Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3590: The clue is broken again?

"For thousands of years before, the Tianren Domain Lord could tolerate it, but he reminded the Sirius King in private that he should not do too much.

Who knows, Sirius King is so arrogant, he doesn't put the domain master in his eyes, and still does his own way.

In the past two thousand years, the methods of Sirius King's actions have become more and more domineering and fierce, causing complaints from all empires in the Tianren Region.

The Tianren domain master also had many times with him, gradually accumulating evil and turning into enemies, until they turned against each other.

In the end, Tianren Domain Master couldn't bear it, so he shot ten years ago.

He assembled a heavy army, exhausted the strength of the Tianren domain, and invited two domain masters to help each other, and jointly wiped out the forces of Sirius King.

Most of the elites under Sirius King were killed, and the rest surrendered.

Even his right-hand man was beheaded by Tianren Domain Lord in order to cover him to escape.

After that, Sirius, who was seriously injured, lost his track.

Everyone thought that he must have fled to a long distance, even to other continents.

Unexpectedly, he actually came to Qinglian Territory? "

Lu Ming knew everything about Sirius King's deeds and the enmity he had with the Tianren Domain Lord.

Although, about the life history of Sirius King, even three days and three nights could not be finished.

But Lu Ming made a long story short. It took only a moment for Ji Tianxing to understand the identity and situation of Sirius King.

Peng Fei nodded in agreement, and said: "Yes! Shishu is right, Sirius is a notorious butcher and demon!

Not only the people of Tianren domain hate him, even our people of Qinglian domain will be afraid of his notoriety. "

Lu Ming suddenly thought of a question and frowned, "Pengfei, I don't even know that Sirius King has appeared, how did you know about it?"

Peng Fei smiled and scratched his head, and said, "Of course it's Master..."

"Impossible!" Before he finished speaking, Lu Ming categorically denied it, and said with a certain tone: "If your master knows this news, you will definitely notify me as soon as possible.

After all, one of the two domain masters who helped the Tianren domain master destroy the Sirius King is this seat! "

"Uh..." Peng Fei was immediately embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Uncle Master, haven't I left Wuhua Mountain for the past two years and have been hanging around outside?

As you know, I like to wander around, inquire about news and do some business..."

Ji Tianxing suddenly smiled and nodded: "Yes, this kid was in Yuze City before, and he wanted to sell me a piece of news and lied to me for 20 million."

Lu Ming frowned fiercely, looked at Peng Fei fiercely, and reprimanded: "Your kid is so bold and bold, anyone dare to lie!

Fortunately, I met Brother Dragon this time. If you change to another **** king, you don't know when you lost your life! "

Pengfei was even more embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Uncle Master, I'm doing business seriously, how can I call it a lie?"

Ji Tianxing chuckled and waved his hand, and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's continue talking about Sirius King."

Lu Ming nodded slightly and said with a serious face: "If the clues provided by Pengfei are accurate, then it is basically certain that the real culprit should be Sirius.

No other **** king can do this kind of thing, but the Sirius King does no evil and can definitely do it!

The question now is, where to find Sirius? "

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "As long as you know who the real culprit is and find someone with a goal, it's easy.

Although, Sirius has been away for several days.

But no one can guarantee whether he is still hiding in the imperial capital.

Let's start the search in the imperial capital first! "

Lu Ming agreed, and Peng Fei had no objection.

Thus, the first step plan was set.

On the other side, the unconscious national teacher gradually woke up, and the emperor of the sky had been dumbfounded.

Although he was very sad and angry, he hated Ji Tianxing.

But just now, when he heard the conversation between Ji Tianxing, Lu Ming and Pengfei, he understood what was going on.

Although he was a little unbelievable, he had no right to speak and could only execute Lu Ming's orders.

Soon, under Lu Ming's orders, the Emperor Tianxiang dispatched thousands of master guards to search for the Sirius King in the imperial capital.

Ji Tianxing and Lu Ming also acted separately, using magical powers to search more than 100,000 miles.

However, the search operation lasted for three hours, but ended in failure.

Not only did the guards master nothing, Ji Tianxing and Lu Ming also failed to detect the breath of Sirius King.

The two returned to Xingyun Palace and met to discuss the next plan.

"At present, it seems that Sirius King has already left the imperial capital and fled elsewhere."

"Then where are we going to find him next? That guy is a lonely ghost now, his whereabouts are mysterious and erratic!"

"The delay of these few days is enough for him to leave the Qinglian domain and escape to other domains."

"If this is the case, then we want to find him, no doubt looking for a needle in a haystack!"

When Ji Tianxing and Lu Ming discussed, they both looked sad.

Seeing that the key clue was found and the murderer was identified, the clue was broken again.

Just when the two of them were unable to do anything, Pengfei suddenly said.

"Uncle Master, Senior Long Tian, ​​do you think it is possible that the Wolf King went to Tianren Domain that day?"

Suddenly hearing these words ~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing and Lu Ming were both startled, and immediately shook their heads.

"Ten years ago, he was severely injured, and finally escaped from Tianren Domain, how could he go back again? Unless he is crazy!"

"Tianren Territory Lord has a deep hatred with him, he will definitely go back to avenge him, but by no means now.

In just ten years, even if he had any adventures, it was impossible for him to skyrocket. "

The words of both of them are reasonable, but Pengfei still insisted on his own opinion and analyzed: "Although, my idea is a bit nonsense and unrealistic.

But I think that with the nature of the Sirius King, maybe this kind of thing can really be done.

The most important reason is, isn't there a secret realm of Shenlong in Tianren Domain?

If Sirius wants revenge, he must quickly increase his strength or find opportunities.

Isn't that Shenlong Secret Realm just an opportunity for him? "

Lu Ming thought about it seriously, nodded and said, "There is some truth to that. The Sirius King has never been a compliant person, and he doesn't play cards according to common sense.

Even if he returns to Tianrenyu to be very risky, as long as the temptation is big enough, he may still fight it once. "

Ji Tianxing also nodded and said: "From the perspective of Sirius King's acting style, he is not only cruel and violent, but also sinister and cunning.

Before he has enough strength to take revenge, he will definitely not reveal his identity, let alone let the Tianren Domain Master know.

Even if he returns to Tianren Domain, he will try to cover up and disguise, we have to pay attention to distinguish. "

Lu Ming thought about it for a moment, and then made a decision: "Okay, then let's go to Tianren Realm and go to that Shenlong Secret Realm!"

Of course, Peng Fei raised his hands in agreement, and said in anticipation: "Yes! In this way, even if we didn't find the Sirius King, we wouldn't go back empty-handed and run for nothing."


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