Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3853: Drive him out

   Long Xiang was full of grievances, but he couldn't argue with him, and he was in a very passive position.

   The emperor is domineering, aggressive, and has a winning posture.

   Based on his identity, status, strength and methods, it is too simple to punish Long Xiang.

   Seeing, Long Xiang is about to be guilty of this and suffer injustice.

   Fortunately, Bei Ming stood up to make a round and waved his hand again and again: "The emperor, please calm down, why is this? Why is this??

   Since the emperor ascended the throne, General Long Xiang has followed the emperor, and has been working hard and conscientiously for thousands of years.

   As for this mission, even if he did not succeed, he found many key clues and information.

  Emperor Master, General Long Xiang had no credit and hard work, how could this Emperor punish him?

  If this is the case, wouldn’t it make everyone’s heart cold? "

  Long Xiang's disposition and character, Bei Ming is still very confident and highly valued.

   In his opinion, the emperor was so aggressive, it was a bit nitpicking and deliberately suppressed.

   But he can't say these words, he has to take care of the face and majesty of the emperor.

   Therefore, he can only move out of Long Xiang's past performance, and hope that the emperor will not pursue it anymore.

   But who knows, the emperor did not mean to let Long Xiang go, and said with a strong attitude: "Your Majesty, it is because of your kindhearted heart and too old feelings that you indulged these treacherous officials, causing them to become more and more rampant.

  If things go on like this, not only will your prestige disappear, but the foundation of the Tianlong Temple will definitely be endangered! "

  Long Xiang was furious, and his face was blue with anger, and his tone was cold and said: "The words of the emperor, the treacherous minister, will eventually be unbearable!

   At the end, he will consider himself loyal and have a clear conscience. Only in this way can he live up to the respect of His Majesty Dragon Emperor.

  If the emperor insists on slandering the final general, then he would rather judge himself in order to die! "

  Long Xiang has no power to resist the overwhelming emperor.

   But he would never bend his knees and plead for peace and admit these imaginary charges.

   He would rather die than prove his innocence!

  The emperor squinted at him, sneered scornfully and said, "Hehe, there is no quibble in the face of the evidence, so did you resort to such slanderous means?

   Since you are so hard-spirited, I want to see..."

   The more they quarreled, the more stiff they became. If they continue to struggle, with Long Xiang's stubborn character, they might really commit suicide on the spot.

   Seeing this scene, Bei Ming could only pretend to be angry, and slapped the table with majestic expression before suppressing the matter.

   In the end, Bei Ming failed to award Long Xiang a reward, so he wrote down any credit.

   Even in order to appease the emperor, Bei Ming could only retreat one step, verbally reprimanding Long Xiang, and fined him for ten years.

   Although the punishment is very light, it is not painful or itchy.

   But a loyal general who was originally meritorious and was born and died for the Dragon Emperor, not only did he have no merit, but he ended up with this end, which is really chilling.

  Long Xiang is also full of grievances, very sad.

   But he understood the dilemma of the Dragon Emperor, and knew that the Dragon Emperor still trusted and valued himself, so he didn't say much.

   In this confrontation, the emperor undoubtedly won.

   Quietness was restored in the study, Long Xiang continued to report the results, Bei Ming and the emperor both listened.

   What happened just now, Long Xiang was depressed, and his report became very brief and boring.

   After he finished his report, Bei Ming verbally encouraged him with a few words, which was regarded as comforting him.

  The emperor was too lazy to listen anymore, so he waved to drive Long Xiang away.

   At this time, Long Xiang hesitated for a while before he mustered the courage to say another thing.

   "Your Majesty, the sea people in the Trench Department are very insidious and cunning, and they don't know how to find out our plan of action.

   The former general led three thousand soldiers and entered the territory of the Trench Department to investigate clues, and was besieged by the sea army.

   We suffered heavy casualties, and only the last more than 800 people were left, and we were about to be slaughtered by the sea army.

   At the most dangerous moment, Senior Tian Xing passed by the sea and rescued us.

  He slashed the sea clan army with his sword, slaughtering thousands of sea clan forces in an instant, forcing the sea clan army to flee in panic..."

  Long Xiang briefly recounted what happened.

   Beiming listened with gusto, and his eyes were full of brilliance, and he was very interested in what he was talking about as the predecessor of Tianxing.

   The emperor's face was expressionless, his eyes were gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   After Long Xiang finished speaking, the emperor frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Long Xiang! An unknown guy, you actually took him into the Heavenly Dragon Shrine and arranged it in your residence?

What do you want to do? Is there still the law of the temple in your eyes? "

  Long Xiang was about to explain, Bei Ming waved his hand and said: "The emperor calmed down, that Young Master Tianxing saved General Long Xiang and the lives of more than 800 soldiers.

   General Longxiang knows his gratitude, and it is normal to bring him back. "

   The emperor snorted coldly, and said no more.

  Long Xiang saw that Bei Ming’s attitude was like this, so he took the opportunity to say: "Your Majesty, in fact, the final general did not want to repay him, so he brought Son of Heaven.

   It's because... Young Master Tianxing came to visit you on a special trip, and he has important things to discuss with you. "

   "Oh? Is that so?" Bei Ming raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously: "But this emperor doesn't know the **** king named Tianxing? Where does he come from? Does he know this emperor?"

   Long Xiang replied truthfully: "At the end, I only know that he is from the Star Source Continent, and I want to see you if I have something to do. I don't know anything else.

  Perhaps, you can ask him in person..."

   Before Long Xiang could finish talking~www.ltnovel.com~, the emperor interrupted with a sneer, and sneered, "Bastard! A guy with an unknown source wanted to see His Majesty Longdi? What is he thinking of himself?

   and you, Long Xiang, who gave you the right to allow you to bring strangers into the shrine?

   If that kid is ill-intentioned, deliberately approaching His Majesty Dragon Emperor, and even stabs His Majesty... Can you bear the responsibility? "

   Long Xiang was choked and speechless, he could only stalk his neck and said: "If someone assassinates your Majesty, you will definitely resist it with all your strength, even if you sacrifice your life, you must protect your majesty's safety!"

   "Hmph!" The emperor snorted disdainfully, "Your life deserves to be compared with your majesty's safety?"

   Long Xiang was speechless, so he ignored the emperor.

  He bowed to Beiming and pleaded: "The final will be with Senior Tianxing all the way, dare to worry about his life, Senior Tianxing will never stab him!

   I beg your Majesty to show his favor and appreciate his face to see Senior Tianxing. "

The emperor hurriedly stepped forward and bowed his hand to Bei Ming, rushing to say: "Your Majesty, your safety is related to the whole Tianlong Continent, and you also bear the life and death of hundreds of millions of people. You can't tolerate a trace of adventure, let alone give the wicked person. A little bit can take advantage of it.

  The old man suggests that you immediately order that person to be expelled from the Tianlong Temple! "

The emperor    has a sonorous tone and a very determined attitude, revealing an indisputable taste.

  Rao is because Bei Ming feels wrong and can't help but hesitate. .

   He was caught in a dilemma. After weighing it for a long time, he said guiltily: "General Long Xiang, this emperor has ordered someone to prepare a gift, and you would like to thank him.

   Then, you will send him away. "

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