Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3480: Win over

() Unconsciously, one day passed.

Ji Tianxing complied with the agreement, opened his eyes, sacrificed the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron and began to refine the equipment.

At this time, Chen Lan had engraved twenty-seven laws and two hundred and seventy formations on his divine sword.

Although, compared with Ji Tianxing's divine armor, he still lacks three rules and thirty formation restrictions.

But he was full of confidence and expectation in his heart, and he did not feel worried at all.

When Ji Tianxing started to refine the equipment, he took a breather and quietly took a look at Ji Tianxing.

It's a pity that Ji Tianxing is as calm and indifferent as ever, with no sense of depth or reality at all.

Chen Lan thought to himself: "This guy is still pretending to be deep, and he still can't see the clue.

Ha ha ha... But no matter how good you pretend, it's useless, you will soon reveal your stuff.

Before you refining for seven consecutive days, and only rested for one day in between, it was impossible to maintain the peak state.

Next, we have to engrave more than one hundred and seventy rules, at least half a month, I see how you can hold on! "

These thoughts flashed through her mind, Chen Lan stopped being distracted, and continued to concentrate on refining.

Silence fell in the hall.

Ji Tianxing and Chen Lan were both immersed in the refining device, with no distractions.

Yan Bo, Jiang Tianyi, Jiang Tiansheng, Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang all watched attentively.

No one made a sound, for fear of disturbing Ji Tianxing and Chen Lan.

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing and Chen Lan are among the two master craftsmen with the strongest refining skills.

In this competition, the two also tried their best to show off the ability to press the bottom of the box.

Everyone looked attentively, full of amazement and admiration, but also gained insights and learned a lot of experience in refining tools.

Especially Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang were full of excitement and excitement.

It was their dream to watch two master craftsmen at close range.

Unconsciously, three days passed.

Ji Tianxing and Chen Lan's still focused on refining tools, never let up.

But the more you get to the back, the more difficult the refining tool, and the slower speed.

Chen Lan engraved one hundred and eighty-four rules on the divine sword, and more than one thousand eight hundred formations were restricted.

This speed is already his limit, surpassing every time he refines.

He was confident and proud inside, and couldn't help but glance at Ji Tianxing.

He thought that Ji Tianxing would definitely look tired and slow down.

But he was disappointed.

Ji Tianxing was as calm as ever, with no signs of fatigue and sleepiness.

The speed of the refining device is as fast as ever.

of course.

Only Ji Tianxing knew that at this moment, there were already one hundred and ninety-six laws on the Frozen Moon God Armor he had refined.

That's right, this divine armor is called Bingyue.

Long ago, he planned to refine two divine swords and a set of divine armor for Yun Yao.

The Sun and Moon Swords had already been completed, so he took this opportunity to refine another Ice Moon Divine Armor.


Unconsciously, twelve days passed.

Chen Lan's refining work has finally come to an end.

He has engraved two hundred and ninety laws and two thousand nine hundred prohibitions on the divine sword.

In a dozen hours at most, the Excalibur can become a middle-grade king-level artifact!

Such a fast speed was something Chen Lan had never thought of before.

Inadvertently, he has surpassed himself, and his refinement attainments have improved again!

He was proud and contented, and couldn't help but look at Ji Tianxing who was opposite.


When he saw Ji Tianxing on the opposite side, he was dumbfounded and stunned.


Just as Ji Tianxing stopped casting his power, he raised his head and looked at him.

His eyes met, Ji Tianxing's expression was calm and indifferent, with a smile on his lips.

Chen Lan was like thunder, stiff body and blank brain!

"He turned out to be...he was...completed?!"

At this moment, Chen Lan's heart was disturbed, and she felt very illusory, and everything was unreal.

He couldn't believe it, let alone accept it, Ji Tianxing actually completed the refining of a king-level middle-grade artifact!

This is by no means true!

A deep sense of frustration filled Chen Lan's mind, making his face look like ashes.

The self-confidence and pride that was still surging just now disappeared instantly, turning into disappointment and frustration.

At this moment, Bo Yan reminded: "Master Lan, don't be in a daze! Continue to cast the spell, otherwise the formation will get confused and the sword will collapse!"

Chen Lan just woke up like a dream, quickly suppressed distracting thoughts, calmed down his frustration and frustration, and continued to cast spells.

He muttered in his heart: "I haven't lost yet! I can't be distracted. I have to make this magic sword anyway.

Even if I lose to him, I must not be ashamed, let alone the sect! "

With this belief in mind, Chen Lan entered a state of concentration again, casting spells with no distractions.

The people in the hall had already seen the result and knew the answer.

However, no one disturbed Chen Lan and waited patiently for the end of his refining.

Time passed, it seemed to become slow.

Finally, after another twelve hours, Chen Lan finally finished the refining.

His divine sword was successfully inscribed with three hundred laws and **** patterns, and three thousand formations were forbidden.


When he finished refining and stopped working, he only sighed in relief, without any joy.


He muttered to himself and looked up at Ji Tianxing who was opposite.

Ji Tianxing, who had been closing his eyes and rested, opened his eyes and said calmly.

"Although the ending is doomed, we still have to show our results, don't we?"

Chen Lan was full of depression, nodded stiffly, and waved open the lid of the tripod.


Gold glitters.

The golden sword flew up in the air, floating quietly, shining brilliantly.

The appearance of the divine sword has not changed much, but the divine power aura is more fierce and sacred.

The number of laws and prohibitions contained in it has also reached three times as much as before, and it has been successfully promoted to a king-level middle-grade artifact!

At this time, Ji Tianxing also opened the tripod cover.


The ice-blue divine light flickered, and the biting cold air radiated, freezing the whole hall again.

The Ice Moon God Armor flew up and evacuated, floating quietly, shining brilliantly.

Compared with Chen Lan's divine sword, this divine armor is more gorgeous, exquisite and dazzling.

Moreover, the structure of the **** armor is more complicated, the defense is strong, and there are various effects.

The most important thing is ~www.ltnovel.com~ The number of laws contained in the armor is as many as 303!

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing has left another hand.

Not only did he spend a day less time than Chen Lan, he also engraved three more rules!


A win without suspense!

At this moment, Jiang Tiansheng and Jiang Tianyi cheered excitedly and applauded excitedly.

Lin Zhen and the Zhanlongxiang were also impressed, applauded one after another, and looked at Ji Tianxing's eyes, full of awe and worship.

However, Chen Lan and Yan Bo had ugly faces and sad expressions.

After the competition was defeated, they not only had to withdraw from the competition, but also gave up the two refining talents.

What makes Chen Lan even more painful is that he has been reluctant to refining, leaving the original chalcedony that hit the upper **** king, and he is about to change hands!

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