Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3799: Prepare for war

A cultivation resource worth hundreds of billions of sacred stones!

   This is the moment when Ji Tianxing has obtained the most wealth and richest in his lifetime!

  He is in a good mood.

   But it was just pleasure, not much excitement, let alone excitement.

   After all, he is now the upper **** king, and his combat power is comparable to the peak **** king, and he can compete with the peak **** king.

   To reach his level, vision and insight are beyond the reach of ordinary gods.

   As long as he wants, he can inherit the Ten Thousand Demons League, and even control the entire Star Source Continent and become the master of this continent.

   Compared to the dominant position of the mainland, what is a million billion wealth?

   The entire continent belongs to him, so much wealth and resources are at his fingertips.

   For him, if the cultivation resources are too much, it becomes a foreign object.

  The most important thing is still strength!

   So, after he counted the trophies, he began to refine the fragments of the godhead to quickly increase his strength.

   With the help of the supplementary dzi bead, two whirlpools of white light emerged from his palms, quickly swallowing fragments of the godhead.

   As time passed, many fragments of the godhead were swallowed and turned into nothingness.

   And he obtained the majestic and mighty divine power, and deprived one after another of the law and **** pattern from the fragments of the godhead.

  His strength also rapidly increased, and more and more condensed laws of the gods.

  Although, he practiced in retreat in twisted time and space.

   But there is a wonderful connection and induction between him and the Jiuqu Tianhe Array at the exit of Xuanji Dongtian.

   Once there is a strong attacking the big formation, or forcibly breaking into the mysterious cave sky, he will be able to induce induction.

   But it is a pity that there was no movement in the Jiuqu Tianhe Array for a long time.


   It's been three months since the decisive battle between the Ten Thousand Demons League and the mysterious cave sky.

   The course of the decisive battle and the final result have been spread throughout the Star Source Continent, and everyone knows it.

   In the past three months, the entire Star Origin Continent has been in shock and madness.

   Not only the forces of various domains and many empires are discussing this matter, even the people of Li people in the streets and alleys are also discussing this matter.

   Everyone couldn't believe that the mysterious cave sky that had ruled the Star Source Continent for more than 20,000 years was captured by the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance!

   In the cognition of the people of the world, Xuanji Dongtian is the supreme and unrivaled existence.

   Even if the Ten Thousand Demons League is a superpower that has risen in the past thousand years and has a great reputation, it cannot be compared with Xuanji Dongtian, let alone threaten Xuanji Dongtian's dominance.

   Unexpectedly, this ridiculous scene actually appeared now!

   Despite various versions of legends and news, they spread widely on the Star Source Continent.

   But the people couldn't accept this result for a while, and they were shocked for a long time before calming down.

  The news that is flying all over the sky can be combined to restore the process of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance's capture of the mysterious cave sky.

   Under the deliberate propaganda of the Ten Thousand Demon League, the people of the entire mainland knew that the generation leader of the Ten Thousand Demon League was a pinnacle **** king, a wise and powerful overlord.

   It was this acting leader who broke through Xuanji Dongtian with ingenuity, and defeated the pinnacle **** king invited by Xuanji Dongtian with powerful means.

   The ancestor of Jinpeng said that the news released by the Ten Thousand Demons League is portrayed as a wise man who is compassionate and compassionate and conforms to the providence.

   And the King of Whales was unlucky, and it became the background board of Long Tian, ​​a stepping stone to Long Tian's reputation.

   With the rapid spread of various news, the news that the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance is about to take over the Star Source Continent has also spread throughout the world.

  The supreme reputation of Longtian has also become a household name, like a thunderous ear.

   After three months, the news of the victory of the Ten Thousand Demons League gradually weakened the impact on the people.

   But it is foreseeable that the shock that this news will bring to everyone will take at least several years before it will slowly fade away.

   Until then, the domain masters of the various domains, the many top forces, and the major races will gradually eliminate their guard and resistance to the Ten Thousand Demons League.

  The Ten Thousand Demon League takes over the Star Source Continent, and it can only gradually unfold, and it cannot be completed overnight.

   The fifty years estimated by Ji Tianxing is quite reasonable.

   Of course, it was based on the condition that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor was eliminated and there were no accidents.

   If the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is not eliminated, there will always be a huge hidden danger.

   With the prestige and appeal of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor on the mainland, I am afraid that he will raise his arms, and there are still countless forces and strong followers to help him destroy the Ten Thousand Demons League and regain the supremacy.

   Because of this, Ji Tianxing will stay in Xuanji Dongtian alone, waiting for the return of Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

   At the same time, the Ten Thousand Demons League also made every effort to investigate and find out about the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan.

   They need to find out as soon as possible where the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is and when he will return to the Dragon Realm.

   In addition, after returning to Ten Thousand Demons City, the house chief and left and right guardians also contacted the leader of Luohu twice.

   Regarding the details of the war, and Ji Tianxing's instructions, they all conveyed them to the leader of Luohu.

   Luohu leader also knew the priority of the matter, and decided to postpone matters outside the territory, and rushed back to the dragon world to sit in the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   It's just that the star field in the void is too far away from the dragon world.

  Even if he hurried with all his strength, he would not be able to rush back in a few months~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing spent eight years in retreat and practiced in distorted time and space before completing one hundred and fifty pieces of the godhead.

   Now, he has reached the late seventh stage of the Divine King Realm, and has deprived him of 80 divine laws from the many fragments of the godhead.

   The number of Shinto laws he mastered has reached 830.

   There is no doubt that the gains from this retreat practice are so great that his combat effectiveness has doubled!

   After finishing his cultivation, Ji Tianxing temporarily left the twisted time and space, and inspected it again in Xuanji Cave.

   There is no abnormality at the entrance of the cave, and there is no abnormality inside the cave.

   In the past few months, no one had sneaked into the mysterious cave, and no one dared to attack the entrance.

   In the mysterious cave at this time, apart from Ji Tianxing, there are only endless cultivation resources and treasures of heaven and earth.

   He was a little disappointed about this, and prayed silently in his heart, hoping that Emperor Jinyuan Long would return as soon as possible and don't delay any more time.

  Only in this way can he solve the Golden Source Dragon Emperor as soon as possible.

   After getting rid of this confidant worry, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance can successfully take over the Star Source Continent.

   At that time, he can leave without worry, go to other continents, and continue to search for traces of no hate.

   After three days of inspection, Ji Tianxing returned to the secret room of the divine palace, entered the twisted time and space, and continued to practice in retreat.

   In this retreat, he will consume a huge amount of cultivation resources and the **** pill, meditately enlighten and deduce the God Judgment Technique, strengthen the foundation of the gods, and further improve the magic skills.

   If possible, he still wants to attack the God King Realm Yae!

   If he could break through to the Eighth Layer of the Divine King Realm before the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor returns, he would also have a greater certainty against the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

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