Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3804: Crush!

If someone who does not know, hears the words of Xue Shang, I am afraid they will feel endless grievance and resentment.

   Yes, because of the oath of heaven, Ji Tianxing can't fight back.

   Even if he sacrificed his own life, there is no guarantee that the Qiongqi Clan will survive.

   Facing Ji Tianxing and the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, they had no right to resist.

   is the ending of suffocated to death.

   But in fact, anyone who understands the cause of the matter and knows the nature of blood doesn't think this is a problem.

   At least, the blood sorrow had this fate, and it was also self-blaming, and could not blame anyone.

   What is certain is that if Ji Tianxing does not kill him, in the future, when the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor returns, when the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance is weakened and is in distress, the blood will definitely be shot again.

   He just can't attack Ji Tianxing, nor can he deal with the Ten Thousand Monster League.

   And all that Ji Tianxing did was for the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance to smoothly control the Star Source Continent, which was exactly what he didn't want to see.

   Therefore, the blood must die.

   "Hehehe... In the past year or so, if it weren't for fear of that **** godly oath, I would have been liberated long ago!"

   The **** sorrow who knew he was bound to die, lost the care and awe, and had no fear anymore.

   His eyes were red and he laughed madly: "Hahaha...I was in awe of the way of heaven before and never dared to try.

  Since I am destined to die, I would like to see today whether the so-called oath of heaven will be fulfilled!

   Known as the omnipresent god, really cares about such trivial things, do you care about such **** vows? "

   Xueshang laughed, and sacrificed his magic sword, armor and immortal golden body, and the body was also crazily accumulating divine power.

  He has a high fighting spirit, looking up at the sky with a terrifying face, unscrupulously releasing his fighting spirit.

   Ji Tianxing looked at him calmly, slowly raised the Sky Burial Sword, and said: "No matter whether the oath of the heavens will be fulfilled or not, you are not immune.

   If your last words are over, let's start. "

When    spoke, the divine power in his body also accumulated to the peak, and his whole body was full of strong fighting spirit.

   "Ah! Go and die!"

   When the divine power of Bloodshang condenses to the peak, a surging murderous aura burst out.

   With a roar like Hong Zhong, he held the magic knife and cut towards Ji Tianxing, splitting a few dark red like blood.

   At the same time, the immortal golden body of the ancestor of Qiongqi also turned into a bright golden light, fusing with his body.

   has the blessing of the indestructible golden body, his power has doubled, and his defense is almost invincible.

  Because of this, he was so crazy, he desperately killed Xiang Ji Tianxing, bursting out with an indomitable momentum.

   Ji Tianxing would not carelessly underestimate the enemy. He punched a dragon elephant fist with his left hand and pierced the sky with a sword with his right hand.

   "The Broken Sun Sword!"

   Dozens of golden sword lights collided fiercely with the blade light cut by the blood, and suddenly a series of muffled noises burst out.

   At the same time, the shadow of the dragon elephant, which was huge as a mountain, was also hit by the blood.

   With a loud sound of "Boom", Xueshang was hit back and flew back, hitting the ground a hundred miles away.

   Despite the protection of the indestructible golden body, he was not substantially harmed.

   But he was violently shaken, his divine power was a bit disordered, and his breath was much weaker.

   He just hit the ground, smashing the ground into a huge pit.

   Before he flew back into the sky to fight back, Ji Tianxing had sacrificed the Primordial Chaos Clock and suppressed it from the sky.


   The one-foot-tall divine clock instantly expanded hundreds of millions of times and turned into a canopy with a radius of 30,000 miles, blocking this area.

  Thirty thousand miles of space was sealed and turned completely black.

   Pei Ran Mo Yu's coercion instantly poured down, firmly locking the blood.

   Xueshang suddenly stiffened his body, his actions became very difficult, and his combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

   Seeing the darkness all around, he struggled to fly into the sky, looking around.

   "The Primal Chaos Clock? Have you refined it?"

   Xueshang is not unfamiliar with the Primordial Chaos Clock, and he recognizes it immediately, and his face is suddenly surprised and anxious.

   He knew very well that the treasure of the Taotie clan was no weaker than the immortal golden body of the Qiongqi ancestor.

  Even, in the battle, the Primordial Chaos Clock can play a role far beyond the immortal golden body!

   Being within the divine clock, even the power of the immortal golden body would be reduced by a few percent.

   As for his combat effectiveness, it has been greatly weakened.

   So, he possessed the superiority of the king-level supreme artifact, and disappeared.

   Under the suppression of the Primordial Chaos Clock, he also had no confidence to remain undefeated and immortal.

   "Since you know the power of the sacred clock, let's give it to the head!"

   Ji Tianxing yelled coldly, holding the Sky Burial Sword in both hands, as if thunder tearing through the night, and slammed in front of Xueshang.

   Blood was shocked, and quickly blocked the magic knife in front of him.


   In the muffled sound, Xueshang was smashed by a sword again, retreated eight hundred miles, and fell into the darkness.

   The immortal golden body fused with his divine body, bursting with golden light, and making a sound like metal rubbing.

   Seeing, Ji Tianxing did not stop, without a pause in the night, and then assassinated with a sword.

   Xueshang couldn't check whether the Immortal Golden Body was damaged, forcibly mobilized the disorderly divine power, and hurriedly avoided.


   The sword light, shining like a star, passed him by, but turned around at a critical moment and slashed him in the chest.

   With a loud bang of gold and iron ~ www.ltnovel.com~ the violent impact, the blood tumbling upside down and flying out.

   The armor he was wearing was also cut by the Heaven Burying Sword.

   "Damn it! Fighting in the Primal Chaos Clock, my strength weakened, but he was not affected at all.

   His speed is too fast, I can't hide it at all! "

   This thought flashed through Xueshang's mind, and his heart was both painful and heavy.

  Although he is protected by an indestructible golden body, Ji Tianxing's body is too fast, and his swordsmanship is even faster to the extreme.

   Every time Ji Tianxing attacked, he couldn't dodge, and he could only resist with the indestructible golden body.

   Once twice, three times and five times, it's okay to say, if the number of times exceeds one hundred, he can't bear it.

   Even if the indestructible golden body can be preserved, he himself will be scarred, and his divine power will be extremely weak.

   "No, you can't just avoid it! You must fight back!

   Even if you die in battle, even if you are killed, you can't die so useless! "

   Xueshang roared in his heart and made up his mind. Even if he was beheaded by Ji Tianxing, he would have to bite off a few pieces of meat.

   When Ji Tianxing waved his sword again to kill, he looked at the sky full of sword light, but he didn't even avoid avoiding it, and waved his magic sword to greet him.

   "The blood is broken and the soul is cut!"

   Xueshang roared, brandishing the magic sword with both hands, slashing out forty-nine **** sword lights with all his strength.

   Not only did he explode the strongest divine power, he also used more than one hundred and fifty kinds of magical powers.

   This is almost his strongest killer move.

   However, the ending made him very sad and helpless.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   Amidst the earth-shaking loud noise, the **** knife light was all crushed.

   More than a dozen sword lights hit him and saw him fly out again, Qiqiao spurted blood.

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