Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3591: What dragon are you?

The plan for the second step was thus determined.

Tian Xiang and Guo Shi watched from the sidelines, and they were not even qualified to interrupt.

Seeing that things were moving in a direction that they couldn't understand, both of them had weird expressions and stopped talking.

But Lu Ming didn't give them a chance to speak. After a few instructions, he left with Ji Tianxing and Pengfei.

"Like Jiuge, I will go to Tianren Realm now to catch the real murderer personally, and you will stay in the capital and wait for the news!

As for the national teacher, although he is not the real murderer, he is also an accomplice, you must be strictly guarded! "

After all, Lu Ming's divine ship carried Ji Tianxing and Pengfei, flew out of the imperial capital quickly and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Only the Celestial Emperor and the National Teacher were left in the same place. The two looked at each other speechlessly, looking at each other.

After a long silence, the Emperor Tianxiang said in a complicated tone: "Guo Shi, tell me the truth, did you kill Xiang Yu?"

"This..." The national teacher stiffened, his expression became very embarrassing, and he quickly denied: "Your Majesty, how can you listen to them..."

But before he could finish speaking, the Emperor Tianxiang shouted angrily: "Shut up! The truth has surfaced, do you want to act with me?

If you tell the truth, I can still deal with it lightly.

But if you continue to shirk, I can only..."

No need to say the rest, everyone knows it well.

The Chinese teacher trembled, closed his eyes full of pain, and said in a sad tone: "Your Majesty, what they said... is true!

It was indeed the hands of the old minister who killed the little princess.

However, the veteran did not know about this, and it was definitely not the original intention of the veteran!

Including the memories of those few days, the old ministers are all blank..."

The Emperor Tianxiang believed in Ji Tianxing's judgment, and then got the confirmation of the national teacher, and there was no doubt.

He was in a sad mood, with a sad expression on his face and whispered: "Sirius King, Sirius King, you are also a high-ranking middle-ranked king, like a domain master.

Why can you do such a frenzied thing and kill a girl in the realm of gods?

What kind of evil did my Heavenly Elephant Kingdom cause that actually attracted this murderous god? "

The Chinese teacher was taken aback, and quickly replied: "Your Majesty, this thing is all to blame for that Long Tian!

Although the little princess was not killed by him, she died because of him!

It must be his appearance that attracted Sirius.

After all, he is the **** king of the dragon race. If the Heavenly Wolf King seizes him or refines him, he will fly into the sky!

The king-level artifact he gave to the little princess is also the root cause of the assassin of Sirius! "

The Emperor Tianxiang frowned, gritted his teeth and said: "It makes sense! Originally I thought I was wrong to blame him, but now it seems that I hate him is right!

He is a disaster star!

It was he who killed Xiangyu... right? "

Halfway through the conversation, the Emperor Tianxiang suddenly realized a problem: "Guo Shi, King Sky Wolf came to the imperial capital, and when he seized you, Long Tian hadn't appeared yet!"

"This..." The national teacher's face became stiff and dumbfounded again.

The Celestial Emperor's face became gloomy again, and he was silent for a long time before he said solemnly: "Guo Shi, next you will stay in the Celestial Pagoda. Without my permission, you are not allowed to leave for half a step!"

The national teacher understood what this meant, but was unable to refute it, so he could only say and obey, and his expression was sadly retreated.


The divine ship galloped over the sea of ​​clouds and went straight to the Tianren domain.

Inside the divine ship, Ji Tianxing, Lu Ming, and Peng Fei all have a secret room for recuperation.

However, Lu Ming has been concentrating on controlling the godship.

Peng Fei was pestering Ji Tianxing, asking questions constantly, or getting close.

"Senior Longtian, how did you and my uncle meet?"

Ji Tianxing sat in the Grand Master's chair with his eyes closed and rested, and replied indifferently: "A thousand years ago, at a god-king exchange meeting in Xingyuan Continent..."

"I heard from my uncle, you were a peerless wizard who was famous all over the world and crushed countless Tianjiao?

Not only the Star Source Continent, but the Dragon Realm and the Five Continents are praising your deeds? "

"It's not so exaggerated, it's just hearsay."

"Oh, don't be humble! Can you tell me about your deeds back then?

For example, your most brilliant record, the most dangerous experience..."

"Are you interested in things about the King of Gods?"

"Well, that's it."

"But your uncle, and your master, aren't all **** kings?"

"Hey! What's the point of their messy things? They will be plain and calm all their lives..."

"The wall has ears, your uncle is driving the divine ship."

"Uh... I didn't say anything just now. Uncle Master wouldn't care about me.

Forget it, Senior Long Tian, ​​let's change the subject.

You said that if we go to the Shenlong Secret Realm this time, is it possible to get Dragon Ball? Or get the inheritance of Shenlong?

Is the dragon in the secret realm a red dragon, a golden dragon, a black dragon or a blue dragon? "

Pengfei's tone was a little excited, but he was obviously excited.

Ji Tianxing opened his eyes, glanced at him blankly, and said indifferently: "We have never been to that secret realm. Who can tell the prophet?

Also, don't think about it too beautifully.

There are no ten thousand but eight thousand in the dragon world in secret realms like this. Most of them are rumored, but in fact they don't even have a dragon scale. "

"..." Peng Fei suddenly wilted ~www.ltnovel.com~ but he was only depressed for a while, then became vigorous again, and turned on the chat mode.

"Senior Longtian, dare to ask, what dragon are you?

I heard that Chilong’s character bursts, the golden dragon is noble, the black dragon is gloomy and domineering, and the blue dragon is kind and kind...

Judging from your nature, it should be Golden Dragon, right? "

Ji Tianxing chose to remain silent and ignored him.

Peng Fei was not embarrassed at all, and asked with a shy face, "Senior Long Tian, ​​when the time is right, can you show your true body and let me see the grace of Shenlong?

I grew up so old that I haven't seen Shenlong with my own eyes. "

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was still silent, he added: "Look, I showed off the real Dapeng before and served you as a mount.

As long as you show your true body a little bit and open my eyes, I would like to be a mount for you for a month! "

Seeing Pengfei chattering and reluctantly, Ji Tianxing was completely helpless.

He opened his eyes again, and said earnestly: "Peng Fei, you are also the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan with pure blood. Among the seven ancestors of the Demon Clan, your status is second only to the Kun Clan.

Can you be calm and steady, and don't shame the Peng Clan, okay? "

"Uh..." Peng Fei was suddenly sluggish, embarrassed and helpless, and laughed bitterly at himself: "Ha ha... Not only do they say that, do you even think so?

Anyway, I am the most useless and shameful Jinpeng..."

After speaking, he bowed to Ji Tian and said in a calm tone: "Senior Longtian, just now the junior offended.

You rest, the younger generation won't bother you anymore, this is goodbye. "

Looking at the lonely figure he turned and left, Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, revealing a thoughtful look.


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