Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3477: Shocking

()Huh! "

The lid of the tripod was opened, and a white rainbow flew up into the air.

A four-foot long sword was wrapped in the dazzling white rainbow.

This sword is blazing white, dignified and generous, and fluctuating with a strong breath of divine power.

There are one hundred laws of God's way and one thousand kinds of God Array prohibitions.

Compared with the works of Chen Lan and Jiang Tianyi, this sword can only be regarded as quite satisfactory and not outstanding.

Chen Lan was a little disappointed in her heart, already guessing the ending.

But he still had a trace of luck and fantasy. He looked at Ji Tianxing and said, "It's up to you, son Tianxing."

Ji Tianxing didn't talk nonsense and waved his hand to open the lid of the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron.


The dazzling icy blue divine light burst out from the divine cauldron, slowly rising into the air.

The whole hall was reflected in an ice blue, like an ice and snow palace.

With the appearance of an exquisite and gorgeous armor, the entire hall has become a hall of extreme cold, and frost has formed everywhere.

Regardless of the bitterness, everyone stared at the ice-blue armor, carefully watching.

"This divine armor is so beautiful! This should be...for women?" Jiang Tiansheng exclaimed sincerely.

"It's so exquisite and gorgeous, and the patterns and patterns of the armor are also ingenious. It's really amazing!"

Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang were both excited, their expressions full of admiration and admiration.

Even Chen Lan had to admit that this divine armor was indeed a divine product, an excellent work of choice.

Jiang Tianyi observed carefully for a while before he said: "It is really a king-level inferior artifact, and it is a masterpiece!

Regardless of the difficulty of refining, or the quality, it far surpasses the Excalibur Blood Slaughter Sword I refined and the sword refined by Chen Lan...

Jiang Tianyi was sincerely admired.

But before he finished speaking, Chen Lan said unconvinced: "I don't deny that if you exceed your blood slaughter sword.

But, surpassing the divine sword I refined? you sure? "

Jiang Tianyi turned his head to look at him, and nodded blankly: "Very sure! First of all, refining armor is more complicated and takes longer than the divine sword.

Secondly, Young Master Tianxing only used eight refining materials, while you used nine.

This is enough to prove that Young Master Tian Xing's refining skills are better than you!

The most important thing is...Look at this divine armor carefully, how many laws and prohibitions are contained in it? "

Chen Lan was taken aback, looked at the ice blue divine armor again, and observed carefully.

After a while, his body shook, his expression stiff, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "One hundred and thirty laws and **** patterns? More than 1,300 prohibitions?

God! This is only seven days, how could he..."

Chen Lan was completely stunned, the shocked blood boiled, and his whole body was hot.

At this moment, winning or losing is not important anymore.

He just wanted to know, how did Ji Tianxing do it?

Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang were also stunned, their eyes looking at Ji Tianxing were full of awe and worship!

Silence fell in the hall.

Uncle Yan put away the divine cauldron and divine sword, opened the mouth to break the silence, and said in a low tone: "We lost the second match."

His words awakened everyone.

Chen Lan returned to her senses and regained her confidence and composure. She grinned and said, "Hehe, even if Young Master Tianxing wins, it won't matter, it's all within my expectations anyway.

Now we are in a tie, we still have to see the third game to determine the outcome! "

After finishing speaking, Chen Lan looked at Jiang Tianyi provocatively and hooked her finger.

"Jiang Tianyi, the king's divine power and state have been restored to the peak, you can give in early!"

Jiang Tianyi frowned suddenly and his expression became solemn.


What if Ji Tianxing won a game?

In the third game, he still had to play, and the final contest with Chen Lan.

He has only recovered 90%, and his state has not reached the peak.

It is very difficult to win Chenlan!

Jiang Tiansheng was very happy at first, but when he thought of this problem, he was suddenly depressed.

Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang also looked at Jiang Tianyi, waiting for him to make a decision.

Is it to compete with Chen Lan and then lose?

Or save energy and time and give in directly?

While everyone was waiting for Jiang Tianyi to make a decision, a calm and indifferent voice sounded.

"In the third game, this king shot."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and all turned their heads.

There is no doubt that the speaker is Ji Tianxing.

Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng both frowned, and asked worriedly, "Master Tianxing, don't you rest for a few days?"

Although the two have the same words, their inner thoughts are different.

Jiang Tianyi was worried that Ji Tianxing's continuous refining of artifacts would damage the foundation of the gods.

Jiang Tiansheng was worried. Ji Tianxing continued to the third match. He was weak and would lose to Chen Lan.

Chen Lan raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Sir Tianxing, your refining skills are indeed extraordinary.

But you just finished cultivating an artifact, are you sure you want to continue the competition?

Don't say that this king takes advantage of you and didn't let you recuperate and adjust your interest rate. This is your own request. "

Obviously, Chen Lan didn't worry about losing at all.

If Jiang Tianyi participated in the third competition, he would definitely lose.

If Ji Tianxing continues to compete, there is no chance of winning even if he is divinely weak and mentally tired.

No matter what, Chen Lan is sure to win.

Ji Tianxing glanced at him, and said indifferently: "It's just seven days of refining, and it didn't cost much power. Does it need to recuperate?"

"..." Chen Lan was choked and said angrily: "Okay! Since you are so confident, let's just wait and see!"

Jiang Tiansheng still wanted to persuade Ji Tianxing, but was held back by Jiang Tianyi.

He said to Jiang Tiansheng through a voice transmission: "The ninth brother, Young Master Tianxing's strength and methods are far beyond our imagination.

Since he is sure, then we must win. "

Jiang Tiansheng was skeptical, hesitated for a long time, and finally acquiesced.

On the other side, Uncle Yan told Chen Lan: "Master Lan, that kid's refining skills are so amazing, you must not take it lightly!"

Chen Lan nodded to express her understanding, and said with a smile: "If I was compared with him just now, then I must have lost. His refining methods are indeed clever.

But he had just finished cultivating an artifact, his divine power was definitely empty and his spirit was exhausted.

I'm at the peak, afraid of losing to him? "

"Uh..." Uncle Yan was speechless and could only exhort: "Anyway, Master Lan, you must go all out."

"Okay~www.ltnovel.com~ I see." Chen Lan waved her hand and walked to the hall to sit down.

He sacrificed to the gods, looked at Ji Tianxing on the opposite side, and said, "Shall we start?"

Ji Tianxing raised his hand and said: "Wait! This third game will determine the outcome. Let's compare it like this, it's too monotonous."

Chen Lan frowned: "What? You know you are weak and want to change the rules?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "It's boring to only refine the king-level low-grade artifacts. Why don't we process the artifacts we just refined to the mid-level?"

"Upgrade the lower-grade artifact?" Chen Lan frowned fiercely, her expression dignified in thought.

After weighing it for a while, he gritted his teeth and made a decision, saying: "Yes!"

Ji Tianxing smiled again and said: "Why don't we add some more colors? Otherwise, everyone will be boring to watch."

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