Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3822: Take the initiative

"Forcing Jinyuan Dragon Emperor to show up?"

"The Golden Source Dragon Emperor has been back to the Star Source Continent for two months, but he has never shown up. Obviously he is forbearing and sinister.

I wonder if the young master has a good strategy to force him to take the initiative to show up? "

The guardian, Hu Xinyue and several elders all looked at Ji Tianxing expectantly.

Even the Golden Five God King stared at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, smiling.

This clever three legs, through this short half an hour of getting along, can see that this young master is very extraordinary and very prestigious in the alliance.

Everyone is still thinking about how to guard against the sudden attack of the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan.

But he had already thought about how to take the initiative if Jinyuan Longdi couldn't bear it.

Based on this, the Golden Five God King felt that this young master was worthy of everyone's trust and respect.

He was also very interested in the second-hand preparation proposed by the young master.

Just listen to Ji Tianxing said: "I re-arranged the Great Seal Array in Xuanji Dongtian, and Jinyuan Dragon Emperor once broke through the great array and returned to Xuanji Cave.

But he did not stay in Xuanji Cave, let alone rebuild his home.

In order to grasp the initiative and hide in the dark, he chose to temporarily give up the mysterious sky.

He is very wise, knowing that only by destroying this alliance can he truly regain the mysterious sky.

However, this also gives us an opportunity. "

Hu Xinyue immediately understood what he meant, her eyes were sharp, and she tried to ask: "The young master meant that we can make a fuss from the mysterious cave sky?"

"Yes!" Ji Tianxing nodded and explained: "The Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is not in a hurry. He wants to delay time and drag us down before attacking.

Then we will be in charge of Xuanji Cave and build a shrine with great fanfare, and spread the news to let the people all over the world know that we are going to master Xuanji Cave.

The intelligence force in charge of Ao Jinying has added more oil to spread the news...

For example, this league is the orthodox overlord, and Jinyuan Longdi has died outside the territory.

For another example, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor quietly returned to the Star Origin Continent, but he surrendered and dared not take revenge.

At that time, how will the people of the world talk about it? Where is the face of Jinyuan Longdi? "

When they heard this, everyone understood and smiled.

"The young master is wise!" Ao Jinying was most excited, even a little eager to try, and said emotionally: "Guiding the wind and public opinion is what his subordinates are best at.

At that time, the subordinates will slander and insult the Emperor Jinyuan Longdi to death, to see if he can calm down!

If he continues to forbear, he will lose his reputation and majesty, and even if he regains the mysterious sky, his prestige will plummet.

But with his nature, he can't stand it anyway, he will definitely make a high-profile appearance, tell the world, and aggressively attack..."

The left and right guardians, the chief of internal affairs, and several elders also agreed with this approach and put forward suggestions one after another.

The discussion in a few words from the crowd improved many details.

Seeing everyone full of expectations and gearing up, God King Luo Hu also smiled and nodded: "What the young master said is indeed a good way, and it saves time and effort.

That being the case, let the young master take care of this matter, let's start as soon as possible. "

"Good." Ji Tianxing nodded and agreed.

God King Luohu again ordered the Golden Five God King: "Golden Five, the three elders do not have top powerhouses. You can help him find news and perform some tasks."

The Golden Five God King naturally wouldn't refuse and agreed without hesitation.

God King Luohu looked at the chief of internal affairs again, and asked: "The internal affairs of the City of Ten Thousand Demons, as well as the purge of spies and secret spies, are left to you."

"Definitely live up to the leader's order!" Fu Ergou immediately bowed and saluted.

After the discussion was over, everyone left one after another.

Only Ji Tianxing and Luohu God King were left in the study. The two sat down and continued to discuss the details of the mission.

"Young Master, you go to Xuanji Dongtianying to build a shrine, and Ao Jinying will cooperate with you to propagate and build momentum and force the Golden Dragon Emperor to appear.

At that time, the Golden Dragon Emperor was pressed into a hurry, and it was very likely that he would lead his troops to attack the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

However, he may also be angry and lead the strong to attack the mysterious cave sky.

Ten Thousand Demon City and Xuanji Dongtian are far away, so we can't divide it into two, right? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "You are more thoughtful than they thought, and you have considered this drawback.

It's okay, I've already thought about it.

I will set up a teleportation formation in the mysterious cave sky, connecting with Ten Thousand Demons City, so that it is convenient for us to communicate and support.

In addition, the construction of the shrine is just a cover, just pretend to be, and will not really invest too many people.

Part of the true elite power stays in Ten Thousand Demons City, and part of it is with me. "

God King Luohu knew that he had a primitive clock of chaos, but he carried countless soldiers with him, so he didn't ask for details.

After all, Ji Tianxing led troops to attack several strongholds in Xuanji Dongtian, quietly broke into Xuanji Dongtian, and directly attacked the headquarters of the Golden Dragon Mountain Range.

God King Luohu and Ji Tianxing both knew in their hearts, they also put the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor to learn and use, and used this trick on the Ten Thousand Demons League.

The two talked secretly for half an hour before Ji Tianxing left.


Next, Ji Tianxing selected thousands of elite masters of the gods, as well as five masters of the gods, and let them hide in the primitive chaotic clock.

Ten Thousand Demons City also let out the wind and recruited more than 2,000 craftsmen.

Two days later, Ji Tianxing drove a divine ship and rushed to Xuanji Cave with more than 2,000 craftsmen.

After arriving at Xuanji Cave, he first repaired the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Formation at the entrance.

Then, he took many **** kings and **** monarchs to build a teleportation array in the depths of the cave to connect the city of ten thousand monsters.

At the same time, the intelligence forces in charge of Ao Jinying began to build momentum on the Star Source Continent, spreading various news.

The content of the news has two aspects. On the one hand, it shows that the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance wants to control the mysterious sky and establish the position of the overlord.

On the other hand, it is naturally unscrupulous slander and slander Jinyuan Longdi.

The situation in Xingyuan Continent was already turbulent and tense to the extreme.

The people of the world, countless forces, and powerful people are already paying attention to the every move of the Ten Thousand Demons League and the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

Under the deliberate exaggeration and dissemination of the Ten Thousand Demons League, the news was spreading to all regions of the mainland at an extremely fast speed, and within a few days it became known to everyone.

In the beginning, there were still many powerful people and forces who didn't believe that the Ten Thousand Demons League was so arrogant, they dared to stay in Xuanji Cave at this juncture.

For seven consecutive days, countless powerful men and spies were inquiring about news near Tianhe Mountain every day.

As a result, those strong men and spies found that someone was entering and leaving the mysterious cave sky, and they seemed quite busy.

Some powerful people use magical powers to disguise their identities and get into the mysterious cave.

Then they saw that there were more than 2,000 craftsmen on the site of the Golden Dragon Mountain Range. They were doing construction work and building shrines ~ www.ltnovel.com~ and they were very busy.

After these news spread, it caused an uproar on the Star Source Continent.

Everyone knows that the Ten Thousand Demons League is really going to enter the mysterious cave sky.

This is simply trampling on the face of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor!

For a time, the situation on the mainland was tense, and turbulent undercurrents would erupt at any time.

The public opinion and wind direction of the people also began to become chaotic and complicated, reducing the pressure on the Ten Thousand Demon League a lot, but casting a haze on the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

As all kinds of messy news spread, the reputation of Jinyuan Longdi became worse and worse, and his status in the hearts of the Li people also plummeted.

The clever forces and the strong know that this is the Ten Thousand Demons League forcing the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor to show up.

But all the beings don't understand, they only know that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor has been afraid to show up, which is really weird and disappointing!


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