Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3818: Xingshi asks crime

The entrance to the blessed land under the vortex has long been closed by the divine formation, and there is no strong guard.

Seeing this, the dragon clan man frowned and sneered: "In the past, the war whale clan was loyal to the emperor, but he has changed his temper now and closed the entrance to the blessed land!

What did Longtian do against the King of Whales? Make him so scared that he hides and dare not show up? "

After more than a month of investigation, this dragon man...that is, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, already knew the specific process of the destruction of Xuanji Dongtian.

At the time of crisis, the Dragon King asked Jinpeng ancestors and the King of Whales to help.

But the ancestors of Jinpeng temporarily turned back and insisted on leaving.

The king of war whales also lost to Long Tian, ​​and fled back to Nanhai Fudi and never showed up again.

Jinyuan Longdi knew about these things.

He came here today because he wanted to see the specific attitude of the King of War Whale.

If possible, he would also persuade the King of War Whales to continue to work for him against the League of Ten Thousand Monsters!

"Your Majesty Dragon, do we still go in?" The old man with antlers looked at the closed entrance to the blessed land and asked with a bow.

"Of course I have to go in, and the emperor has to ask the King of Whales face to face what he wants to do!"

Jinyuan Longdi flicked his sleeves full of anger, and sacrificed the divine sword to slash and slash, and the sealed sacred formation at the entrance of the blessed land was chopped endlessly and cracks appeared frequently.

The old man with antlers saw that the Dragon Emperor had already started his hand. Naturally, he couldn't watch from the side. He also quickly sacrificed two purple electric axes and attacked the entrance of the blessed land.

The Sealed God Array at the entrance of Nanhai Fortune Land was arranged by the King of War Whale himself.

The time was short, and it was too late to set up the King-level Supreme Divine Array, so a King-level Supreme Divine Array was deployed.

But this is the top formation in the top grade, and the ordinary **** king can't break it.

However, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is the pinnacle **** king, coupled with the antler old man, the nine-level **** king powerhouse, how can the seal **** formation bear it?

Within ten breaths of time, the Seal Divine Formation was chopped and cracked, and it was about to break.

But at this moment, a murderous roar came from the big formation.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to attack my Nanhai Fortune Land, don't you want to die?"

Through the white light curtain with a radius of hundreds of meters, you can clearly see the guard leader guarding the entrance and exit within the blessed land, and the front is roaring viciously.

The guard leader is the lower **** king, and there are hundreds of whale clan guards from the **** monarch realm beside him.

All of them held swords, spears, swords and halberds, and looked as if they were approaching an enemy, with murderous aura.

Jinyuan Longdi's face became more and more gloomy, and without replying, he speeded up and slashed the Sealing Divine Formation.

The guard leader became more and more angry, and even yelled.

After another ten breaths of time, with a crisp bang burst out, the Seal Divine Array was finally broken.

A gap of Zhang Yukuan appeared, Jinyuan Longdi and the old man with antlers flashed into the blessed land of South China Sea.


Hundreds of guards were furious, and suddenly they saw two uninvited guests break in, and they suddenly became murderous, and they launched a siege without the commander's order.

This is the instinctive reaction of the guards, and has nothing to do with the identity of the person who came.

Seeing, the overwhelming magical light and shadow, sword light and sword light are about to drown the antler old man and the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

But Jinyuan Longdi looked indifferent, ignoring the many guards, looking coldly into the depths of the blessed land.

However, the old man with antlers stepped out and stood in front of the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan, bursting out endless golden light all over his body, like a scorching sun.


The dull loud noise exploded, and the sky, the sword, the shadow and the magic arts were all shattered by Jin Guangzhen.

The violent and unparalleled impact force drove the guards and hundreds of guards to a halt, and flew upside down.

The antler old man was merciful, and the guards were seriously injured and vomiting blood, but no one died.

Although these guards offended the Dragon Emperor, even if he killed all the guards on the spot, there was nothing to blame.

But the owner of this blessed land is a powerful peak god, and may become the assistant of the Dragon Emperor.

Of course, the antler old man will not easily kill the killer, so as not to get enemies with each other.

Emperor Dragon Emperor Jinyuan swept across the scattered guards coldly, and shouted in a domineering and majestic tone: "Let the King of War Whales come out to see this Emperor!"

Although, some smart guards guessed the identity of Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

But many guards are furious and mad, and their reason is blinded by anger.

They roared, struggling to get up, and wielding swords to besiege the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

After returning to the guardian commander, it was too late to stop everyone.

Seeing this scene, Jinyuan Longdi's face grew gloomy.

But at this moment, a divine light lit up in the distant sky, and there was a majestic shout.


That anger was like a bolt from the blue, shaking the body of many guards, instinctively showing fear.

At the same time, a bright golden light descended from the sky, covering many guards.

I heard a muffled sound of "bang bang bang", and the magical attacks of many guards were blocked by the golden light shield.

These guards came back to their senses, and never dared to make a move anymore. They all stayed in place, watching the gliding light.

"call out!"

The divine light flew for thousands of miles, and came to the front in the blink of an eye, landing on the field.

"Retire all to this seat!"

The body of Lai is huge as a mountain, with a big flat mouth on his broad face, and his body exudes the unique smell of the sea clan... It is the king of war whales!

Hearing the order of the King of War Whales, the guard leader bowed and hurriedly left with nearly a hundred guards.

Only the king of war whales, the golden source dragon emperor and the old man with antlers were left in the field, and they immediately returned to silence.

After the war whale clan guards retreated tens of thousands of miles away, the war whale **** king looked at Jinyuan Dragon Emperor, and said apologetically: "It was too late to let the tribe offend the Dragon Emperor, and please forgive the Dragon Emperor. crime."

The king of war whales did not mention the fact that the Emperor Jinyuan Longdi forcibly broke into the blessed land of the South China Sea, but lowered his posture and apologized.

Seeing his attitude, Jinyuan Longdi's gloomy eyes eased a lot.

He stared at the king of war whales for a moment, and then said with a smile but not a smile: "The king of war whales was forced to block the blessed land by a junior and never show up again.

Before this emperor thought ~www.ltnovel.com~ you were severely injured by Longtian, and you need to rest assured.

Now it seems that you have not even a trace of injuries, which is strange. "

When the King of War Whales fought with Ji Tianxing, he was indeed seriously injured.

But in the past year, the King of War Whales has healed his injuries long ago, and now he looks safe and sound.

The king of war whales heard the tone of Jinyuan Dragon Emperor, and knew that the Dragon Emperor had suspected him whether he was in collusion with Long Tian, ​​so he came to Xingshi to question him.

He bowed and bowed without hesitation, and explained: "Long Emperor Mingjian, a year ago, his subordinates were seriously injured in the battle with Long Tian.

This year, he is indeed in retreat for healing.

On this point, the elders, guardians and deacons of our clan can testify. "

"Haha...no need, this emperor is still willing to believe you." Jinyuan Dragon Emperor waved his hand and sneered twice.


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