Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3857: Group attack

Outside the Tianlong Temple, there is a vast mountain range 100,000 miles south.

Ji Tianxing, dressed in a white robe and empty-handed, is walking over the lofty mountains, walking on the sea of ​​clouds.

He was not in a hurry, and wandered like a stroll in the courtyard.

It seems slow, but in fact he is waiting for the emperor and others to follow him.

Before he was waiting for news in Longxiang Palace, in fact, he had been secretly watching the movement of Longdi Divine Palace.

When the emperor's division dispatched troops, he had already noticed that the situation was not good.

When the emperor rushed to Longxiang Palace with a large number of forbidden troops, he left Longxiang Palace and flew all the way south.

When he reached the sky above the lofty mountains, he slowed down and wandered around here.

He wanted to see how hostile the Ice Dragon King was towards him.

And what will the Dragon Emperor Bei Ming do with this matter?

Although, he and Bei Ming had known each other more than a thousand years ago, and they were kind of friendship.

But he would never be naive to think that Bei Ming, who had been the Dragon Emperor for a thousand years, would still be a brother to him as he did in the past.

First look at the attitude of the emperor and Bei Ming to see if the two are singing double reeds, and then it is not too late to decide the next action.

With this thought in mind, Ji Tianxing waited patiently in the sea of ​​clouds.

Before long, a dazzling divine light flew in the northern sky, and dense figures were approaching quickly.

Ji Tianxing looked calmly and saw more than a thousand people in that divine light.

The leader is a thin old man wearing a black robe, exuding a terrifying murderous and chill.

Behind him were thirty-five powerful **** kings, most of whom were middle and lower **** kings, and there were only three upper **** kings.

Behind the many gods and kings, there are five divisions of the Imperial Guard, with a total of thousands of people, all armed with armor and swords.

Everyone rushed over with murderous aura, and after the divine consciousness locked on Ji Tianxing, the speed of the rush was accelerated.

"Where is he!"

"He hasn't escaped yet, catch him!"

"Everyone speed up, you must not let him escape!"

Many **** kings shouted and rushed to the sky above the lofty mountains with thousands of imperial guards, forming an encirclement in the sea of ​​clouds.

In a short period of time, a huge encirclement was formed, enclosing Ji Tianxing.

Everyone held their swords and stared at Ji Tianxing in a tense posture.

Thirty **** kings scattered, occupying favorable positions in the encircled circle, and could launch a siege on Ji Tianxing at any time.

The emperor took the other five **** kings, stepped across the sea of ​​clouds, and approached Ji Tian.

"Long Tian, ​​this seat has long since guessed that you are plotting wrongdoings. Now you have been exposed and fled in fear of crime. You have been caught by this seat, and you will be caught without your hands?!"

The emperor stood still in front of Ji Tianxing, and his black robe was hunting and flying in the strong wind, exuding powerful majesty.

The other five **** kings also glared at Ji Tianxing, unleashing the coercion of the **** king and powerful, appearing extraordinarily domineering, domineering and powerful.

However, Ji Tianxing was not affected at all, still standing in the sky calmly, looking at the emperor and others, with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth.

As for the thousand imperial guards, he ignored them completely.

In the end, his gaze fell back to the emperor, and he asked, "Ice Dragon King, whether in the Beihai Dragon King Palace or now in the Tianlong Temple, this king has no grievances against you.

When the king came to see Bei Ming, he had said that there was something important to discuss, but you didn't even see each other, and you besieged the king with great fanfare.

This king would like to ask, is this what you meant, or is it under Bei Ming's instigation? "

The emperor frowned and shouted coldly without hesitation: "Of course this is the decision of this seat. It is the duty of this seat to share the worries for the Dragon Emperor!

You messenger and thief, not to mention the troubles of the Star Source Continent, now you have come to the Tianlong Continent again, trying to assassinate the Dragon Emperor and harm the Tianlong Continent!

His Majesty Longdi is kind and wants to give you a chance to argue.

But this seat is responsible for your majesty's safety, and will never give you a chance! "

Ji Tianxing suddenly sneered, shook his head contemptuously, and asked: "Do you think this king returns to Tianlong Continent to assassinate Beiming and **** the position of Dragon Emperor?"

"Isn't it?" The emperor asked back, and shouted angrily: "You must be sophistry, let alone deceive everyone!"

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth sneered even more, and asked: "Since you know that this king defeated the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and won the position of the Dragon Emperor in the Star Origin Continent.

Then who gave you the confidence and courage to attack this king? "

The emperor was stunned, and more than 30 **** kings and thousands of imperial guards also showed their jealousy.

Seeing that everyone hesitated, the emperor hurriedly raised his arms and shouted, "Long Tian! What if you are powerful? Don't want us to give in!

We are all loyal and righteous men. For the safety of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, and to protect the Heavenly Dragon Continent, we would rather die here than let you go! "

The expression and tone of the emperor teacher all revealed impassioned emotions, a posture of throwing his head and blood.

The other **** kings and the imperial guards were all touched, and they were also ignited with passion and pride.

"Yes, we all regard death as home!"

"For your Majesty Dragon Emperor, for the people of the world, we would rather die than yield!"

"Stop talking nonsense with him, let's go together and kill him!"

"Everyone is punishable by the insidious courtiers and thieves!"

In a wave of shouts, the emperor drew a mouthful of the ice blue divine sword and swung the sword in an offensive gesture.

Suddenly, a thousand imperial guards and more than 30 **** kings all wielded swords, mobilized their supernatural powers, performed various supernatural powers, and launched a siege on Ji Tianxing.

The bright divine light suddenly lit up, illuminating a radius of 30,000 li.

The violent and unmatched divine power fluctuations disrupted the divine power in this area and blew a storm out of thin air.

The people's magical skills have not yet been activated, and the terrifying coercion has been condensed between the world and the earth, and Chao Ji Tianxing has suppressed it.

As the leader of the emperor, with a gesture of victory on the surface, in fact, he was a little nervous.

He already had a foreboding that these **** kings and guards around him might become cannon fodder, and it would not be easy to pay an extremely tragic price ~ www.ltnovel.com~ to capture or slay Long Tian.

However, something that everyone did not expect happened.

Just when many forbidden army and **** king powerhouses were about to release their supernatural powers, the emperor was in a trance... but Ji Tianxing suddenly disappeared!

Without any signs, or even the divine light flickering, he just disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and a thought flashed in their minds.

"Isn't that Long Tian not the body, but a phantom?"

Before everyone could think about it, a frightening scene appeared again.


Long Tian unexpectedly appeared behind the emperor teacher, and blasted the emperor teacher's back with a fist that seemed to be an understatement.

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