Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3819: Decisive battle

The six words ‘I am still willing to believe in you’ made a strange color flash across the eyes of the King of War Whale.

He certainly knew that the words of Emperor Jinyuan Longdi contained a lot of information, and there was a hint of threat.

Although, Jinyuan Longdi's arrogant posture made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But he remained calm on the surface, still maintaining a respectful attitude.

Jinyuan Longdi didn't talk nonsense with him, and said straightforwardly: "This emperor came to see you personally this time, you should know why."

The King of War Whales didn't pretend to be stupid, he was very frank, bowed and said: "In the battle a year ago, his subordinates could not stop the Ten Thousand Demons League and save the mysterious cave.

This is indeed a negligence of his subordinates, which disappointed the Dragon Emperor, and please be punished!

But Long Tian's strength is too strong, his subordinates are not his opponents, and they are really helpless.

Speaking of it, the ancestor Jinpeng escaped right away, really disgusting! "

While confessing the guilt, the king of war whales threw the pot to the ancestor Jin Peng, in order to divert the anger of the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

Emperor Jinyuan Long frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The account of the ancestor Jinpeng will be settled when the Emperor destroys the Ten Thousand Demons League.

However, he has never asked about world affairs, nor has he been loyal to the emperor. Even if he stayed out of the matter, he did not expect the emperor. "

Although Jinyuan Longdi was angry, he was not unreasonable.

The King of War Whales realized that the dumping of the pot had not succeeded, and today's affairs must be difficult to avoid, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Sure enough, the Emperor Jinyuan Long saw that he did not take the initiative to speak, and then continued: "Since this emperor has returned, he naturally must summon his forces to completely destroy the Ten Thousand Demons League and avenge his grievances.

You come to help the emperor, after the Ten Thousand Demon League is settled in the future, the emperor will remember your credit. "

The Dragon Emperor Jinyuan relied on his identity and regarded the King of War Whales as his subordinates.

Although he asked the King of War Whales to help, what he said in his mouth was in a commanding tone.

The king of war whales could only smile bitterly, bowed deeply, and said helplessly: "Please forgive the dragon emperor, and forgive his subordinates for not being able to follow their orders.

For this answer, Jinyuan Longdi was not surprised, he was prepared for it.

He stared at the King of War Whales expressionlessly, and asked coldly, "Why? Give this emperor a reason!"

"This..." The king of war whales was speechless, his expression constantly changing, his eyes filled with hesitation and struggle.

Out of his mind, he didn't want to tell the truth, it would be too shameful after all.

But the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor is not a person who waits for a while, no matter what excuses he makes, it is difficult to deceive the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

Especially at this moment, Jinyuan Longdi didn't urge him, but stared at him sharply like a sword, exuding a terrifying pressure.

The sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through the King of War Whales.

The King of War Whales hesitated again and again, and finally decided to tell the truth.

Anyway, Jinyuan Longdi was the overlord of the mainland, the peak **** king, even if he told him, it would not be a shame.

Moreover, based on the nature of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, he shouldn't have a long tongue and talk to people everywhere.

"Under the Dragon Emperor's crown, there is no truth to the truth... the subordinates fought against Long Tian and were defeated by him. Under his coercion, they made the oath of heaven and were able to escape."

When the king of war whales told this shameful secret, he felt relieved and relieved.

Emperor Jinyuan Long frowned fiercely, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

After pondering for a moment, he asked in a deep voice: "Long Tian is really so strong?"

Emperor Jinyuan nodded and explained: "He killed Tao Yongsheng of the gluttonous clan and captured the Primordial Chaos Clock."

"That's it!" Jinyuan Longdi suddenly realized.

He knew very well that there was indeed a big gap between a Peak God King who possessed the best artifacts of the King Grade and the Peak God King who did not have the best artifacts.

"So, the oath of heaven that Long Tian forced you to make is to stay out of the matter and can't deal with him and the Ten Thousand Demons League?"

