Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4059: Gamble

Among the six strong men in the hall, which one is not an old fox?

Even if the black-robed old man didn't say this sentence, Nangong Patriarch had already guessed what they were thinking.

These five guys came masked and met with Ji Tianxing secretly. Most of them wanted to negotiate with Ji Tianxing, bargain, and strive for more favorable conditions and benefits.

And in the future to follow Ji Tianxing's call, that is another matter.

At least the situation is passive, the status is lower, and there are fewer bargaining chips.

To put it simply, the forces represented by these five strong men intend to support Ji Tianxing and help Ji Tianxing to overthrow the rule of the Emperor Shura.

However, their forces have worked hard for Ji Tianxing, born to death, and must get enough benefits.

Otherwise, who wants to risk being destroyed and follow him to go against the sky?

Nangong Patriarch can understand the feelings of these old foxes, but cannot make good suggestions and negotiate with them for Ji Tianxing.

No way, Ji Tianxing is still recuperating.

He could neither bother nor let the five old foxes know.

If these five people know that Ji Tianxing was injured, they are still in retreat for healing.

When they negotiate, Ji Tianxing will be more passive and very disadvantageous.

Therefore, Patriarch Nangong made up his mind, to perfuse and prevaricate these five guys, and send them away as soon as possible.

"What do you want to do and why you came to Yanxu Cave Sky in such a sneaky way? I don't know, nor do I want to know.

I just want to tell you that the time has not yet arrived, and you should not be self-defeating.

Moreover, the Sword God is us, the only hope of the Haotian Continent.

If you have any unruly intentions, it is better to dispel it as soon as possible.

Everyone has known each other for so many years, this seat can only remind you once, please do it yourself. "

After speaking, the Patriarch Nangong waved his hand and said he wanted to see off the guests.

But the five mysterious powerhouses sat still and didn't intend to leave.

The black-robed elder headed by him sneered again: "Nangong is not confused! We are all shameless people, and we can't do sordid things like selling women for glory.

Although, it turns out that you won and got the trust of the sword god.

Otherwise, he would not choose Yanxu Cave Sky and let you represent him.

But don't forget, your Nangong clan has already boarded the ship, and there is no turning back.

And we are different!

If we unite and refuse to cooperate, then it will be a one-man show between the sword **** and the Nangong clan.

One can imagine what the end of the Nangong clan will be!

Therefore, you'd better help us match up and facilitate this cooperation.

This is not only beneficial to us, but also to protect the incense inheritance of the Nangong clan! "

Patriarch Nangong frowned, and instinctively wanted to refute the black robe old man.

But he calmed down immediately, knowing that the other party was deliberately irritating him.

Therefore, he did not make any excuses, and said blankly: "After half a month, this seat will follow the meaning of the sword **** and invite you to join in the grand event.

So, please go back and prepare, and I forgive you for not hosting. "

When the voice fell, he waved a big hand and shot a golden light.


The door of the Guangming Hall opened, and the sunlight outside the door shone in.

The five mysterious powerhouses looked at each other, all a little angry and depressed.

But Nangong was not confused to put on a posture of not entering, and they had nothing to do.

The five powerhouses glared at Nangong without confusion, and got up and left.

After a long time, the five mysterious strong men left.

At this time, Nangong Nihuang and several elders stepped into the Hall of Light.

Nangong Nihuang's face was frosty and calmly asked, "Father, the five patriarchs, are they here to negotiate with the Sword God?"

Nangong nodded slightly without confusion, and did not give more explanation.

Several elders all showed playful smiles, or looked angry and contemptuous, and started talking.

"These old foxes are well informed, but they are too impatient!"

"Don't look at them usually pretending to be cold and arrogant, they look like they live in seclusion and don't care about the world.

In fact, who doesn't want to restore the glory of the past, to have a superior position and power? "

"They think they can get more benefits by negotiating in advance?

too naive!

Sword God is a strong man, but not a conspirator! "

"I think a few of them are just jealous of our Nangong clan, being so trusted and respected by the Sword God, that's why they jumped out in a hurry!"

Several middle-aged elders are a little proud and proud, and have a lot of criticism of the five powers.

There was only one gray-haired elder who reported calmly: "Patriarch, after two months of buffering, the opposition from the tribe has faded.

Today, more than 80% of the people have no objections.

When the Sword God exits and announces the start of action, there should be no more objections. "

Nangong nodded without confusion, and said calmly: "As expected, it should be so."

The old man said with a heart-warming gesture, lowered his voice and asked, "Patriarch, in fact, those old foxes are right.

The sword **** chose Yanxu Dongtian as his base, of course he trusted our Nangong clan.

But this also means that our Nangong clan is the strongest ally of the Sword God, and there is no way out.

To be honest, no one can guarantee whether the sword **** will succeed ~www.ltnovel.com~.

Even the old man thinks there is only a 10% chance.

Have you really considered it clearly and made a choice? "

Hearing this, Nangong Nihuang and several elders stared at Nangong without confusion.

There are no outsiders here, and everyone present is the ruler of the Nangong clan.

Their choice determined the fate of the Nangong clan.

Nangong smiled without confusion, and said calmly: "I don't want to betray the trust of the sword god, so I can only choose to accept it.

When dealing with people, you are most afraid of swaying and vacillating. That is the way to die!

Since he chose to board the Sword God’s ship, he had to walk all the way to the dark.

Even if the odds of winning are low, it is considered a big bet, and you have to bet on it! "

After a pause, he said solemnly: "The most important thing is that the sword **** has already done miracles, why can't we trust him?"

Hearing these words, Nangong Nihuang and several elders were relieved, their expressions and eyes became firm.

They were also worried before, for fear of the Patriarch's hesitation and uncertainty.

Now that the Patriarch has made a decision and is unwavering, then they don't say much.

Just follow the established plan and do what you think is right!

"Patriarch, we understand!"

"Please rest assured, the Patriarch, we will do our best, even if we sacrifice our lives!"

"Our Nangong clan has been dormant for thousands of years, replenishing energy, just to fight for the present!"

Several elders expressed their attitudes one after another, and their voices revealed their inspiring and tenacious will. .

Nangong nodded in satisfaction, and said: "In another half a month, Long Tian should leave the customs. You can't slack off the things that this seat has ordered, you must speed up the completion!

Now that the news has been leaked, we must always be prepared, just in case! "

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