Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3460: Dangerous situation

() "Boom!"

With a loud and earth-shattering noise, the third sacred formation was blasted by Ji Tianxing and others and the 40,000 defenders.

However, the 40,000 defenders went through the gap desperately, but ushered in a brutal massacre.

Bai Feng, who was so angry that he ran away, manipulated the fourth divine formation to unleash the most violent killer move.


Hundreds of thousands of sword lights and spear shadows, as well as the monstrous **** flame and ice frost sword, flew out of the colorful mask of thousands of miles.

Various magical attacks poured down like a monstrous flood, flooding the 40,000 defenders.


"Boom bang bang!"

"Kacha Kacha..."

Heart-piercing howls, anguish roars, and the muffled sound of magical impact, burst out one after another.

The entire Manchuan Pass was in chaos and became a world of torrents of divine light.

How could the defenders of the 40,000-day **** realm resist the bombardment of the king-level **** formation?

Within ten breaths, 80% of the soldiers were slaughtered.

They were all shattered and wiped out by the divine light.

Thousands of surviving defenders and dozens of high-ranking gods also suffered serious injuries and were covered in blood.

They struggled desperately and fled frantically, but they couldn't escape the fate of death.

In desperation, thousands of people looked up at the sky and yelled, cursed and yelled at Bai Feng.

"Bai Feng! You can't die! Ah!"

"We are your people, serving you allegiance, but we didn't expect to be killed by you!"

"You are a devil who kills people! You are not as good as a pig and a dog!"

"You are not worthy of being a domain owner, let alone being respected by billions of people!"

"Even if we are all killed by you, we are wiped out.

But your despicable and vicious practices will eventually spread throughout the Huosang Domain! "

"Bai Feng! Even if we go to the underworld to be ghosts, we will never let you go!"

"I curse you! Curse you to be divided by the thunder, frustrated and ashes, you will never live longer!"

Countless heartbreaking, mad, desperate and helpless shouts sounded in Manchuan Pass.

Bai Feng became more and more angry, his eyes red as blood, and flames drifting all over his body.

He pressed his lips tightly without saying a word, and manipulated the divine formation more vigorously, speeding up the massacre of the thousands of defenders.

And Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tianyi and others, while their luck resisted the strangulation of the heavenly divine light, they did not forget to observe the weakness of the fourth divine formation.

Just forty breaths passed.

The remaining thousands of defenders and dozens of high-ranking gods also died tragically under the strangulation of the gods.

Everyone was fragmented, turned into a rain of blood and meat sauce, scattered in the ruins.

The devastated Manchuan Pass finally calmed down.

Then, it became a duel between Ji Tianxing and others and Bai Feng.

Although there were no 40,000 defenders and dozens of gods to help each other, Bai Feng wanted to fight alone.

But those 40,000 defenders and gods were not his help, but instead became his obstacles.

Now that those defenders and gods were eliminated, he could instead go all out to manipulate the gods and trap Ji Tianxing and others.

It was at this time that Ji Tianxing found the weakness of the fourth divine formation.

"call out!"

He waved the Heaven Burial Sword, slashed out a thousand-foot-long giant sword, and attacked the weak point of the **** array.

Jiang Tianyi, Chao Qingyu, Yanke and others had already had a tacit understanding with him, and quickly followed him to attack that weak spot.


A loud and deafening noise exploded, and the colorful mask was blasted out of a hole with a radius of hundreds of meters, splashing out debris in the sky.

Ji Tianxing and the others turned into streamers, quickly passed through the hole, and escaped from the fourth divine formation.

There were only two colorful light curtains left in front of everyone.

As long as they break through the remaining two divine formations, they can escape from Manchuan Pass!

Seeing this scene, Bai Feng's eyes became serious and his face was rather ugly.

"It took seven days for this king, with the assistance of hundreds of gods and 200,000 defenders, to arrange twelve divine formations.

Although it was only a middle-ranking king-level **** formation, it was enough for the middle-ranking **** king to have a headache.

The boy in the white robe could even see the weaknesses and weaknesses of each divine formation within a few dozen breaths.

What kind of monster is he?

Is he not only a master craftsman who is proficient in refining tools, but also a top formation master? "

In the face of most **** kings, Bai Feng is confident and proud.

For example, Jiang Tianyi, even if he is the middle **** king of the Sixth Realm, he doesn't care about it.

Only Ji Tianxing made Bai Feng feel unprecedented pressure.

This guy is not only capable of fighting the group, can tie him, but also proficient in refining tools and formations.

He wanted to use the twelve divine formations of Manchuan Pass to besiege Ji Tianxing and others here. I am afraid it will not work!

"According to the speed at which he breaks the formation now, with a hundred breaths of time, they will be able to escape Manchuan Pass.

Even if the king left six divine formations as hole cards, he couldn't withstand such a cracking.

Can't let him continue to break the formation, this king must find a way to stop him! "

Bai Feng was anxious in his heart, but was able to remain calm and composed.

He went all out to cast spells, manipulated the fifth sacred formation, ran at extreme speed, frantically strangling Ji Tianxing and others.

Hundreds of millions of light and sharp blades poured down like a torrential rain, drowning the crowd.

All kinds of sword light and magic light and shadow, formed into a monstrous torrent and hurricane, strangling violently.

The situation of Yun Yao and Lan'er suddenly became precarious.

Even Chao Qingyu and Yanke can only defend with all their strength and dare not be careless.

Only Ji Tianxing and Jiang Tianyi were able to cope easily without being injured.

However, Ji Tianxing is concerned about Yun Yao's safety and can only protect her with all his strength and help her resist the strangulation of the gods.

Jiang Tianyi could only disperse some of his power to help Lan'er resist the attack.

In this way, everyone is safe and can support a long time.

But Ji Tianxing couldn't observe the divine formation carefully, and it was difficult to find the weak points of the divine formation.

Seeing that this move really worked, Bai Feng tried his best to mobilize the divine formation and release the most powerful killer move.

Suddenly, Ji Tianxing and the others were in a more dangerous situation and more pressure.

Bai Feng found that Ji Tianxing paid special attention to Yunyao and tried his best to protect her.

As a result, Bai Feng slightly changed his attack strategy and focused on attacking Yun Yao, in a posture of breaking her body into pieces.

Yunyao is in danger ~www.ltnovel.com~ may die at any time.

Ji Tianxing's pressure also increased sharply, and he had no time to find the weakness of the gods.

Bai Feng's goal was achieved, and he was secretly delighted, and couldn't help but sneer: "Ha ha ha... those forty thousand traitors are indeed a stumbling block to this king!

Without them making trouble, this king would be able to trap these people.

According to the current situation, this king can persist for at least half a month.

I hope that there will be no more changes. Within half a month, the Astrology Divine Envoy and several domain masters will definitely be able to arrive! "

Before Bai Feng was desperate and helpless.

At this time, he saw the hope of success again, and he was quite confident and looking forward to it.

However, Bai Feng was not happy for long.

After a short period of time, the situation in the field has changed.

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