Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3476: Master style, master craftsmanship

() At this moment, Chen Lan's soul frightened.

The ancient sect of Bailian had strict rules. Once the sect learned that he had harmed his fellow sect, he would only have a dead end.

Moreover, sect disciples can report to each other.

Take Yan Bo, if he exposes the incident to the sect, he can make a great contribution.

Maybe his punishment will be revoked, and he will be able to go back to guard the treasury again, as his **** is in charge.

Therefore, Chen Lan was so scared.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a smile: "This king just made a joke with you, I see it scares you."

Chen Lan felt relieved, the hanging heart fell back into her belly, and the soul that had flown out of the sky returned to her body.

His pale face squeezed out an ugly smile, and his voice hoarsely said: "Young Master Skywalker, this kind of joke can't be messed up, it will kill people."

Only then did Yan Bo withdraw his suspicious gaze and continued to remain silent.

Ji Tianxing sat down cross-legged and sacrificed the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron, saying: "Okay, don't waste time, let's start the competition.

You two, who will come? "

Chen Lan quietly touched the cold sweat on his forehead, and pointed to Yan Bo, saying: "He comes, I have to rest for a few days, this time is up to him!"

Bo Yan was also prepared for this, and he was not surprised.

But he frowned, staring at Chen Lan, and said, "Master Lan, the old man is not a descendant of the sect. He has a very ordinary skill in refining, far inferior to you.

This guy has a mysterious origin, and his methods must be extraordinary, and his refinement skills must be superb...

The old man competed with him, and lost seven or eight. "

Chen Lan didn't panic or hurried, and said calmly, "Yan Bo, don't panic, this is just a stopgap!

Don't forget, we won two games in three games.

I have won a game, and it's okay if you lose to him.

In the third game, I will play against Jiang Tianyi, and they will definitely lose! "

Yan Bo was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted and nodded in agreement: "That's right, after this guy's competition, he must rest and adjust his breath. It's time for Jiang Tianyi in the third game."

Thinking about it this way, he felt calm and no pressure anymore.

"Well, the old man will meet you in the second game!"

Uncle Yan recovered his majesty and walked to the hall and stood still.

He and Ji Tianxing were separated by thirty feet, offering a king-level **** cauldron, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Master Tianxing, you have a high self-esteem, and you call yourself our predecessors.

The old man has to see whether your refinement attainments and strength are as great as your tone! "

Ji Tianxing looked at him with a smile, and said lightly: "You're just a cannon fodder, so don't add drama to yourself."

"..." Uncle Yan flushed with his choking face, but he couldn't even say a word of refutation.

Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng both cupped their stomachs and laughed, feeling relieved in their hearts.

Even Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang smiled.

The atmosphere in the hall finally became less dull.

Soon, the match between Ji Tianxing and Yan Bo began.

Both of them opened the formations in the sacred cauldron and began to adjust the temperature in the sacred flame and cauldron to prepare for refining.

After half an hour, the preparations were ready, and the two took out the refining materials and added them to the Shending.

This competition is still refining a king-level inferior artifact.

Uncle Yan took out ten materials and wanted to refine a divine sword.

Ji Tianxing only took out eight materials to refine a divine armor.

Seeing the refining materials used by the two of them, Chen Lan, Jiang Tiansheng and others were surprised and full of doubts.

"That's a low-grade artifact refining king-level artifact. At least nine parts of materials are required to succeed. He actually only uses eight parts?"

Even Lin Zhen and Zhanlongxiang looked forward to Ji Tianxing with admiration.

"With only eight materials, you want to refine a king-level artifact?

It seems that Young Master Tianxing must have a special refining method, which is more intelligent than Chen Lan and Jiang Tianyi's methods! "

The only person present was Jiang Tianyi with a smile on his face.

Next, Ji Tianxing and Yan Bo both concentrated on casting spells.

Uncle Yan went all out, especially serious and focused, and his nerves were always tense.

Although he was cannon fodder, Chen Lan expected that he would lose.

But he also wanted to prove himself and tried hard.

If he wins Ji Tianxing, he will not only be proud, but also win the competition, forcing the Jiang clan to withdraw from the genius competition.

Then he has done something!

On the other hand, Ji Tianxing looked calm and indifferent, with a little leisurely content in his concentration.

It was as if he was not refining tools, nor was he completing tasks, nor was he competing with others.

He is like drinking tea, admiring the moon, admiring calligraphy and painting, and his mental state is quite relaxed and laid back.

But the spellcasting movement in his hand was as smooth as flowing, fast, and accurate.

He used different techniques in the early, mid and late stages of refining the armor.

They are all unheard of and refreshing techniques for refining, both mysterious and profound.

Chen Lan, Jiang Tianyi, Jiang Tiansheng, Lin Zhen and Zhan Longxiang all stared intently, their eyes full of admiration and admiration.

Especially the war dragon elephant, his eyes are fierce, and his heart is full of strong worship.

Time passed quickly, and no one noticed it.

Unconsciously, seven days passed.

Ji Tianxing finally finished refining and stopped working.

His face was still calm and indifferent, his forehead didn't even have a bead of sweat, and he looked particularly relaxed.

After the refining was completed, he didn't speak, he just sat there, closed his eyes and rested, silently waiting.

The rapidly spinning Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron also slowly stopped, floating motionlessly.

Seeing what he did, Jiang Tianyi, Jiang Tiansheng, Lin Zhen and Zhan Longxiang all looked at Chen Lan.

Chen Lan was immediately embarrassed, and felt ashamed.

After all, he was very proud after completing the refining, and he continued to mock and harass Jiang Tianyi.

In contrast to Ji Tianxing's approach, he is a despicable, low-handed villain.

Ji Tianxing, this is the demeanor of the master, the mastery!

Embarrassed by the eyes of everyone, Chen Lan could only change the subject, curling her lips and said: "What if his refining technique is more fancy? Isn't it the same as me, it took seven days?

Even if he competes with this king, he can only get a tie. "

Everyone did not speak and could not refute.

Next ~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone waited for another six hours before Yan Bo completed the refining.


After stopping his work, Bo Yan let out a suffocating breath in relief and lifted his sleeves to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

He looked pale and tired, and said to Chen Lan: "Master Lan, fortunately, the old man's refining is complete."

Chen Lan reluctantly squeezed out a smile and said: "Uncle Yan has worked hard! However, Young Master Tianxing completed the refining six hours ago."

"Uh..." Uncle Yan was stunned immediately, and said with a sense of loss: "Unexpectedly, the old man tried his best, but he still lost."

Chen Lan hurriedly comforted him, saying: "Don't worry, wait for everyone to see the work, and then talk about it, maybe the artifact you refined is more exquisite than his?"

Uncle Yan nodded and waved his hand to open the lid of the tripod.

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