The king of war whales showed a bitter smile, nodded and said: "Dragon Emperor is wise, that's the case."

"Huh! It's really mean!" Jinyuan Longdi's conjecture was confirmed, and he felt anger raging in his chest and his face turned black.

When the king of war whales told the truth, his expression became more magnanimous.

When he wanted to come, no matter how overbearing the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor was, he should have retreated even when he was in trouble.

But he did not expect that after the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor was silent for a while, he still refused to give up, and said: "What is the way of heaven? Does it exist? No one can be sure.

This kind of oath of heaven is even more vague!

As the pinnacle **** king, how can you be trapped by this?

If you believe in any **** oath, it is a cocoon! "

"..." The King of War Whales was also very speechless for this kind of almost rascal rhetoric.

He thought to himself: "You are not the one who swears anyway. If you break the oath, you are not the one who is condemned by the heavens. It is simply not a pain to stand and speak!"

Despite the irritation in his heart, the King of War Whales could only be patient and explain the truthfulness of the heavenly oath to the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

Under his repeated explanation, Jinyuan Longdi could only dispel his thoughts.

Since the King of War Whale was firm, Emperor Jinyuan Longdi stopped saying anything, and walked away angrily.

The two sides broke up unhappy, but the king of war whales remained respectful and sent him out of the South China Sea with a smile.


After a while, Jinyuan Longdi and the old man with antlers left the blessed land of the South China Sea and drove back north across the vast sea.

Seeing that the dragon emperor's remaining anger was not subdued, the antlers old man persuaded: "Please calm down your anger, although the king of war whales cannot serve you due to the constraints of the heavenly oath.

But his attitude is still respectful, and he keeps his identity in mind, there is no overstepping or disrespect.

Speaking of it, after all, he was simple-minded and not strong enough to be caught by Long Tian's tricks.

If you anger him because of this, and even no longer trust him, you will lose a lot of help.

After the Ten Thousand Demons League is over, you can still control him..."

Before the antler old man finished speaking, Jinyuan Longdi sneered and said: "That is to deal with the Ten Thousand Demons League, he has the value of use.

After this emperor eradicates the Ten Thousand Demons League, what will he do with him? "

There is no doubt that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor has given up on the King of War Whales, and has recorded this account.

After the affairs of the Ten Thousand Demons League are over, he will definitely settle the account after Autumn, find some pretexts to suppress and get rid of the King of War Whales.

The old man with antlers thought carefully and was terrified, and a flash of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and he dared not say more.

Not long after, the two left the South China Sea and returned to the Star Source Continent.

At this time, a message of jade slip fell from the sky and landed in front of the old man with antlers.

The old man with antlers picked up the jade slip to check the news, and immediately revealed a hint of joy, and reported to Jinyuan Longdihui: "Congratulations, your majesty, the news of your return and revenge has spread all over the mainland in the past few days, causing the people of Li to boil. Now you are what the people want. Attention.

In the past three days ~www.ltnovel.com~, more than a dozen forces have contacted us, to be loyal to your majesty and help your majesty eradicate the Ten Thousand Demons League!

After investigation and screening by several gods, nine powers were finally determined, which can be used by us. "

Of course, the more than a dozen powers that took refuge in the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan had mixed good and bad.

Those who are too weak, of course, are not qualified to follow the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

What can be used by the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is either a strong **** or a large number of upper **** kings.

Just assimilating nine powers, let Jinyuan Longdi subordinate, add thousands of elites.

After listening to the report of the old man with antlers, the brows of Emperor Jinyuan Long stretched out.

Looking at the sky in the north, he solemnly ordered: "Pass the order to them, gather our people in secret, and wait for the emperor to meet in the dry peak domain.

Without further ado, within ten days at the latest, the emperor will visit the City of Ten Thousand Demons and destroy the League of Ten Thousand Demons! "


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