Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3878: Red Dragon's Flame

Obtained the Chilong Emperor's order, the Fengyun brothers no longer doubted, and quickly opened the entrance to the cave.

Long Xuanfeng continued to guard the entrance, and Long Xuanyun personally led Ji Tianxing into the Shenhuo Cave.


The two of them stepped through the blazing white light gate and entered a magnificent alien space.

This divine fire cave sky is like a golden light ball with a radius of one million li, suspended in the boundless ocean of magma.

Through the golden space barrier, you can clearly see the slowly tossing, flowing magma, as well as the inexhaustible colorful fire.

After more than a thousand years, Ji Tianxing once again saw the sky formed by magma and flames, and he would still be shocked by the magnificent sight.

The Chilong Emperor's Chilong Shrine is in the depths of the Shenhuo Cave, where the spiritual veins gather.

Long Xuanyun led Ji Tianxing on the way to the Chilong Shrine, and met many guards and monster generals.

Everyone stopped and bowed to Long Xuanyun and Ji Tianxing.

Seeing those guards and generals in an orderly but nondiscreet appearance, Ji Tianxing knew that the management of Emperor Chilong had been fruitful over the years.

Even if the Chilong Continent is really dangerous, the problem is not big.

Along the way, looking at the earth like glazed jade and the magnificent sky constantly changing, Ji Tianxing felt a little bit in his heart.

Shenhuo Dongtian is the same as it was then, but in these thousand years, I don't know how many changes have occurred.

Even he himself is no longer the cold sword **** Longtian.

An hour later, Ji Tianxing and Long Xuanyun arrived in the depths of the cave.

There is a crystal clear mountain range in front of it, like crystal, colored glaze, and red jade. Dozens of peaks stand proudly, shining with dazzling divine light.

Above the peaks, one can clearly see magnificent palaces, magnificent houses and buildings.

Every palace and house is guarded by guards with distinctive armor.

There are guards patrolling the gates, main roads and the sky.

This made the Chilong Shrine not only majestic and solemn, but also a little more solemn and murderous.

Long Xuanyun led Ji Tianxing over the mountains, flying to the top of the mountain in the middle, and landing outside the most solemn shrine.

The two walked on the ground, Long Xuanyun led the way, and the guards guarding the gate and various passages let them go without any obstruction.

"Young Master Long, His Majesty Dragon Emperor is handling military affairs in the study, and his subordinates will take you there."

It stands to reason that for a distinguished guest like Ji Tianxing, Emperor Chilong should meet the etiquette to meet him in the hospitality hall.

However, Emperor Chilong has been busy with government affairs recently, and has basically been busy in the study, so he can't get out of it.

Therefore, Long Xuanyun was worried about Ji Tianxing's misunderstanding, so he explained it again.

Ji Tianxing guessed the reason, naturally, without making any calculations, followed into the depths of the shrine.

The two arrived outside the gate of the study, and Long Xuanyun explained his intention to the four guards guarding the study.

After the guards informed the Chilong Emperor, the gate was opened and Ji Tianxing was invited to enter.

Long Xuanyun stood outside the door of the study and reported to the inside, "Encourage Your Majesty Long, Master Long has already been brought here, and his subordinates retire."

After saluting, Long Xuanyun bid farewell to Ji Tianxing and left the temple.

Ji Tianxing stepped into the study alone, and at a glance, he saw that in the wide and bright study, the memorials on the table had already piled up like a mountain.

In the small mountain-like memorials and letters, a young dragon from the dragon clan wearing a dark red dragon robe was writing at his desk with a solemn expression.

Even though he hadn't seen him for more than a thousand years, the red-robed young man hadn't changed much. He was as heroic and noble as before.

Hearing Ji Tianxing's footsteps, the red-robed youth immediately put down the imperial pen and looked up at Ji Tianxing, showing a sincere and happy smile.

"Long Tian! It really is you!

Unexpectedly, it is great to see you again after more than a thousand years! "

The red-robed youth got up to greet him with a little excitement, and gave Ji Tianxing a bear hug without saying a word.

Seeing him as a dragon emperor for more than a thousand years, but still as enthusiastic as he was before, without any arrogance and alienation, Ji Tianxing felt warm.

He and the red-robed youth hugged and separated, and said with a chuckle: "Long Yan, I haven't seen you in more than a thousand years, you still haven't changed at all."

The young man Long Yan in the red robe is the Chilong Emperor.

The two hadn't seen each other for too long, so it was a good time to greet each other.

Long Yan temporarily put aside his government affairs, brewed two cups of hot tea, sat down with Ji Tianxing to chat and reminisced about the past, and asked him about his experience over the years.

Ji Tianxing said briefly, saying that he has been practicing in the God Realm in retreat for these years, and his strength has been greatly improved without asking the world.

Reminiscing about the time of a cup of tea, Long Yan suddenly remembered something, staring at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and asked: "Brother, I heard that something happened in Xingyuan Continent a year ago.

Long Tian led the Ten Thousand Demons League to capture the mysterious cave sky, defeated the Golden Source Dragon Emperor, and ruled the Star Source Continent.

That Longtian is you, right? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded.

Long Yan's doubts were confirmed, and he burst into laughter with excitement, and patted Ji Tianxing on the shoulder and said: "I knew it was you! Haha...except you, who has this ability?"

After laughing, his mood calmed down, and he asked with some doubts: "By the way, you are in control of the Star Source Continent. It is now a critical period.

You should sit in Xuanji Cave and take control of the entire continent as soon as possible. Why did you come to me?

Are you not afraid of the remnants of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, take the opportunity to make trouble? "

Ji Tianxing smiled, and said indifferently: "If I tell you, in fact, I am not interested in the position of the Dragon Emperor, but I was forced to fight back to destroy Xuanji Dongtian, do you believe it?"

"..." Long Yan was stunned on the spot, looking at him with a strange expression.

After a while, Long Yan recovered, patted his shoulder, and gave a thumbs up.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for more than a thousand years. You have changed a lot. You have all learned to pretend to be?

This is well-installed and level! "

"I really didn't pretend!" Ji Tianxing helplessly spread his hands, "Why don't you believe it?"

Long Yan waved his hand again and again, and said with a wry smile: "It's alright, I believe you can't do it?

By the way~www.ltnovel.com~ The leader of the Ten Thousand Demons League, Luohu, what does it have to do with you? How did you subdue him? "

When Long Yan got the news a year ago, he had doubted the identity of God King Luohu and the relationship with Long Tian.

Ji Tianxing replied: "It's not just you, it is estimated that many people want to know the answer.

I can tell you, but please keep it secret. "

"Of course!" Long Yan nodded quickly: "I promise not to tell anyone."

"The God King Luohu is actually the snake husband." Ji Tianxing said calmly.

"Snake husband? It turned out to be him! No wonder!" Long Yan suddenly realized that he was shocked and unbelievable.

Since it is the snake husband and the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon League, it is not difficult to understand why the Ten Thousand Demon League obeys Dragon Heaven.

"It's just that the snake husband has reached the pinnacle of the **** king realm? This is incredible!"

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