Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4058: Mystery visitor

More than 10,000 Nangong people are still arguing.

But Nangong Patriarch and several elders never showed up to express their opinions.

Even Nangong Nihuang has never expressed any opinions in public.

Seeing everyone's posture, it seems as if the tribe is allowed to discuss the matter.

But as time passed, the impact of this news on the Nangong people became weaker and weaker.

There are too many discussions on a topic, and everyone will always be tired and indifferent.

Those clans who firmly supported the Sword God and believed that the Nangong clan would follow the Sword God and overthrow the rule of the Emperor Shura, and no longer waved the flag with enthusiasm.

Those who were full of worries about the fate of the Nangong clan, and believed that the sword **** would perish on their own, gradually lost their interest in arguing.

Even they didn't bother to persuade other people to give up supporting the Sword God.

Unconsciously, a month passed.

The impact of this incident has completely faded, and there is no longer any discussion in Yanxu Cave, let alone arguing about it.

Anyway, everyone's opinions are not that important. In the end, it depends on how the owner decides.

At this moment, some gossip spread out and began to circulate among the Nangong people.

According to some deacons, Nangong Nihuang’s good sisters quietly revealed that Nangong Nihuang is very confident in the sword god, and she will give her full support no matter what the sword **** does.

Within two days, there were news from several deacons.

They inquired from certain two elders that they all spoke highly of the sword **** and were full of expectations.

The Nangong clan used to stand tall on the top of the Haotian Continent. It is nostalgic and proud.

After the Divine Emperor Shura ruled the Haotian Continent, the status of the Nangong clan plummeted and fell to where it is today.

They all suffocated resentment and resentment, and endured them for a thousand years.

Now there is finally a chance for revenge, to destroy the rule of the Emperor Shura, even if they fight their lives, they must fight with all their strength!

Originally, the topic of the sword god's revenge had been cold.

After these gossips came out, the topic immediately stirred up again, causing numerous discussions among the tribe.

But this time the discussion, the voices opposed to the Nangong clan supporting the Sword God, were obviously reduced by more than half, becoming sporadic.

Unknowingly, many Nangong people were brought to the rhythm by the words of Nangong Nihuang and several elders, which affected their mentality and decisions.

Those Nangong people who support the Sword God have become more and more determined.

Those clansmen who hesitated and wanted to be a wall-riding faction began to turn to support the sword god.

As for those tribesmen who opposed it, they also began to hesitate or obey the choice of the Patriarch.

All in all, no matter what the Patriarch decides on this matter, the Nangong clan will be very gentle, and there will never be divisions and disputes.


on the other hand.

Nangong Ao and the Eighth Elders, with hundreds of elite **** masters, have already started operations in the Vast Sky Continent.

Back then, Nangong Ao went to the Patriarch, saying that he was commissioned by the Sword God to go out to perform tasks.

Nangong Patriarch certainly nodded in agreement, but he felt that Nangong Ao was unreliable and had to send another elder to accompany him.

Moreover, Nangongao's mission is very important, and there is no room for mistakes and omissions.

Therefore, the Nangong Patriarch not only dispatched the Eight Elders, but also dispatched nearly a hundred gods, and handed over the information network of the Nangong Clan that had been dormant for many years to Nangong Ao.

With that intelligence force that is good at inquiring news, Nangong Ao and the eighth elders are more relaxed and get twice the result with half the effort.

In the past month, they have investigated 20 domains and collected information on 20 domain owners.

However, if we continue at this rate, it is difficult to collect the intelligence of nearly a hundred domain owners within three months.

In order to speed up the progress, Nangong Ao decisively chose to split up.

He and the Eighth Elder each brought fifty elite gods to the north and south of the mainland to collect intelligence and information.

When Nangong Patriarch heard the news, he naturally worried about the safety of the two elders.

But he also knew that time was pressing, and he wouldn't be able to complete the task that the Sword God had given him without doing this.

So, he can only acquiesce.

In the next two months, some undercurrents gradually appeared in the Haotian Continent.

There are many clues and wind noises spreading across the mainland.

It seemed that the news of the return of the Sword God was accidentally leaked out.

The various ancient clans and the numerous forces in the heaven and the blessed earth no longer hibernated quietly, showing signs of restlessness.

Several confidant generals under the command of the God Emperor Shura, and several controllers guarding the Vast Sky Continent, seemed to have also received some confidential information.

I don't know what order they gave, and there have been strong people walking and mobilizing soldiers and horses in nearly a hundred regions of the mainland.

Although these things happened secretly and were carried out in secrecy.

But the Haotian Continent, which had been calm for many years, suddenly and concentratedly appeared these movements, which still attracted the attention of interested people.

The major forces, sects, and many ancient clans have become restless.

Even the countless powers and the powerful kings of God have their own minds.

But they foresee that a storm is coming, and they may be qualified to get a piece of the pie.

Therefore, smart people will arrange and plan ahead of time to be active.

Instead of hindsight, when the situation changes ~www.ltnovel.com~ accept certain results in a passive state.


Nangong Patriarch and several elders knew about the three-month period that Ji Tianxing had planned.

They are all waiting patiently and performing some preparatory work in secret.

However, the Haotian Continent was surging, and all the forces could not hold back, and started the action ahead of time.

Only two and a half months passed before Yanxu Cave Sky welcomed a group of mysterious guests.

Those who came were five strong **** kings who hid their faces and conceal their deeds.

They did not come together, divided into two days and three groups of people, to visit Nangong Patriarch one after another.

When they arrived at the entrance of Yanxu Cave, they neither revealed their true faces nor reported their identities.

They just took out one token each and let the guard leader hand it over to Nangong Patriarch.

When Nangong Patriarch saw those tokens, he guessed the identities of the five strong men, and could only let the guard command them release and allow them to enter the Yanxu Cave.

Two days later, five mysterious powerhouses gathered in the Guangming Hall and were received by Nangong Patriarch at the same time.

There are only these six people in the main hall, all of whom are high-ranking **** kings, and are the rulers of the dominant side.

There was no nonsense and greetings between the two sides, and the atmosphere in the hall was very solemn and depressing.

The words of several mysterious powerhouses were exceptionally brief and surprisingly consistent.

"Nangong is not confused, we want to see him!"

Nangong Patriarch was not surprised by the demands of several powerful people, and even expected it long ago.

He shook his head blankly, and said in a low tone: "You are uninvited, this request cannot be fulfilled.

The time is not yet ripe, so please come back first.

Soon, this seat will call everyone for him. ".

One of the stronger black-robed men with an older voice snorted coldly, and said, "Nangong is not confused, don't play stupid with the old man!

Our coming today and coming here next time are completely different things! "

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