Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3798: 9 Qutianhe Great Array

Many hall masters, rudder masters and masters of gods are afraid of Ji Tianxing.

   No one dared to make a loud noise even if he was puzzled, let alone question him.

   is the guardian of the law and Hu Xinyue, and he has won the trust and respect of Ji Tianxing.

   Under the doubts in their hearts, the three of them asked Ji Tianxing in a low voice.

   "Young Master, are you sure you want everyone to evacuate? What if they are occupied by other forces?"

   "Young Master, we have gone through hardships and paid such a high price, and we finally managed to conquer the mysterious sky..."

   "The hundreds of millions of people in the Star Origin Continent all believe that the Xuanjidong genius is the orthodox overlord. If we do not occupy it, how can we be justified..."

   Ji Tianxing was calm on the surface, and secretly explained to the three of them: "The soldiers have just been fighting for a battle. It is not appropriate to stay here. It is better to return to Ten Thousand Monster City to heal.

   Don't worry, this king will stay here and try to seal the mysterious sky cave, and will never let it fall into the hands of others.

   Moreover, if the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is not eliminated for one day, this alliance cannot truly control the Star Origin Continent.

   Even if everyone stays here, once the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor returns, these soldiers will die in vain. "

   Left and right guardian and Hu Xinyue suddenly realized that they all understood what Ji Tianxing meant.

   The three of them also knew very well that even though the Ten Thousand Demons League won the battle, they were also greatly injured.

   Not to mention that the number of masters of the gods has been halved, the number of masters of the single gods has dropped by 60%!

  The three thousand soldiers in the field are the final backbone of the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   If the Golden Source Dragon Emperor rushes back and kills all these people, or kills half of them, the foundation of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance will be severely damaged, with disastrous consequences.

   Therefore, if the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor does not die in one day, the Ten Thousand Demon League cannot be at ease, and it cannot control the entire continent smoothly.

   Ji Tianxing warned again: "This king will stay here for a period of time, you must keep it secret.

   In addition, this king has already instructed the chief of internal affairs that he will contact the leader of Luohu and let the old leader come back as soon as possible.

   You don’t have to worry, just follow the instructions of the king. "

   The three of them were truly relieved, and said quickly to obey orders.

   Next, Fu Ergou, left and right guardians, and Fox Xinyue, etc., took three thousand soldiers and evacuated Xuanji Cave.

   Yunyao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu, Yanke and others were all seriously injured, and they returned to the twisted time and space to retreat for healing.

   After just half an hour, Xuanji Dongtian became cold and quiet.

   Ji Tianxing stayed in Xuanji Dongtian alone, and only then began the aftermath.

   He rushed to the exit of Dongtian first, destroying and clearing all the remaining divine formations.

   Then, he took out a large number of source stones, high-level sacred stones and hundreds of king-level artifacts, and began to arrange the sacred formation.

   King-level superb divine formation, he can't arrange it yet.

   But he can arrange nine king-level high-grade divine formations, superimpose and fuse them together, to form a divine formation that is not weaker than the king-level top grade.

   The name of this divine formation is Jiuqu Tianhe Great Formation, which can draw on the power of stars from outside the territories and block the entrance and exit of Xuanji Cave.

   Those who can't do it can't get in and out of the mysterious cave.

   Even if it is the pinnacle **** king, he must use the best artifact of the king level to break it.

   Ji Tianxing thought very clearly, no matter what formation he arranged, it would be impossible to stop the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

   And he set up this divine formation, just trying to block the strong outside the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

   In addition, when the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor returns, if he wants to enter the mysterious cave sky, he must break through this divine formation, which must waste a long time.

   He will also add some special prohibitions to the **** array.

  In this way, when the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor attacks this divine formation, he can sense it no matter where he is.

   "Wh! Wah!"

  Ji Tianxing stood in the sky, facing the source rocks, sacred stones and artifacts piled up on the earth, waving his palms and hitting the magic light.

   Under his control, many array materials flew out like flowing water and landed around the exit.

   Then, he pinched Shen Jue with both hands and began to arrange the God formation.

   Firstly forge the foundation of the divine formation, then weave the veins of the divine formation... everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

   Time passed quickly, day after day passed.

   Ji Tianxing concentrated on arranging the divine formation, forgetting time, and being extremely focused.

   When he successfully arranged the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Formation, it was already a month later.


   Ji Tianxing waved his palm and shot a divine light, opening the Jiuqu Tianhe Array.

   I saw the endless brilliance of stars, rushing from the void, quickly condensing into nine silver rivers.

   The nine heavenly rivers are flying like a dragon, with vigorous posture, circling up and down.

At the exit of    Dongtian, a tall portal was immediately condensed, leading to the top of Tianhe Mountain outside.

   After the big array begins to operate, it will draw on the power of the stars day and night.

   As long as the stars in the void are immortal, the divine power of this great formation will never be exhausted.

   Moreover, as the years accumulate, the power of the divine formation will become stronger and stronger.

   After a while, Ji Tianxing waved his palm and shot a divine light, closing the door to the exit.

   He turned and flew to the depths of the mysterious cave, entered a hidden palace among the mountains, and began to practice exercises.

   This palace is one of several retreat holy places in Xuanji Cave.

   The entire shrine is made of rare and rare materials. It has the effect of gathering and purifying divine power. It can also clear the spirit and will, and enhance the comprehension of the practitioner.

   Ji Tianxing enters the secret room of the divine palace, sacrifices nine heavens and ten towers, and enters the twisted time and space.

It took him a month to set up the formation, distorting time and space. Everyone has been in retreat for more than four years. ~www.ltnovel.com~ The appearance has returned to normal, no longer embarrassed and tired.

   Their injuries have also recovered nearly half, and they are still focusing on healing.

   Ji Tianxing did not disturb everyone, meditating and practicing under the sacred tree, silently recovering his divine power.

   In the previous battle, although he was only slightly injured, his divine power was consumed quite a lot.

   After the end of the war, he didn't use his energy to adjust his breath, and spent another month in the formation.

   No matter how strong his will is, he can't stand it now and feel tired.

   So, he adjusted his breath for three months first, restored his state to its peak, and healed his injury.

   Then, he started counting the spoils.

   The one hundred and fifty pieces of the godhead are kept separately, and they will be used later in the practice.

  The main objects of the inventory are hundreds of spatial rings and the resources moved from two treasure houses.

   The owners of the hundreds of space rings are all **** kings and powerful.

   is either the leader or suzerain of the first-class forces, or the domain master of each domain.

   In short, everyone holds great power and is in charge of large amounts of wealth and resources.

  In these spatial rings, naturally there are also huge amounts of cultivation resources and treasures stored.

   It took two days for Ji Tianxing to count hundreds of rings and put all the resources and treasures into his space ring.

  The specific value of these resources and treasures is difficult to calculate clearly.

   But roughly, there are still thirty trillion yuan.

   And the value of the two treasure houses in Xuanji Dongtian is even closer to seventy trillion.

   Therefore, Ji Tianxing's resource wealth has exceeded one hundred billion!

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