Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4020: Sky star

  "Every time you make a space jump, you not only consume a huge amount of training resources, but the divine ship itself also bears a huge force and takes time to recover.

   and several consecutive space jumps, the "cooling time" will become longer.

   It seems that in the future, I have to use the space jump function of this divine ship as emergency and escape use, and try not to use it for rushing. "

   After clarifying the situation of the divine ship, Ji Tianxing no longer jumped in space, driving the divine ship to gallop in the void.

   After thinking about it for a moment, he decided to give this divine ship a new name.

   is called Tushen Battleship!

   In the future, he will control this divine ship to deal with the five great emperors.

   Presumably, when the Nether God Emperor sees this divine ship again, his expression will be wonderful!

   Although, Ji Tianxing personally drove the superb divine ship, and his speed was several times faster than that of the Sky Burial Sword.

   But there is a shortcoming, but it is very regrettable.

   That is... he has to personally control the divine ship without being distracted, let alone practicing in seclusion while on the road.

   Unless, he can teach a few close and trusted people to steer this divine ship for him.

   But it takes time, he decided to think about it later.

   After all, this is the king-level superb divine ship, and the internal formations are all king-class superb, which is very profound and complicated.

  Only the upper **** king can control these formations.

   And the upper **** king next to him, currently there is only one Baifeng.


   The process of rushing is always so boring.

   Fortunately, the time is not long, half a month passed quickly.

   On the sixteenth day, Ji Tianxing drove the Tushen battleship into the Tiankui star field.

   Entering the Tiankui star field this time, unlike the previous star fields, he has to be on guard.

   The entire Tiankui star field is under the rule of the Holy Dragon Emperor.

   There is the deity of the Holy Dragon Emperor sitting here, and the whole star field is very peaceful and peaceful.

   Plus, in the past few years, Ji Tianxing has also contacted Shenglongdi twice.

   So far, nothing major has happened in the Tiankui star field, and no other star field has invaded.

   Therefore, Ji Tianxing entering the Tiankui star field is no different from entering his own territory.

   He doesn't have to land on a certain star to find out about the situation in the Tiankui star field, let alone inquiring about which star the Holy Dragon Emperor is.

   For the Tiankui star field, he had already passed through the Holy Dragon Emperor and had enough understanding.

  The Holy Dragon Emperor lives on the Tiankui star, which is a Tiangang-class star located in the middle of the Tiankui star field and has a long-standing reputation.

   Ji Tianxing is driving the Battleship Tushen, galloping in the Tiankui star field, passing through the dense stars, and rushing to Tiankui star.

  Although, many of the dense surrounding stars contain a lot of minerals and metals.

   But Ji Tianxing has no idea of ​​stopping to refine the stars.

   His most urgent idea now is to rush to Tian Kui Xing as soon as possible and see Ji Wuhen who has been separated for more than 20 years.

   Although, a few years ago, he had a super long-distance conversation with the Emperor Shenglong.

   At that time, Emperor Shenglong used the photo crystal to show him the appearance of Ji Wuhen, as well as the scene of life and growth.

   This also made him feel at ease, no longer worrying about Ji Wuhen.

   But he couldn't see Ji Wuhen with his own eyes, so he was still a little worried.

   Of course, this is not because he has any doubts and warnings about the Holy Dragon Emperor.

   It’s just that he really wants to see Ji Wuhen with his own eyes and hopes that the family can be reunited soon.

   After all, Yun Yao, Ji Wushuang and Ji Ke have been thinking about and worrying about Ji Wuhen all these years.

   When will the family reunite, everyone's worries can be dissipated.


   Another six days passed in a flash.

   Thanks to the super fast speed of the Tushen battleship, Ji Tianxing finally arrived at Tiankui Star.

   As he expected, the Tiankui star field was peaceful and tranquil. He flew through half of the star field all the way, without encountering any danger or crisis.

   Looking from a distance in the void, the Tiankui star with a diameter of more than 2 billion li is also peaceful and peaceful.

The surface of    Tiankui Star was also protected by a layer of golden space barrier.

   Ji Tianxing drove the divine ship, crossed the golden space barrier, and entered Tiankui star.

   In order to surprise Shenglongdi and Ji Wuhen, he did not notify each other in advance.

  The heavenly Kui stars are very large, the heavens and the earth are abundant, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the scenery is pleasant.

   There are seven continents in this star, and there are more than 50 billion alien creatures, as many as hundreds of races.

   Before the Holy Dragon Emperor ruled the Tiankui star field, the Tiankui star was the primary target of many overlords.

   There used to be separate regimes of major forces, year-round wars, and the people of different races survived in dire straits.

   But after Emperor Dragon Emperor ruled the Tiankui star field, he personally sat on Tiankui star.

   The hegemons and powerful forces that segregated the seven continents were all suppressed and obedient, and those who dissatisfied were directly eliminated.

   Today, the seven continents are in peace and tranquility. There are only small frictions between the major races and forces, and no major wars and hatred.

   In this way, Tiankui star developed in peace and became prosperous again.

  According to the Holy Dragon Emperor, in the past two hundred years, many cultivating geniuses have appeared in Tiankui Star, and several **** kings have emerged.

   Ji Won Hate lives here, and Ji Tianxing is naturally relieved to be able to live in such a peaceful environment.


   Tushen battleship flew across the sky, crossing two continents in one day.

   Early the next morning, the Tushen battleship arrived in the middle of the Xingyu Continent and stopped above a sea of ​​clouds.

   This sea of ​​clouds with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles~www.ltnovel.com~ is a huge lake below.

   Of course, this kind of lake is more like an inland sea.

   The lake is huge and deep, as deep as a black pool, but it contains plenty of aura and resources.

   In the sea of ​​clouds above the lake, there is a cloud platform, which is the entrance to the sea of ​​clouds.

   Two hundred masters of the gods and three masters of the gods are stationed on this vast yuntai.

   The Sea of ​​Clouds Secret Realm is the holy place for the cultivation of Tiankui Star, as well as the cave dwelling where the Lord of the Star Territory and the Holy Dragon Emperor live.

   The guard leader of the three gods, with two hundred elite guards, guards the secret realm entrance all the year round.

   When the Tushen battleship landed on the cloud platform, the guards were very alert, and quickly sacrificed swords and magic soldiers to surround the battleship.

The three guards headed by    are even more vigilant in their hands with the magic soldiers.


   Ji Tianxing put away the Tushen battleship and appeared alone on the cloud platform.

   In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles, he calmly looked at the three guard leaders, and said: "The King of Heaven is here to visit the Holy Dragon Emperor. Please also report the truth to the three leaders and tell them all."

   Seeing that his hands were empty, not hostile, and he took the initiative to report his identity and intentions, the hostility of the guards was much reduced.

   The three guard leaders glanced at each other, all showing surprise.

   Under normal circumstances, there are occasional **** kings and powerful people here, also to see the Tiankui domain master. .

   Few people know that the patron behind the Tiankui domain master is the Holy Dragon Emperor from the Dragon Realm.

  Since this person directly said the title of the Holy Dragon Emperor, most of them came from the dragon world and met the Holy Dragon Emperor.

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