Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3856: Something big

Although, more than 30 powerful gods and thousands of imperial guards were puzzled by the sudden transfer.

They didn't understand that there was nothing unusual in the Heavenly Dragon God Palace, why the emperor's master suddenly went into war.

Facing everyone's questioning and inquiries, the emperor said boldly: "The evil thief Longtian from the turmoil Star Origin Continent, with the cooperation of Long Xiang, quietly entered the Tianlong Divine Palace.

This person intends to assassinate His Majesty Dragon Emperor, his heart is punishable!

Although His Majesty Dragon Emperor has a kind heart, but we must not let the conspiracy of the evil thief succeed! "

Hearing his explanation, many **** kings and imperial guards were relieved.

When assembling the heavy soldiers, the emperor kept an eye on it.

The thousand imperial guards and more than 30 **** kings he had gathered were all old officials of the North Sea Dragon King Palace, or had joined the Dragon Emperor for thousands of years.

No one is a former minister of the Tianlong Temple a thousand years ago!

Although, after Bei Ming succeeded the Dragon Emperor, he received thousands of masters and strong men under Fengtian Dragon Emperor.

But over the past thousand years, the emperor has long used various means to transfer the thousands of people from the Tianlong Temple and dispatch them to various places in the mainland.

All in all, the thousands of old officials of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor could not be reused, let alone stay in the Heavenly Dragon Divine Palace.

"For Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, kill!"

The emperor master was murderous, and shouted in a low tone.

Thousands of imperial guards and many strong gods also roared.

Afterwards, the emperor rushed to Long Xiang's residence with everyone.

"Huh! Huh!"

Everyone moved extremely fast, and after only a quarter of an hour, they landed around Longxiang Palace, surrounding the entire palace.

Numerous **** kings and the Imperial Guard formed a battle formation, clinging to the swords and artifacts, in an arrogant posture.

The guards of Longxiang Palace were dumbfounded on the spot, and didn't understand what was going on.

"Everyone, what are you doing?"

"What's wrong with my general? Why did the Guards ransack their home?"

"My lords, there must be some misunderstanding in this!"

The guards panicked and hurried to report to Long Xiang.

But Long Xiang is not in the palace, they can only report to the two lieutenants.

There were also two more clever soldiers who wanted to sneak out of the palace while they were in chaos to inform Long Xiang.

However, several **** kings found them, captured them on the spot, and threw them back to the palace square.

The emperor took the command of several imperial guards, stepped into the palace sternly, shouting: "On the order of His Majesty the Dragon, come and capture the rebellious Dragon Heaven, all idlers and others will evade!"

Hearing that this matter had nothing to do with Long Xiang, many guards and soldiers hurriedly retreated aside, quietly.

However, the emperor and several imperial guards entered the palace and searched around for a while, but no trace of Long Tian was found.

Angrily, the commanders of several imperial guards ordered their guards and guards to be arrested and escorted to the square before the temple.

Soon, hundreds of guards and two hundred soldiers gathered in the square, neatly arranged.

"Where is Longtian?"

"Who can tell this seat where Long Tian is hidden?"

"If anyone knows and does not report, kill them without pardon!"

"Whoever helps Long Tian hide, treat it as a crime of treason!"

The commanders of the Guards held swords and asked murderously.

Many guards and personal soldiers were at a loss, wondering what was going on.

Only two lieutenants looked complicated and secretly anxious.

Soon, the guards guarding the gate of the palace couldn't bear the majesty and interrogation of the imperial army commander, and they told the truth in public.

"Lord Qiji, just before Yizhuxiang, the young man in white robe left..."

"He left through the palace gate, I don't know where he went."

"He is a distinguished guest of the general. We dare not stop or ask where he is going."

Hearing these answers, several guard leaders were full of regret.

The emperor's face was even more gloomy, his eyes flickered with cold light, and he sneered: "You escaped before we surrounded here?

Humph! Sure enough, the thief had deliberately made unpredictable plots! "

After speaking, the emperor gave orders to many **** kings and guard leaders.

"Long Tian has noticed something bad and has fled from here!

However, this seat has already ordered the closing of the cave sky exit, and he can't escape!

Let's go hunting now and we will catch him soon! "

Many **** kings and nearly a thousand forbidden troops hurriedly assembled. After forming a team, they followed the emperor to fly to the sky and rushed towards the exit of the cave.

At the same time, the emperor also sent out a few jade slips, and continued to dispatch troops.

He wants to mobilize tens of thousands of forbidden troops, mobilize ten high-ranking kings, and jointly besiege Longtian.

He would never allow Long Tian to escape from the Supreme Profound Caverns, he must punish him within the Cavernatic.


The emperor and the thousands of imperial guards arrived in a hurry, and when they left, they also hurriedly disappeared into the sky.

The guards and soldiers of Longxiang Palace came back to their senses. They all looked at each other and were at a loss.

The two lieutenants dared not delay, and hurriedly sent a message to Long Xiang and reported the situation.


Long Xiang was wandering outside the Longdi Shrine, feeling nervous.

A moment ago, he noticed that in the sky a hundred miles away, there seemed to be a team of imperial troops flying by.

In his residence, Longxiang Palace, there seemed to be fluctuations in the aura of a god-king powerhouse.

He was wondering in his heart, and wanted to rush back to see what happened.

At this moment, a message of jade slip flew from the sky and landed in front of him.

When he finished reading the news in the jade slip, his complexion changed drastically, and he rushed into the Dragon Emperor Divine Palace without hesitation, and ran towards the Dragon Emperor's study.


Long Xiang pushed open the tall and heavy study door.

He didn't care to offend the majesty of Emperor Long, rushed in without notice, and exclaimed anxiously: "Your Majesty, something big is about to happen!

The emperor master summoned thousands of imperial guards, and more than 30 **** kings, surrounded the residence of the end general, and wanted to besiege Senior Longtian! "

Bei Ming was still sitting in the Grand Master's chair, frowning in thought, considering whether to see Long Tian.

If we meet, how should we talk?

If Long is innocent to be against him, how can he protect himself?

If Long Tian wants to regain the position of Dragon Emperor, can he give up?

Suddenly heard the scream of Long Xiang~www.ltnovel.com~ He woke up suddenly and stood up.

"What are you talking about? The emperor led his troops to surround your residence and besiege Longtian?"

"Yes!" Long Xiang nodded quickly and explained: "However, Senior Long Tian has left the end of the general's residence, and the emperor led his troops to hunt down."

Bei Ming frowned fiercely, and shouted anxiously: "How can the emperor be so reckless! Long Tian's intentions are not yet clear, so he rushed to siege, and it is bound to cause disaster!"

Everyone knows that the emperor is eager to attack before Long Tian has expressed his intentions, and it is likely to be self-defeating and enmity for no reason!

With the current power of the Tianlong Temple, fighting with a peak **** king, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Even if Tianlong Temple can win, the consequences will be tragic!

Thinking of this, Bei Ming quickly summoned his guards and rushed out of the study with Long Xiang.

He wants to rush to stop the emperor himself!

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