Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3877: Reunion of old friends

After reading Long Xiang's message, Ji Tianxing put away the message jade slip.

He didn't intend to give Long Xiang a reply, and he didn't want to bother about the Tianlong Continent.

Regarding Bei Ming's reaction and actions, he just sneered at the corner of his mouth and whispered a few words in a low voice.

"No matter how the emperor did evil in the past, it was all hurting others, not hurting you personally.

Only if the emperor threatens your life and throne, you will be determined to eradicate him.

Ha ha ha... as I expected!

What diligence and love for the people? Your favorite is yourself.

The emperor thought he was cunning and treacherous, but compared with you, his city mansion is far from enough. "

Over the past few hundred years, the emperor has been acting and secretly performing intrigues.

He thought he was clever, and played around with the loyal and honest Bei Ming.

But in fact, isn't Bei Ming acting with him, using him to clap him?

In the end, Bei Ming can get rid of him justifiably, without having to bear infamy, but also to win reputations such as righteousness, extermination, and love for the people.

It can be expected that after this incident, all the people's grievances and accusations in the Tianlong Continent will be held on the emperor's body.

But Longdi Beiming has not only washed away his notoriety and gained a reputation, but his reputation will also reach unprecedented heights.

The game between the uncle and nephew, after all, Bei Ming won.


Shenhuo Dongtian, in the middle of the Chilong Region.

There are majestic and magnificent scenery with majestic and magnificent mountains and primitive jungles in a radius of a million miles.

In the depths of the endless mountain range, there is an abyss with a radius of thousands of miles, without a bottom.

The entrance of the abyss was covered by endless divine fire, rising fiercely, never extinguishing.

Enter the abyss, step through the endless blockade of Divine Fire, and then enter Divine Fire Cave.

Most of the other caves and blessings are independent of the dragon world, hanging in the void.

Through the space barrier of the cave sky, you can see the scene of the outer starry sky.

And this divine fire cave sky is actually deep in the heart of the dragon world.

Although, it is also an alien space, different from the dragon world, it must be entered through a large formation.

But after all, it is deep in the heart of the earth, suspended in an endless ocean of magma.

Except for Emperor Chilong and a few powerful **** kings, no one knew the specific location of Shenhuo Dongtian.

No one can enter the center of the earth and find it from the magma ocean.


When night fell, the Heaven Burying Sword descended from the sky and landed over the abyss among the mountains.

The turbulent five-color divine fire covered the abyss of thousands of miles, forming a natural barrier.

This abyss has become a forbidden zone, even if there is no guard guarding it, no one dares to approach it.

As for those flying birds and beasts, even if they have the strength of the God Sovereign Realm, they dare not rush in.

After all, the five-color sacred fire that covers the entire abyss can only be resisted by the strong **** king.

Any creatures below the Divine King Realm will be burned to ashes once they are contaminated.

More than a thousand years ago, the sword **** Longtian once followed the Tianlong Emperor to Shenhuodongtian once.

He still knew something about the situation of Shenhuo Dongtian.


With a flash of white light, Ji Tianxing in white robe like snow appeared above the abyss.

He put away the Heaven Burial Sword and stepped into the abyss.

The turbulent five-color divine fire immediately drowned his figure.

But there is a hazy golden light on his body, which protects him, and the five-color fire cannot hurt him.

He passed through the five-color sacred fire about a thousand miles thick, entered the depths of the abyss, and came to a huge white light gate.

This white light gate is the entrance of the Shenhuo Dongtian, protected by a king-level high-grade **** formation.

A few hundred miles above the light gate, there is a turbulent five-color divine fire.

But around the light gate, there was a ray of divine fire that could not be seen, and the surrounding light was also a little gloomy.

There are hundreds of guards guarding around the light gate, and the four leaders are all of the strength of the **** king.

Seeing Ji Tianxing's arrival, the guards were immediately vigilant, holding swords and magic weapons, ready to go.

Two guard leaders from the Divine King Realm approached him guardedly and stopped Ji Tianxing.

"Your Excellency, please report your name, what's the point of coming to my Shenhuo Cave?"

Ji Tianxing stared at the two commanders for a moment, and suddenly smiled.

"If this king remembers correctly, your names are Long Xuanfeng and Long Xuanyun.

You two are the children of the Red Jiao clan, and you are a pair of brothers.

Unexpectedly, after more than a thousand years, your strength has only increased by one level. Are you still here to keep the goal? "

The two guard leaders wearing gold armor are of the blood of the Red Jiao clan, and their looks and body shapes are quite similar.

Both of them have reached the sixth level of the Divine King Realm, and they can dominate one side in the Dragon Realm and control a domain.

But after a thousand years, they are still guarding the gate here, which surprised Ji Tianxing.

Long Xuanfeng and Long Xuanyun frowned at the same time, staring at Ji Tianxing more vigilantly, and asked, "Who is your Excellency and why do you know us?"

"Listen to your excellency, you knew us more than a thousand years ago?"

Seeing them react like this, Ji Tianxing suddenly guessed the reason and couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's no wonder that Long Yan has not promoted you, but let you guard the door.

He can rest assured only if you two guard the gate so carefully. "

The hundreds of millions of Li people in the Chilong Continent only knew the name of the Chilong Emperor, but they didn't know his name. It was Long Yan.

Long Xuanfeng and Long Xuanyun immediately changed their expressions, looking at Ji Tianxing strangely.

Since Ji Tianxing dared to call the Red Dragon Emperor by the name and showed no malice, he was probably a friend of the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Your Excellency, we have no intention of offending, but please also give us your registration number and your intentions so that we can pass them on."

Long Xuanfeng put away the magic sword, bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing, and said respectfully.

Ji Tianxing stopped teasing them either, and said with a smile: "Go tell Long Yan, just say that Long Tian is here, let him prepare the wine."

"Long Tian?"

Hearing this name, Long Xuanfeng and Long Xuanyun both stared, stunned on the spot.

After a while, the brothers came back to their senses and suddenly realized that they showed a cordial smile.

"No wonder I always feel that you are a little familiar, but I can't remember it. It turns out that it is Lord Long Tian!"

"Young Master Long only visited once in the past~www.ltnovel.com~ and actually wrote down our names... It's an honor!"

As the confidantes of Emperor Chilong, the two brothers certainly knew Longtian and the friendship between Emperor Longtian and Emperor Chilong.

Therefore, the two of them no longer doubted, both put away the sword and magic weapon, and bowed to Ji Tianxing.

Long Xuanfeng accompanied Ji Tianxing to speak and retell the past. Long Xuanyun took out the jade slip of the transmission and reported the news to the Emperor Chilong.

Although they had determined the identity of Long Tian, ​​they did not dare to make any claims. If Long Tian was released into Shenhuo Cave, he still had to ask Chilong Emperor to decide.

No way, the two brothers have always been so cautious.

It didn't take long for Long Xuanyun to receive the summons sent back by Emperor Chilong.

The message was only one sentence, but the tone was very pleasantly surprised and excited.

"Long Tian is here? Hurry up, please do not neglect!"

(End of this chapter)

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