Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3479: Terror structure

() Chen Lan's words are a bit exaggerated.

However, this is reasonable.

For Bailian Guzong, primitive chalcedony is just a precious treasure.

The Hundred Refining Hammer is different.

That is the totem of Bailian Ancient Sect, the artifact of Zhenzong!

It is the pride and reliance of all the disciples of the ancient Bailian Sect. It is of extraordinary significance!

Chen Lan was full of excitement and anticipation as the blood rushed by Ji Tianxing.

He couldn't wait to take out the original chalcedony and directly exchange it for the structure of the hammer in Ji Tianxing's hand.

But this is impossible.

Yan Bo was also very excited, but he was still able to remain calm.


He suddenly let out a cold cry, interrupting Chen Lan's fantasy.

"Master Tianxing, everyone in this sect does not know the structure of the Hundred Refining Hammer.

How can you, an outsider, know the structure of the hammer?

And, who can prove that the structure diagram in your hands is real? "

Chen Lan just woke up like a dream, nodded quickly, and then questioned: "Yeah! You can't just take anything, just lie to me that it is the structure of the hammer of hundred refinements.

You are too childish! "

Ji Tianxing smiled slightly and said proudly: "Is it true or not? Do you know if you look at it?"

While talking, he waved his right hand and sent the golden ball of light to Chen Lan.

"Uh..." Chen Lan was immediately stunned, did not go to catch the light ball, and asked Ji Tianxing: "If this is really the structure of the hammer, you will show it to us like this, are you afraid we will write it down?"

Ji Tianxing smiled teasingly: "Just watch it! Within three days, if you two can understand it, I lose!

As for writing it down?

Don't be foolish.

Not to mention the two of you, even if the entire Hundred Refinement Ancient Sect came to watch it, it would be impossible to remember.

Because, the most special thing about the Hundred Lian Hammer is that no one can use memory and remember its structure map except for Lian Qianqiu. "

Chen Lan was shocked and awe was born in her heart.

Uncle Yan frowned, only to provoke the thorn, and retorted: "Except for the ancestor, no one can remember the structure diagram, so how can you remember?

This doesn't mean it, is your structure diagram fake? "

Ji Tianxing couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said: "Yan Shangao, with your IQ, it is difficult for us to communicate.

This king didn't remember this structure map from memory. "

Uncle Yan understood this time, and he suddenly realized, "You mean, you have a structure diagram of the hammer in your hand. Is this a copy for us to see?"

Ji Tianxing just smiled, too lazy to talk to him again.

Chen Lan couldn't wait, stretched out her excited and trembling hands, holding the golden ball of light, and using her spiritual sense to read the information inside.

Suddenly, his mind was flooded with information like a sea of ​​water.

As a result, his whole person was stiff in place, as if he was asleep, almost unconscious.

After a long time, he closed his mind and dared not read the information in the light ball.


Chen Lan held the ball of light in her hand and panted violently, her face pale.

"It's terrible! How can a ghost remember such a vast amount of information?

I only watched about 10%, and my mind almost passed out. It was terrible! "

Seeing him exclaiming uncontrollably, Yan Bo showed expectation and was eager to try.

Jiang Tianyi, Jiang Tiansheng, Lin Zhen, and Zhan Longxiang were also aroused with great interest, and they were all shocked and expected.

Everyone is a master and master craftsman of the way of refining tools, and they also want to see the structure of a peerless artifact, how mysterious and terrifying is it?

Soon, Uncle Yan took the golden ball of light, immersed in it.

After taking it, his reaction was even worse than that of Chen Lan.

After only holding for ten breaths, he was dizzy and lost, as if drunk, he staggered into the hall.

"This... this is incredible!"

He quickly got up from the ground and exclaimed with excitement: "This is by no means an ordinary artifact, it must be a peerless artifact!

Although the old man has only seen less than 10%, he is sure that only top artisans can refine such artifacts! "

At this time, Uncle Yan also dispelled his doubts and was conquered by the structure diagram of the Bailian hammer.

With a big wave of his hand, Ji Tianxing took the golden ball of light back into his hand.

Both Chen Lan and Yan Bo stared at the light ball, showing deep dissatisfaction in their eyes, and wanted to **** it back.

Ji Tianxing put away the golden ball of light and asked: "You have already seen the structure diagram, Chen Lan, are you gambled or not?"

This time I don’t need Yan Bo to express his opinion, Chen Lan nodded without hesitation: "Bet! A fool won't block!"

Although the original chalcedony is precious, it is not so important compared with the structure diagram of the hammer of Bailian.

Chen Lan is already dreaming that if he wins the structure map, he will become a great hero of Bailian Ancient Sect.

At that time, he will definitely become the chief disciple.

It is even possible to inherit the position of suzerain in the future!

The more I thought about it, the more excited, Chen Lan's face flushed.

Uncle Yan did not forget to remind him: "Master Lan, don't forget to make an appointment."

Chen Lan immediately became sober, his expression calmed down, and said to Ji Tianxing: "Sir Tianxing, I promise to gamble with you, but for fairness, I have a request!

Your divine armor already has one hundred and thirty laws, but my divine sword only has one hundred laws.

So, I have to open the furnace first!

And you have to wait a day before you can continue refining.

If you agree, we can start now. "

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng and Jiang Tianyi were full of indignation and immediately retorted.

"Chen Lan, do you dare to be more shameless?

Young Master Tianxing can engrave one hundred and thirty laws, which is also the skill of others! "

"Young Master Tianxing had already competed, and now he continues to compete.

Do you want to be one day ahead? Really speak it out! "

Chen Lan also felt that she was a bit too much, so she wanted to change the time to ten hours.

But before he could speak, Ji Tianxing nodded and agreed.

"Okay, the rules are set."

"Okay!" Chen Lan was overjoyed, and hurriedly praised: "The Young Master Tianxing is really refreshing, he has the style of a master!"

Now that Ji Tianxing has agreed, the two Jiang Tianyi brothers have nothing to say, they can only shut up angrily~www.ltnovel.com~ The two are full of worry, and they can only pray silently, hoping that Ji Tianxing can win.

Soon, the competition began.

Chen Lan took the lead in opening the divine cauldron and added the golden divine sword previously refined to the divine cauldron, preparing to inscribe the rules and restrictions.

Ji Tianxing sat in the hall with his eyes closed and rested, waiting patiently.

After half an hour, Chen Lan's divine sword melted into a sword embryo, in a plastic state, and he began to inscribe the rules and prohibitions.

An hour later, he engraved a rule, superimposing hundreds of divine formation restrictions.

As time passed, he concentrated on casting spells, constantly engraving rules and prohibitions one after another.

Seeing that he was making rapid progress and he was indeed at his peak, Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng became even more anxious.

However, Ji Tianxing always closed his eyes and rested his mind, and didn't even look at Chenlan Refining Equipment at all.

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