Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3461: Continuous attrition

() Jiang Tianyi, Chao Qingyu and others are overwhelmed.

It is difficult for Yun Yao to protect herself, and Ji Tianxing relies on protecting her.

She also knew that Ji Tian had acted to protect her, and had no time to find the weakness of the gods.

To continue like this will only delay endlessly.

This is bad for them.

So, she took the initiative to ask Ji Tianxing: "Tianxing, you don't care about me, I will return to the tower to recuperate now.

If you can't crack the sacred formation, we will all be trapped here..."

Ji Tianxing has a clear heart with her.

Needless to say, the reasons and stakes are well known to each other.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing did not hesitate or dissuade him, and nodded readily and agreed.


With a flash of divine light, Yun Yao entered the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, returned to the twisted time and space, and escaped danger.

Ji Tianxing also breathed a sigh of relief, his pressure greatly reduced.

He continued to cast spells to resist the strangulation of the divine formation, and could also take advantage of the opportunity to use the secret pupil technique to observe the fifth divine formation.

Although this sacred formation was operating extremely fast, Bai Feng was constantly adjusting, using various methods to cover up the weakness of the sacred formation.

But Ji Tianxing's attainments and experience far surpassed Bai Feng's imagination.

No matter how delicate and complicated the divine formation is, it will become clear and clear in his eyes.

He followed the vines, peeled the cocoons, and quickly analyzed the veins and nodes of the **** array.

Immediately afterwards, he selected the weakest and most vulnerable points from the tens of millions of formation nodes.

This process sounds simple, but it actually requires massive deductions and calculations.

Only an evildoer like Ji Tianxing can analyze the results in a very short period of time, and it is accurate.

Time passed quickly.

Soon, half an hour passed.

Ji Tianxing finally found a weaker node on the colorful light curtain that obscured the sky.

"Found it! Everyone attacked with me!"

Ji Tianxing's spirits were shocked, and he let out a sonorous low voice.

Holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, he exploded with ten successful powers and pierced out a dazzling giant sword.


The thousand-zhang giant sword broke through the shadow of the sword and light sword in the sky, and hit the colorful light curtain with a deafening noise.

However, everyone is tired of resisting the strangulation of the gods, and it is difficult to attack with him.

Only Jiang Tianyi's strength is stronger, and he can still spare his energy to shoot three meteor arrows, hitting the weak spot.

But unfortunately, his and Ji Tianxing's attacks failed to break the light curtain, leaving only a crack.

Ji Tianxing was not discouraged, and shouted with a firm expression: "Come on again! Jiang Tianyi, you and I will shoot at the same time!"

Jiang Tianyi naturally obeyed, and when he slashed out a huge sword with all his strength, he desperately pulled the bow and shot four meteor arrows.

That great sword, with brilliant golden light, contains incomparably powerful and mysterious power.

It was a brand new power, Jiang Tianyi had never touched before, and felt very powerful and unfamiliar.

Because this is the cut of the world that Action Jitian uses the power of the five elements of the world!


Amid the loud noise that shook Nine Heavens, the World Slash and the Meteor Arrow blasted the colorful light curtain at the same time.

The light curtain, which was as thick as a wall, was blasted out of a gap of several hundred feet on the spot, splashing thousands of pieces of debris.

With a successful blow, Ji Tianxing and Jiang Tianyi hurriedly covered everyone, rushing out of the gap through the sky of swords and shadows.


In the blink of an eye, everyone fled the fifth sacred formation and came to the edge of Manchuan Pass.

Only a light curtain remained in front of them.

Jiang Tianyi was invigorated and said with joy on his face: "The last divine formation is left! If we work together to break this divine formation, we can besiege Bai Feng and solve that old bastard!"

Chao Qingyu, Yanke and Lan'er were all filled with gratification and expectation, and their spirits were obviously relaxed.

But Ji Tianxing was still expressionless, frowning and observing the light curtain of the gods, his eyes focused and cautious.

At the same time, Bai Feng gave up the fifth divine formation, manipulated the sixth divine formation, and launched an offensive.

The divine formation light curtain with a radius of thousands of miles released all kinds of supernatural powers, killing Chao Ji Tianxing and others.

While manipulating the sacred formation to attack, he thought to himself: "The method just now works! His breaking through the formation slowed down significantly, and it even took nearly a quarter of an hour.

However, if this continues, even if I still have six divine formations as hole cards, I can only delay an hour.

Just relying on the power of a divine formation is not enough, I have to open those divine formations in advance. "

After making up his mind, Bai Feng cast a spell to control the sixth divine formation.

The other hand displayed magical powers, opening the three hidden magical formations.

"Huh! Huh!"

After a while, three more light curtains lit up in the night sky outside Manchuan Pass.

A light curtain was formed by the divine thunder, flashing billions of lightning arcs, and the momentum was violent.

The other light curtain is made of blood flames, rising up the flames of Nirvana that burns the sky and the earth, and its power is terrifying.

The third light curtain is colorful, composed of more than 120 laws and supernatural powers, unpredictable.

Under Bai Feng's control, these three divine formations all speeded up, unleashing various supernatural killing moves, and Chao Ji Tianxing and others killed.


"Boom bang bang!"

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The overwhelming pillars of divine thunder light, the dense rain-like divine light blades, and the divine magic light and shadow that covered the sky and the sun immediately drowned everyone's figures.

"Damn it! He still has a back hand!"

"He has more than six divine formations at Manchuan Pass!"

Both Ji Tianxing and Jiang Tianyi are under increased pressure, and they can only ensure safety by defensively.

The situation of Chaoqingyu, Yanke and Lan'er has become precarious and will die at any time.

Lan'er, in particular, was quickly hit by the shadow of the sword, leaving dozens of wounds and becoming bloody.

Seeing this, Chao Qingyu dripped blood distressedly, and his angry eyes were splitting.

Regardless of his own safety, he tried his best to save Lan'er and protect Lan'er.

As a result, he was also taken advantage of by the endless thunder and the light, and was soon strangulated with blood and scars.

Both the couple were seriously injured and their combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

If they don't escape Manchuan Pass, both of them will be crushed to pieces and fall into the sacred formation.

Seeing this scene, Yanke also showed indignation, raising his head and scolding Baifeng.

Although his defense is very strong, he can hold it for the time being.

But it is impossible for him to save the Chao Qingyu couple ~www.ltnovel.com~.

He can protect himself, it is already great.

Reluctantly, Ji Tianxing could only let the Chao Qingyu couple return to the Sapphire Godship to retreat and heal their injuries.

The sapphire divine ship shrank to the size of a sesame, and was taken into his body.

As a result, only Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tianyi and Yanke remained in the sacred formation.

The number of people is declining, and the situation of the three of them is more dangerous.

Both Jiang Tianyi and Yanke were anxious, looking at Ji Tianxing, pinning their hopes on him.

"Master Tianxing, this is not the way to go. If we hold on for a few days at most, the divine power will be weak."

"Master, you must think of a way!"

Ji Tianxing frowned for a while and asked in a deep voice, "You hold on for a while, I have a way."

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