Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4069: This is the pinnacle of kendo

If Jinshuang could really kill the Sword God, that would have fulfilled his wish.

He can indeed soar into the sky and become famous in the God Realm.

Moreover, the God Emperor Shura will definitely reward him heavily and regard him as the number one hero!

As for the sword god, he was beheaded by Jinshuang just after returning to the first battle of the God Realm. This was definitely more humiliating than death.

His legends and myths will be shattered and become the laughing stock of the entire God Realm.

And the word "Sword God" will soon be forgotten by the world.

Even if someone mentions it occasionally, it is the object of ridicule and ridicule.


All these are hypotheses and ifs.

The fact is like this...

Ji Tianxing chuckled, raised his right hand, pinched his sword finger, and pointed at the Jinshuang army.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Three consecutive shining golden sword lights, like thunder breaking through the sky, only left everyone with a glimpse, and exploded in the crowd.

Those gods under Jinshuang's command did not react at all, let alone avoiding and resisting.

Even the forty-two **** kings only saw the sword light appear, and they had no time to react.

Ji Tianxing just pointed it casually, playing three simple sword lights, but integrated many of the profound meanings of kendo.

It seems simple, only a hundred feet long golden sword light, but it combines more than two hundred kinds of laws and supernatural powers, and the speed has reached the extreme, and it contains the sky-reaching sword intent.

This is the pinnacle of kendo in the world!

"Boom bang bang!"

Amid the deafening noise, flesh and blood in the crowd fluttered, screaming everywhere.

At least 80 high-ranking gods were killed by Jianguang on the spot. The gods turned into scum and blood splashed on the ruins.

There were more than thirty gods who were close by. They were lucky enough to get their lives back, but they were also hit hard by the sword intent and shock wave. They were covered in blood and fell into the ruins, making waves of misery.

The crowd suddenly exploded, and hundreds of gods all screamed and roared in horror and dispersed.

The formation was instantly messed up.

Even more than forty **** kings and seven inspectors subconsciously hid to the side for fear of being affected.

Jinshuang still stood at the forefront of the crowd, and did not hide.

But his face was extremely ugly, and his eyes filled with shame and murderous intent.

Ji Tianxing did not refute his provocation, but gave the best answer with practical actions.

With a quick finger, the sword **** killed nearly a hundred masters of the gods in seconds. Is this serious injury?

You Jinshuang is only a **** king of the eighth realm, and you dare to slay the sword god?


At this moment, everyone in the field seemed to hear a loud slap in the face.

But no matter how angry Jinshuang is, no matter how jealous of the Sword God, it is impossible to escape without a fight.

He stared at Ji Tianxing angrily, slowly raising the divine sword, his aura increased frantically, and the divine power in his body gathered violently.

Everyone thought that he was so angry that he was going to shoot himself and confront the sword god.

But everyone did not expect that he swung his sword fiercely and roared: "Everyone listens to the orders and goes all out to besieged the sword **** at all costs!"

When the voice fell, he rushed out first, taking all the soldiers under his command, and doing his best to kill Ji Tianxing.

Obviously, Jinshuang was not dazzled by the anger, and still remained calm.

He has not forgotten that the **** of Shura has a serious confidant, and the person who most wants to kill is the sword god.

As long as he can kill the sword god, even if he and everyone under his command die here, it is worth it!


"Kill the sword **** and become famous!"

"Who can take the first level of the Sword God, absolute top skill!"

"Even if you are dead, you must pull the sword **** back!"

During the rush, several inspectors and many **** kings shouted, really desperate.

Seeing such a scene, Nangong Nihuang, several elders, and many deacons raised their hearts.

Some people even yelled at Jinshuang and others.

"Damn it! They besieged the sword **** desperately!"

"More than 800 people joined forces to besiege the sword god, who can stand it?"

"Jin Shuang, this sinister old man, is really despicable!"

"Don't be stunned, everyone, let's help the Sword God together..."

In the end, the elder's words were only halfway out, and they got stuck in his throat.

Because, at the next moment, they saw what it means...invincible.

Even in the face of Jinshuang and the siege of more than 800 gods and monarchs, Ji Tianxing was calm and calm.

He did not take a step back, nor did he offer a sword or weapon.

It just seemed to lift up his palms casually, his fingers stab the Jinshuang army straight like a sword blade.

His slender and crystal-like jade fingers burst out with hundreds of brilliant sword lights, carrying the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, weaving a huge sword net in the sky.

At the same time, he burst out with a dazzling golden light, and a huge wall of light condensed behind him.

At this moment, he was as dazzling as the scorching sun, making it impossible to look directly at him.

The thin golden light wall, like a high wall standing upright, stood between him and the Nangong people.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The attacks of Jinshuang and more than 800 **** kings and kings all hit the golden light wall, bursting with a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth.

However, the golden wall trembled more than ~www.ltnovel.com~ but not even a crack appeared.

On the contrary, the magical attacks of Jinshuang and others were all shattered and collapsed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Tianxing played hundreds of sword lights, forming a huge sword net and covering the Jinshuang army.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Jianguang danced and shuttled in the sky at a speed exceeding the speed of light, piercing and strangling one after another, one after another.

The muffled sound of "pupupupu" burst out one after another, it was the sound of Jianguang piercing through the body.

Thousands of Nangong people have witnessed with their own eyes, more than 800 gods and gods under Jinshuang's command, shaking their bodies like dancing in the sky.

Their foreheads, back of heads, heart and other vital parts were all pierced by sword light, bringing out one after another **** arrows, which were scattered from the sky.

Whenever someone is pierced by the sword light, the godhead is also broken and killed on the spot, the body will fall weakly.

But the corpse will not fall in the ruins, it will be directly strangled by the sword net into slag, which will turn into drops of blood and residue, which will be scattered in the ruins.

In addition to the sound of sword light breaking through the sky, only the screams and angry roars of the Jinshuang army remained in the world, and the exclamation of the Nangong people!

Before this, no one would have imagined that someone could be so strong that they could fight against more than 800 strong and masters with their own power.

No one has ever seen it before, kendo can still be used like this, and killing enemies can be so pleasing to the eye.

The hundreds of sword lights that Ji Tianxing played seemed to be alive and wise.

Except for those sword lights, he did nothing, but with his hands behind him, quietly watching Jinshuang army.

After a hundred breaths, the power of hundreds of sword lights was exhausted and finally dissipated.

But the 800 gods under Jinshuang's command were killed!

Of the forty-two strong **** kings, only twenty-two remained, and all were seriously injured.

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