Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3805: Helpless

At the exit of Xingyun Dongtian, a radius of 30,000 li was shrouded by the primitive bell of chaos.

   Looking from a distance, only a huge black divine clock can be seen, suppressed on the ground.

   The four elders were ordered to leave by the blood, but they did not go far, nor did they return to the lair of the Qiongqi tribe.

   They believe that Long Tian came with bad intentions, and it will definitely be against the blood of the patriarch.

   So, the four of them retreated fifty thousand miles away and stopped in the sky.

   They stood on the high sky, observing the situation at the exit of the cave with their spiritual consciousness.

   It's a pity that they can only see the huge divine clock, but they can't see the inside of the clock.

   With anxiety in their hearts, the four elders told the people about the matter.

   Before long, a lot of deacons and guards rushed over.

   There are also three hundred elites from the Blood Killing Hall, also armed and armed with swords, arrived with murderous aura.

   These elites of the Blood Killing Hall did not listen to the four elders' summons, but followed the previous order of the blood to check the situation at the exit.

   But after they met the four elders, they were stopped by the four elders.

   "Don't go there, the patriarch issued an order before, no one can intervene!"

   The second elder stopped the elite of the blood killing hall and said to the leader of the blood killing hall.

   The leader of the Blood Killing Hall frowned, looked at the divine clock at the exit with his spiritual sense, and asked worriedly: "Second elder, what is going on?

   Who is so bold and dare to attack the Nebula Cave of my race? "

   The three elders replied with a heavy tone: "It's the Dragon Heaven, the Dragon Heaven of the Ten Thousand Demons League!"

   "What? Dragon Heaven?" The leader of the Blood Killing Hall was shocked, and said anxiously: "Damn bastard, he actually took the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance to attack our clan?

   Then what are we waiting for? Go and help the patriarch! "

   While talking, the leader of the Blood Killing Hall will bring three hundred elites to the exit to help.

   The other two elders hurriedly stopped him and explained, "Don't get excited! Only Long Tian came here, and he didn't bring a helper!"

   "Furthermore, the patriarch severely warned that we are not allowed to intervene in this matter, and he will solve it alone!"

   The second elder also nodded in agreement, and said earnestly: "The patriarch said, this is a grievance between him and Longtian, no matter what happens, my children can't intervene.

   Otherwise, this matter will become an enmity between our clan and the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, and bring disaster to our clan! "

   Hearing this, more than three hundred blood killers were stunned, and a dozen deacons and hundreds of masters all showed a sense of amazement.

"How could this be?"

   "What is the hatred between the patriarch and Longtian?"

   "The Ten Thousand Demons Alliance dared to attack Xuanji Dongtian and won the victory. It shows that its strength is tyrannical, and our clan really cannot compete with it."

   "But in this way, doesn't the patriarch have to sacrifice himself and protect all the children of my clan?"

The hundreds of children of the Qiongqi tribe in the    field immediately understood the meaning of the **** death.

   So, many people who were worried about the safety of the blood, immediately clamored.

   "This is absolutely impossible! How can we let the patriarch take a personal risk while we slaughter?"

   "We would rather die in battle than this humiliation!"

   "The sons of my clan, as long as there are **** people, they will rush with me!

   Let's fight side by side with the patriarch and never give in to the enemy! "

   Someone raised their arms and shouted, and they immediately got a response from everyone, and they had to rush to the Primal Chaos Clock with more than two hundred people.

   Even the leader of the Blood Slaughter Hall, ignoring the command of the Blood Slaughter Hall, rushed over with three hundred elite Blood Slaughter Hall.

   The three elders wanted to stop, lest these impulsive clansmen would break the plan of the patriarch.

   But the second elder waved his hand and stopped the three elders.

   The three elders were anxious and asked him quickly: "Second elder, what are you doing?"

   "The patriarch has issued a strict order not to allow everyone to interfere in this matter, why don't you stop them?"

   "They are so reckless and impulsive. If they break the plan of the patriarch, what should they do?"

   Seeing that the three elders were so anxious, the second elder said earnestly: "Don't be anxious, you guys, why don't you think so?

   But you guys have seen it too. The clansmen are full of enthusiasm and cannot bear to sacrifice themselves for the safety of our clan. We can’t stop it at all!

   If we forcefully suppress it, I'm afraid we will end up with a reputation for being bloodless, cold-hearted, greedy for life and fear of death. "

   The three elders were silent immediately.

   They have to admit that what the second elder said is very reasonable.

   After a while, an elder asked: "Then what shall we do now?"

   The second elder looked at the direction of the exit. The divine sense detected that everyone was surrounded by the divine clock. He sighed and said, "Now that we have to go and see."

   So the four elders also flew across the sky and rushed to the exit of the cave.

   After a while, the four of them came to the vicinity of the **** clock.

   I saw hundreds of poor Qi tribe masters and elite blood killers all around the divine clock, observing and discussing.

   No one can see the situation in the divine clock, but everyone’s face is full of worry.

   Everyone knows that Long Tian is a strong man who can be compared with the Peak God King, and his own clan leader is definitely not Long Tian’s opponent.

   However, no matter how worried everyone is, it is useless and can't help at all.

   Some people who are more anxious ~www.ltnovel.com~ have sacrificed their swords and slashed at the clock.

  As a result, everyone was panting for breath, the magic swords and swords collapsed, but the magic clock remained motionless.

   For a moment, everyone could only stare at the divine clock with big eyes, swearing at the divine clock, but helpless.

   Seeing that the scene was noisy, many people of the tribe were furious, and their behavior was a little out of control, so the second elder quickly came forward to suppress them.

   "Everyone is quiet! Don't be reckless and impulsive, so as not to ruin the patriarch's plan!

   The patriarch and Long Tian are in the divine clock. We can't see the situation inside, and we can't help. It's useless if everyone is anxious.

  Instead of this, it is better to recharge your energy and wait patiently for the results.

   You have to trust the patriarch’s ability. Since he is sure, he can definitely solve it smoothly..."

   As the second elder's voice spread around, many anxious and frantic clansmen gradually calmed down.

   After several elders' comfort and persuasion, the scene finally returned to calm.

   Hundreds of people gathered around the clock, waiting patiently for the result.

   There is no other way. After all, the battle between the top gods and the strong is not something these gods can intervene.

   Time passes silently.

   A quarter of an hour later, the divine clock suddenly shrank hundreds of millions of times and flew back to Ji Tianxing.

   The black shadow that was as huge as the sky finally disappeared, and the world in a radius of 30,000 li appeared in front of everyone again.

   When everyone saw the scene clearly, they were stunned on the spot.

   I saw that the 30,000 li radius had become scorched earth, the ground was full of gullies and deep pits, and there were still terrifying divine power fluctuations.

   Above the ruins, there was only one handsome young man in white robe, no trace of blood!

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