Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4019: Space jump

   To be honest, Ji Tianxing agrees with the serious attitude of the Tiens domain master.

   But he always feels that the Tianshi domain master seems to be delaying time?

   After all, what this guy is best at is delaying time.

   So, Ji Tianxing said coldly: "This king can give you time to consider and remember, but only two days!"

   Hearing the two-day deadline, the Tiens domain master suddenly became anxious, and asked in an anxious tone: "How can two days be enough? I sorted out my memory for more than two days!

   No, at least half a year, this kind of thing must be cautious..."

   Ji Tianxing was not angry, and said in an unquestionable tone: "At most three days, no discussion!"

   Seeing his resolute attitude, the Tianshi domain lord suddenly disappeared, trembling with anger.

   But he is a fish, he can't help but accept his fate.

   Then, both of them fell silent.

   Ji Tianxing stood above the wasteland, closed his eyes and rested, waiting in silence.

   The Tianshi domain master did not dare to delay time, and quickly closed his eyes, calmly combing through his memories, looking for relevant clues.

   He knew that this matter had a bearing on whether he could survive.

   Therefore, he will never make up lies and make jokes about his life.

   Time passed quietly, the wasteland was quiet and silent, and the needle falling could be heard.

   Soon, one day passed.

   Both of them maintained their initial postures, without moving.

   Two days have passed, but Ji Tianxing still doesn't move.

   Tianshi domain master is thinking hard and turning over several times.

   Finally, three days have passed and the deadline has expired.

   Ji Tianxing opened his eyes and stared at the Tianshi domain master, waiting for his answer.

   Tianshi Territory Lord was full of frustration, frowning, and said in a low tone: "I searched all over the memory of the soul, and I have never seen or heard of the Fengtian Dragon Emperor.

   Thousands of years ago, several major events happened in the Tianshi domain, but none of them has anything to do with him..."

   Ji Tianxing, who was still holding a glimmer of hope before, was suddenly lost.

   Without saying anything, he raised his hand and shot a divine light, and he wanted to kill the Tianshi domain master.

   The Tianshi domain master was shocked, and shouted out loud, "You are not keeping your word!"

   Ji Tianxing said coldly: "This king neither promised to spare you, nor did you help this king, how can we not die?"

   After that, the sword light in his hand was severely cut off.


   The head of the Tianshi Territory Lord was chopped up, his godhead was also broken, and he died on the spot.

   Ji Tianxing fired another magical fire, burning his body to ashes.

   There were only a dozen pieces of Godhead, which he took away.

   After dealing with the Tianshi domain master, Ji Tianxing left the Nine Heavens and Ten Wonders Tower.

   He appeared in the void and stopped the Sky Burial Sword from flying.

  "Fun Tian, ​​you are slow in driving like this, and it takes energy.

   I just got the godship of the Nether God Emperor, so let’s use this godship to drive my way. "

   Ji Tianxing explained to Funeral, and then sacrificed a king-class superb ship.


  The brilliance flashed, and a divine ship that was as dark as ink, with a long and narrow shape and a cold breath, appeared in the void.

   Ji Tianxing put away the Heaven Burying Sword, and personally drove the divine ship in the void.

   The speed of this divine ship is fast enough, like a ghost, passing through the void silently.

   Compared to the speed of the Sky Burial Sword, it was about five times faster.

   Originally planned to enter the Tiankui star field for three months, now it seems that more than half a month will be enough.

   Just in front of the void, a huge waste star appeared.

   The desolate and barren waste star contains a small amount of minerals and metals.

   Ji Tianxing drove the divine ship and landed on the waste star.

   Looking at the funeral sky in doubt, Transponder asked, "Even if you want to devour the stars, you shouldn't choose this dead star?"

   Ji Tianxing explained with a smile: "This dead star is so barren, why would I waste time here?

   I just want to give it a try, the space jump of the Nether God Emperor. "

   Buried Tian suddenly realized, and a little excited and anticipating, and asked: "Space jump? Isn't that a super long distance teleportation?"

   "It can be understood this way." Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "However, the space jump is from one star to another star.

   The distance it spans is not hundreds of thousands or millions of miles. Basically, it is calculated in hundreds of millions of miles. "

   After finishing speaking, he urged the formation of the best divine ship and launched a space jump.


   I saw that the light and shadow around the pitch black divine ship were distorted, and ripples and fluctuations appeared in the void.

   In the blink of an eye, the black godship disappeared.

   In the next instant, the Divine Ship crossed a distance of more than 200 million miles and appeared out of thin air on another star ahead.

   Although, the effect of this ultra-long-distance teleport is very exaggerated, which makes Ji Tianxing very satisfied.

   But when he saw the training resources stored in the Divine Ship, his expression became a little depressed after an instant loss of 30%.

   "Damn it! It's just a space jump that consumes two trillion worth of resources?

   So, the training resources in the space ring of the God Emperor Nether are only enough for me to make a few space jumps? "

   He suddenly wanted to understand. No wonder the status of the Nether God Emperor is so noble, and the space ring worn by his incarnation contains only tens of trillions of resources.

   It turned out that when the Nether God Emperor was on his way before, he used space to jump and consumed all his cultivation resources.

  "Finally, I am also a super rich man worth tens of trillions. How can I care about these two trillion resources?

   Try again~www.ltnovel.com~ to see if this divine ship can make continuous space jumps..."

   While talking, Ji Tianxing once again urged the divine formation in the divine ship to start a space jump.

   However, there was no response from that complex sacred formation, and the expected space jump did not materialize.

   "Sure enough, it still doesn't work. Even a king-class divine ship cannot teleport continuously."

   Ji Tianxing tried out the answer, and had a bottom.

   Even if the King-class Divine Ship has performed a space jump, it will take a while to perform the second time.

   This should be what Bai Long said, the ‘cooling time’ of formations and skills, right?

   Ji Tianxing flew around the dead star at his feet for half an hour.

   When he was about to leave the dead star, he launched a space jump again.


   There was another flash of light and shadow, and the thousand-meter-long pitch-black godship disappeared in the twisted phantom.

   The next moment, the Divine Ship crossed more than 400 million miles of void and appeared on another disused star in the distance.

   This time, the training resources stored in the Divine Ship have been directly reduced by five trillion!

   Through this, Ji Tianxing came to a conclusion.

  The amount of resources consumed by the divine ship during space jump is proportional to the distance of the space jump.

   Ji Tianxing carefully observed the inside of the divine ship, the divine formations that supported the space jump.

   He found that the Divine Formation was indeed dormant and was slowly recovering. .

  According to the recovery speed of the **** array, he has to wait a day before he can make the third space jump.

  This situation gave him a deeper understanding of the divine ship.

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