Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3854: Big thing

Obviously, Bei Ming felt that the punishment of Long Xiang had caused the emperor to regress.

So in the trivial matter of "Mr. Tianxing sees him", there is no need to accommodate Long Xiang.

Since Young Master Tianxing is Long Xiang’s lifesaver, he prepares a generous gift, which will be given to Young Master Tian Xing by Long Xiang, and then Young Master Tian Xing will leave the Tianlong Shrine...

It should be a good and reasonable decision.

Long Xiang also understood this, and couldn't fault Bei Ming's decision.

Even if he was unwilling and felt that he could not help Senior Tianxing, he still had nothing to do with Beiming.

He can't keep entangled and force Bei Ming to change his mind, right?

Full of grievances and disappointments, Long Xiang said goodbye to Bei Ming and the emperor, and left the study with a sad expression.

But the emperor still stayed in the study, and complained a lot with Bei Ming, and then left angrily.

Regarding the content of the complaint, you can guess it without listening to it. It is nothing more than to blame Bei Ming for being too benevolent, hating the ‘treacherous minister’ and the ‘younger’ for deceiving people too much.


On weekdays, Long Xiang returned to his residence from the Longdi Shrine, and it only took a hundred breaths of time.

But tonight, he actually walked for two quarters of an hour to arrive.

After returning to the residence, he did not go to see Ji Tianxing immediately, but sat quietly in the room for a long time.

It wasn't until dawn three hours later that he got up and went to see Ji Tianxing.

At the same time, the guard commander of the North Ming Dragon Emperor also brought a thank you gift prepared by Bei Ming.

The guard commander handed the sandalwood box containing the thanks to Long Xiang and left.

Holding a sandalwood box alone, Long Xiang went to meet Ji Tianxing.

He wanted to let the guards give an announcement and asked Ji Tianxing to meet in the living room.

But when he walked into the living room, he found that Ji Tianxing was already waiting for him.

"Senior Tianxing, why are you here? Didn't you take a rest last night?" Long Xiang was taken aback for a moment, and asked with concern.

Ji Tianxing smiled and said in a calm tone: "I just heard the voice of you and the guard leader, this king guessed that you are coming, so he is waiting for you here."

Long Xiang was relieved, and after a few greetings with him, he presented the sandalwood treasure box.

"Senior Tianxing, last night, I have already told His Majesty Dragon Emperor what happened and your intentions.

This is a thank you gift specially prepared by His Majesty Dragon Emperor to express his gratitude to you..."

While talking, Long Xiang presented the gift box in front of Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing sat on the chair and didn't move. He didn't even look at the gift box. A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth. He asked, "Bei Ming doesn't plan to see this king, right?

After giving out this gift box, you will be ordered to send this king away, right? "

"Uh..." Long Xiang's hands froze in the air, suddenly a little embarrassed, "Senior, you guessed it?"

He showed a guilty expression on his face, and said with a bitter smile: "Please forgive me, seniors. I only blame the younger generations for their slight words and fail to help you."

Ji Tianxing was not disappointed, let alone angry, and asked calmly, "Is Bei Ming reluctant to see this king, or is there someone to persuade?"

"This..." Long Xiang was speechless again, not knowing how to answer.

Although, the emperor was very dissatisfied with him and deliberately suppressed him.

But this was something inside Tianlong Divine Palace, he didn't want Senior Tianxing to know.

In any case, Senior Tianxing is an outsider after all, and he has not known him for a long time, so he can't fully trust him.

The most important thing is that he also didn't want to see Senior Tian Xing getting enemies with the Emperor because of this matter.

That is definitely not a good thing for Senior Tianxing.

Seeing Long Xiang's expression and reaction, Ji Tianxing guessed the answer, waved his hand and said: "Okay, I won't ask you anymore, lest you be embarrassed.

Well, you can help this king one last time.

If you report to Beiming, you will say that Longtian is visiting.

In addition, no matter what happens or the result, it has nothing to do with you. "

Long Xiang nodded subconsciously and agreed, "Okay! Then I will help Senior again, and please wait here for Senior!"

He had already made up his mind that even if he would be attacked by the emperor's teacher and would offend the dragon emperor, he would help again.

After all, Senior Tianxing is his savior.

He said that he would never forget the great kindness, but in fact he would not help even this little thing. That is not his style.


When Long Xiang turned around and walked to the door of the living room, he suddenly reacted.

He froze in place, turned around to look at Ji Tianxing, and asked suspiciously: "Senior Tianxing, you just said...your name is Longtian?"

Ji Tianxing nodded.

Long Xiang's eyes widened, with a shocked and unbelievable expression, and asked: "You are the legendary, the one from Star Source Continent... Long Tian who defeated the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor?"

Ji Tianxing looked calm and nodded again.

Long Xiang became more shocked, his blood and heartbeat accelerated, and his voice trembling asked: "External rumors say that you were the only disciple of Emperor Fengtian. Is this true?"

Ji Tianxing still nodded without changing his face.

"Gosh!!" Long Xiang was completely stunned, his eyes glowing with brilliant light, staring at Ji Tianxing for a long time.

He couldn't believe that the mysterious powerhouse who created miracles, rewritten the history of the dragon world, and robbed the dragon emperor was in front of him!

That's right, the big event that happened in Xingyuan Continent was earth-shattering.

As early as a year ago, the news spread from the Star Source Continent to several other continents.

For the past three years, Long Xiang has been active in the southeast coastal area, and of course he has heard many rumors.

To him, the legendary pinnacle powerhouse like Long Tian is an existence that can only look up to.

He was able to walk with Long Tian for a month!

This is simply great luck.

After a while, Long Xiang's emotions calmed down.

"Senior Long Tian became the Dragon Emperor of the Star Origin Continent, and now he comes to the Heavenly Dragon Continent, and he wants to meet the North Ming Dragon Emperor, and he also said that he has important matters to discuss...

It seems that the things to be discussed between the two dragon emperors must have something to do with the world structure, and it is definitely a big deal! "

Long Xiang made up his mind on his own, showing a suddenly realized expression, and quickly bowed and said: "Senior Longtian, please wait a moment here, and the younger generation will report."

After speaking, he turned and left as fast as he could, and rushed to the Dragon Emperor Shrine.

"??" Looking at him with an expression that I understand~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing couldn't help frowning, and muttered to himself: "I didn't say anything, what did he understand?"

After just twenty breaths.

Long Xiang was as fast as lightning, and appeared excitedly outside Long Emperor's study.

"Know Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, there will be something big to report at the end!"

Long Xiang didn't want to let the guard pass through, and shouted at the entrance of the study.

In the study, the emperor was discussing government affairs with Bei Ming.

Suddenly hearing Long Xiang's anxious shouts, the two stopped talking and both frowned.

"This bastard, haven't you chased that person away?

In such a panic and yelling, what style is it? "

The emperor was angry, turned around and opened the door of the study, he wanted to reprimand Long Xiang.

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