Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3821: Brainstorming

Out of his heart, God King Luohu wanted to tell Ji Tianxing the truth.

But thinking of that person's instructions, he could only keep it secret. Transsion said to Ji Tianxing: "The young master guessed it right, it is indeed one of the three people."

Ji Tianxing smiled lightly and said, "Do you want to keep it secret? This cover-up style is a bit like that rude old guy!"

God King Luohu smiled and said, "Soon, when we go to war with Xuanji Dongtian, you will see him."

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, frowning and asked: "I remember Master said that there seemed to be an agreement between the five dragon emperors.

They seem to have issued a heavenly oath that they cannot kill each other.

Will that... help us deal with the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor? "

God King Luohu was a little surprised, and the sound transmission said: "It turns out that the young master also knows this secret. He did explain this to the old man.

In the future, we will go to war with Xuanji Dongtian, he will not personally take action against the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

The old man went to him, but only asked him to help and protect the safety of the young master. "

Ji Tianxing frowned, and said disappointedly: "So, he can't be regarded as our strong support, but only a life-saving charm for me?"

God King Luohu didn't care, and said in a calm tone: "It is our business to compete with Xuanji Dongtian, and we should not use the hands of others.

Interfering with the change of the overlord's position on the mainland is a cause and effect of greatness, and it is very likely to affect the will of heaven...

However, he and Jinpeng ancestors, like the pinnacle **** king, are at a critical juncture of comprehending the power of heaven, and naturally they dare not get such a big cause and effect. "

The so-called cause and effect and providence are all very vague terms.

But that is because the vision of all beings is too low, and they have not seen it with their own eyes, and of course they would not believe it.

But powerful people like Ji Tianxing and God King Luohu are convinced.

They are even more aware of how sacred, powerful, and unpredictable the will of heaven is.

Therefore, it is excusable for the Dragon Emperor not to take action against the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

The feeling of regret in Ji Tianxing's heart has also disappeared a lot.

"These few words of you remind me of something.

The former war whale **** king probably did not believe in the will and cause and effect of heaven.

Therefore, he was invited by the Dragon King to help Xuanji Dongtian deal with us.

But he was taught me a lesson and was forced to take an oath of heaven, and now he certainly does not dare to interfere with this matter. "

God King Luohu showed interest in his eyes, nodded and said: "Young Master, you will tell me more about the process of this matter later."

"Okay, let's talk about business first." Ji Tianxing no longer talked with him in secret, and instead looked at the Golden Five God King, Fu Ergou, left and right guardians and several elders.

"Now that the overall situation is set, you can talk freely about the next action plan and what you think."

God King Luohu also nodded and said: "Everyone is making suggestions, let's brainstorm."

Everyone was silent, frowning thinking about the method and wording.

Ji Tianxing, the head of internal affairs, Hu Xinyue and others all glanced at the Golden Five God King.

The Golden Five God King was very witty and made a bow. He smiled and said, "The old man just followed the lord, and everything followed the orders.

Regarding the situation of the Dragon Realm and Xuanji Dongtian, the old man is not yet familiar with it, and there is indeed no strategy and countermeasures, so he will not show his ugliness.

I would like to ask my colleagues for suggestions. If you have an order or need help, the old man is bound to do so. "

The Golden Five God King has shown his attitude. He is only ordered to do things and run errands. He will never point fingers at the Ten Thousand Demon League, let alone seize power.

The chief of internal affairs, the left and right guardians, and several elders immediately felt relieved and felt that this person was very good, and that they would get along well in the future.

At present, the situation in Xingyuan Continent is turbulent, and the emotions of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance are tense, and it is possible for a decisive battle with Xuanji Dongtian at any time.

If at this time, there were discord among the strong insiders, and even signs of fighting for power, it would definitely be a fatal blow to the Ten Thousand Monster League.

Everyone was still a little worried before, and at this moment their alertness has dropped a lot.

So, Hu Xinyue took the lead and said: "Since it is a brainstorming, let the subordinates come down and draw ideas.

Dragon Emperor Jinyuan never showed up, but secretly recruited soldiers to create news and public opinion, just to make us chaotic.

Subordinates guessed that he must have planted his eyeliner near Ten Thousand Demons City, and there were even spies in this league.

When there is an omission in our defense, it is when Xuanji Dongtian aggressively attacks.

The subordinates suggested that the soldiers of this alliance always maintain a high degree of vigilance and alert, and strictly investigate people who have abnormal behaviors, and must not reveal flaws! "

After hearing this, everyone nodded slightly and agreed.

You Hu Xinyue started, and Ao Jinying also said: "The intelligence power is controlled by the subordinates, and the subordinates will go all out to inquire about any news about the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

Our current disadvantage lies in the fact that we are in the light, while the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is in the dark, so the initiative is in his hands.

As long as we can find the traces of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, we can turn from passive to active...

The subordinates believe that this should be a breakthrough for us to defeat Xuanji Dongtian.

Although there are a lot of staff under him, there are no top-notch people, so it is inconvenient to do more.

The subordinates dare to ask the lord of the leader to send one or two top powers to help. "

Everyone also felt that Ao Jinying's words were reasonable, and they all nodded in agreement.

God King Luohu looked at the guardian of the left and right, but he stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The two elders have already said what should be said.

We have already done what we should do under the orders of the young master. "

God King Luohu looked at Fu Ergou, the chief of internal affairs again. He bowed without hesitation and said, "The old foreign affairs man doesn't understand, so everyone is bothering.

But the internal affairs of Ten Thousand Demons City, as well as investigating spies and clearing Xuanji Dongtian's eyeliner, the old man will definitely go all out. "

God King Luohu nodded his head to express satisfaction, then looked at Ji Tianxing, and asked: "Young Master, do you have any supplements or instructions?"

Ji Tianxing had already thought about his words, and said straightforwardly: "From the current situation~www.ltnovel.com~This allied army has a stable heart, is under tense guard, and its combat power has reached its peak.

Even some small omissions and problems can be resolved quickly.

But the biggest problem is that we are in a passive position, and we can only wait for Xuanji Dongtian to attack.

As the saying goes, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days be a thief?

No matter how elite soldiers, who have been kept tight, there will be a day of collapse.

If Jinyuan Longdi is treacherous and forbearing enough, and if he delays for a few months, I am afraid he will find a chance to take advantage of it.

Therefore, we must make second-hand preparations on the basis of full vigilance. "

God King Luohu and all the guardians and elders all had their eyes brightened and asked one after another: "Young Master, what are you going to do?"

Ji Tianxing showed a confident smile, and said confidently: "If Jinyuan Longdi can't bear it, then we will force him to show up!"


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