Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4068: Finally appeared

Seeing the actions of Nangong Buzhu and others, Jinshuang was obviously a little confused.

The seven inspectors, forty-two **** kings and many **** kings were also puzzled.

It stands to reason that Nangong is not confused with the few powerful **** kings of the Nangong clan, and should join the battle.

How could they sacrifice artifacts and arrange formations on the battlefield?

Even if a divine light barrier is to be arranged to resist the attack of Jinshuang Army, it should be between the two armies.

How could it be placed behind the Jinshuang Army?

What kind of routine is this?

Of course, there were two or three inspectors who thought they had guessed Nangong's conspiracy, and hurriedly shouted to remind everyone.

"Be careful, everyone, this must be the trick of the old thief Nangong!"

"Don't be paralyzed, don't fall into the poisonous tricks of the old thief Nangong!"

The facts also seemed to confirm their speculation that the colorful barrier stretched out in all directions to encircle the Jinshuang army.

Seeing this, Jinshuang immediately swung his sword and ordered: "Chong! Do your best to break them down and enter the Palace of Light!"

Jinshuang is very calm at the moment and has a clear goal.

That divine light barrier can't cause harm to them temporarily, so you can ignore it.

If it was a waste of time and manpower to break down that barrier, it would be Nangong's plan not to be confused.

The correct way is to rush forward bravely, defeat the Nangong people, and kill until the Guangming Palace.

Facts have proved that Jinshuang's approach is very wise.

He personally led the army under his command and repelled the Nangong people like a bamboo, and quickly advanced hundreds of miles.

Jin Shuang and the powerful men under his command stopped fighting until being stopped by Nangong Buzhu and several elders.

The divine light barrier a few hundred miles away behind everyone is still extending to the sides and into the sky, but the speed is not fast enough.

Not to mention whether the barrier could stop Jinshuang and the others, even if it stopped, the temporary barrier was not lethal.

Jinshuang looked at Nangong a hundred meters away in front of him without confusion, and sneered contemptuously: "Old thief Nangong, are you always confused?

I said that I would kill into the Palace of Light and cut off your head with my own hands.

You don't panic for your life, and you don't put a defense in front of you, but you actually put a barrier behind us?

Hahahaha... It seems that you have been scared of Liushen Wuzhu, helpless, right? "

Several inspectors also laughed wildly, mocking Nangong wantonly.

"Old thief Nangong, those who know you should kneel down and give in. The deputy commander may be able to give you a decent way to die!"

"Old thief Nangong, it's probably not enough to just kneel down and admit defeat. It's best to let your flowery daughter accompany our deputy commander first...Hahahaha!"

"The deputy commander gave you a chance before. It was you who insisted on begging to die. Old thief Nangong, go on the road obediently!"

Hearing such foul language, many elders, deacons and clansmen of the Nangong clan were furious and full of blood, wishing to fight the Jinshuang army desperately.

But Nangong Buzhu, Nangong Nihuang and others were not angry, their expressions were still calm.

If you look closely, you will find that their eyes are very calm, confident, and even a hint of mockery hidden in their eyes.

Others did not see the problem, but Jinshuang observed carefully and found the clues.

He suddenly felt a little in his heart, and vaguely had a bad premonition.

"What's the matter? This seat has already brought people to kill here. The Nangong clan is in a critical situation, and their eyes are on fire. They are not panicked at all?

wrong! There must be a problem here, could it be..."

In an instant, Jinshuang guessed a certain possibility, and suddenly his pupils shrank, and a worrisome color flashed under his eyes.

The facts once again verified his conjecture.

Nangong was not confused and held up his chest, looked down at him majesticly, and said loudly, "Jin Shuang, haven't you kept saying that you want to see the sword **** in person?

Now you got your wish! "

After speaking, he didn't care what Jinshuang and those inspectors had reacted, turned and looked in the direction of the Palace of Light.

Nangong Nihuang and several elders also looked sideways towards the main peak, with a smile and expectant expression on their faces.

At this moment, the audience was shocked and silent!

Jinshuang and his inspectors, kings and kings all showed expressions of astonishment, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

And everyone in the Nangong clan showed surprise and relief, and many people cheered.

Unconsciously, all Nangong people regarded the sword **** as their support, the most reliable backer in their hearts.

However, Jinshuang and his **** kings and kings were full of fear of the sword god.


At this time, a white light lit up in the Guangming Hall, rising to the sky.

It was a handsome white figure, although it was far away, it was blurred.

But his extraordinary appearance, mysterious and majestic aura still throbbed everyone.


In the next instant, the white figure took a random step and crossed the eight thousand li sky to the battlefield.

He stood in front of Nangong Buzhu and Nangong Nihuang, looking at Jinshuang calmly, with a slight smile on his mouth.

Everyone's eyes focused on him at this moment.

Thousands of pairs of eyes stared at him ~www.ltnovel.com~ with various complicated eyes.

He, as he was at the beginning, his white robe is like snow, his hair fluttering, his whole body is handsome, elegant and mysterious.

That's right, he is just Ji Tianxing who just finished his retreat!

After he broke through to the Peak God King, he practiced for a while to stabilize his foundation and strength.

Although, after he ended his retreat, an episode appeared in the twisted time and space.

But his divine sense was released, and found that the Nangong clan was under siege by a powerful enemy, so he put that trivial matter aside and left the pass first.

Originally, he wanted to shoot directly to destroy the Jinshuang army with a force of destruction.

But Nangong Buluo and Nangong Nihuang discouraged him and specially arranged such an appearance.

Nangong was not confused and said to him, this is your first battle to return to the God Realm, and it is very important.

This battle is not only to win beautiful, but also to win easy and shocking.

After all, there are still many forces that are secretly watching, assessing your strength, and thinking about how to bargain with you.

Ji Tianxing didn't mind following kindness, so he listened to Nangong's advice.

Facts have proved that this appearance is really surprising and impressive.

"Jinshuang, you can tell me what you have left after many years."

Ji Tianxing looked at Jinshuang with a smile, and said this calmly.

It doesn't sound like a bit of anger or murder, just like seeing off a passerby.

Jinshuang frowned fiercely, his eyes filled with anger.

Although he was worried, he was not timid, and sneered with a majestic sneer: "Everyone knows that the swordsmanship of the sword **** is unparalleled in the world, and the strength is extremely high...

But you are seriously injured and you are alone. How can you resist this seat and the eight hundred elite soldiers?

Today I am going to kill you and use you as a stepping stone to become famous in the world! "

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