and the various forces who joined the rebellion alliance, of course, could not end well.

   In short, these forces that maintain a neutral and wait-and-see attitude want to protect themselves.

   Regardless of how the situation in the Haotian Continent changes, they only want to keep their legacy of tens of thousands of years.


   Bailong is driving the Tushen battleship, galloping in the sky.

   One day, the battleship will be able to return to Yanxu Cave.

   At this time, a transmission jade slip flew from the sky, entered the cab, and hovered beside Bai Long, shining.

   Bailong knew at a glance that this was a message sent to Master by others.

   But the master is cultivating in the twisted time and space of the tower, and the jade slip cannot enter the tower, so the master cannot receive it.

   Of course, Bai Long would not receive that piece of jade slip without authorization, and it would be impossible to check the messages inside.

   But he thought, there might be something important waiting for the master to deal with it, but it can't be delayed.

   So he used his divine sense to transmit sound, calling for Ji Tianxing in the twisted time and space.

   Ji Tianxing did not retreat, but was awake after he heard Bailong's call while practicing Yun Gong.

   Only three days have passed since the outside world, and he has been cultivating in warped time and space for five months.

   Now his strength and spirit are all restored, and he has reached the peak state again.


   White light flashed, and Ji Tianxing appeared in the cockpit of the battleship.

   Bailong quickly got up and saluted.

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, motioning him to concentrate on steering the warship.

   He picked up the jade slip and knew it was sent by Nangong without confusion.

   Divine consciousness invaded the jade slip, and Nangong's unconfused voice immediately sounded in his mind.

   "Young Master Long, now the entire Haotian Continent is spreading, saying that you intercepted and killed Meng Shuai halfway, and there are more than 2,000 soldiers under his command, but none of them survived.

   The news spread, and the entire Haotian Continent was talking, everyone was shocked.

   The patriarchs and sect masters also knew about this. They couldn't believe it, so they all came to ask this seat.

   They all guessed the truth of the matter, and they united to let me send you a message to verify the truth.

   The discussion in the Palace of Light just now ended, I sent them back temporarily.

   But, they will definitely come to ask the result tonight, you see..."

   Although Nangong didn't know the truth, after Ji Tianxing ended the battle, he sent him a summons to explain the situation and results of the battle.

   But Nangong Buluo has always kept the secret and didn't reveal it to anyone.

   Even if he was entangled by several patriarchs and suzerains, he did not make any claims and informed the results, but first asked Ji Tianxing for instructions.

   For this, Ji Tianxing is quite satisfied.

   He picked up the transmission jade slip, and sent back a message to Nangong.

  "Since the entire Haotian Continent has spread, there is no need to hide it.

   The time is almost there, just tell them the truth.

   said that this seat is on the way back to Yanxu Cave Sky, so that the children under their command can speed up. "

   After replying to this message, Ji Tianxing returned to Twisted Time and Space and continued his exercises.

   On the other side, Nangong was relieved secretly after receiving the call.

   After all, the response of the seven patriarchs and Xu Bailian was a little big, and the combination put him under a lot of pressure.

   Fortunately, Ji Tianxing let go, otherwise everyone might be embarrassed or unhappy.

   After all, the eight strong men felt that they had been cheated, and felt that they were not trusted.


   One day passed quickly.

   The next evening, the Tushen battleship arrived at Yanxu Cave.

   After entering the Yanxu Cave, the warship flew across the sky quickly and went straight to the main peak of Guangming.

   When the battleship came over the square outside the Guangming Temple, Nangong Buzhu, the seven patriarchs, Xu Bailian and others had been waiting in the square for a long time.

   Everyone smiled, excited, and welcomed the return of Ji Tianxing very enthusiastically.

   Ji Tianxing put away the battleship and landed on the square alone, responding to everyone's salutes and greetings.

   After everyone's greetings were over, Ji Tianxing did not go to rest, and surrounded by everyone, walked into the Guangming Hall.

   The helms of the nine powers gathered in the hall, and Ji Tianxing took this opportunity to meet.

   He first announced the result of this action, and then talked about the next step.

   "Although, this seat successfully intercepted Meng Shuai, destroyed more than 2,000 soldiers under his command, and rescued Nangong Ao.

   The traps and ambushes in the real martial arts ~www.ltnovel.com~ are broken without attack.

   But this is just the beginning of the war. The opponent lost the leader of Mengshuai, as well as the emperor, the inspector and the leader Qi Yan, and many god-king powerhouses.

   Especially Qi Yan!

   He and Meng Shuai separated, captured the Eight Elders in the northwest, and beheaded the Eight Elders in public.

   We not only want to save Nangong Ao, but also avenge the Eight Elders!

   What's more, Qi Yan is also at the forefront of the death list, one of the targets that must be eliminated.

   Therefore, I will set off today to intercept Qi Yan! "

   No one thought that Ji Tianxing directly announced the next plan without discussing it with everyone.

   But if he can intercept Meng Shuai and then intercept Qi Yan, it is even easier.

   It's just that everyone still has to express their opinions and express their concerns.

   "Leader, you have just returned from your mission, why should you rest for two days before you intercept Qi Yan."

   "Yes! You are our leader. You shouldn't be involved in danger many times. Everyone is worried about your safety."

   "Leader, this seat is willing to lead the four elders of our clan to follow you in battle."

   "The old man is also willing to follow the leader and go and kill Qi Yan!"


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