Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3457: Turn around

() The sentiment is exciting.

Forty thousand defenders and dozens of high-ranking gods were unwilling to fight, and joined forces to denounce the Baifeng domain master.

It sounds strange.

If the leader of the soldiers was Emperor Huosang, perhaps they would not be so sad and angry.

At the very least, Emperor Huosang would say some high-sounding words to boost morale and encourage soldiers to continue to stick.

But Baifeng Domain Lord was better, always aloof, holy and majestic.

He didn't even say a word when he ran away, for fear of being known by the soldiers and losing his face as the domain master.

Most importantly, he is too high.

The 40,000 soldiers present were basically seeing him for the first time, and their awe of him was vague.

On the contrary, it is the awe of Emperor Huosang, but it is very clear and deeply rooted.

As a result, when everyone was abandoned by Bai Feng and was about to face death, they would be so angry and excited.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tianyi and others all showed a look of surprise.

They looked at the defenders who had fled collectively, and then looked at Bai Feng in the night sky with a teasing smile.

"Bai Feng, Bai Feng, how did you become a domain master? Your people have rebelled!"

"The master of a dignified domain, in order to survive, escaped silently by himself.

In order to delay time, you sacrificed tens of thousands of soldiers as cannon fodder! "

The sneer of Ji Tianxing and Jiang Tianyi spread throughout Manchuan Pass.

The emotions of the 40,000 soldiers became more agitated, and they shouted for Bai Feng to open the gods and let them out!

The **** king Baifeng was furious, his angry face turned black, and murderous flames burst out of his body.

He glared at Ji Tianxing and the others, coldly shouting: "Don't be proud of you! Even without those 40,000 soldiers, this king can trap you!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the 40,000 soldiers in Manchuan Pass, and said in a majestic tone: "Soldiers, your bravery, fearless and loyal, this king can see.

It is the honor and pride of this king to have loyal soldiers like you.

However, everyone has seen that the enemy's strength is too strong and too sinister and cunning.

If this king accompanies you in the **** battle to the end, not only will you die here, but this king may also be killed.

But this king shoulders the heavy responsibility of the divine envoy, let alone the trust of the divine emperor.

In order to complete the task and to seal the enemy here, this king can only do so.

This king believes that the soldiers are all people who understand the righteousness.

In order to protect the fire mulberry field, and for the glory under the crown of the **** emperor, you will understand this king, won't you? "

The words of the God King Baifeng immediately calmed many people's anger.

Many gods and soldiers showed thoughtful expressions, and some even nodded in agreement.

After all, Bai Feng spoke the truth in a sincere tone and kept his posture very low, which was especially clever.

If at this time, he still put on a high-pitched posture, the 40,000 soldiers would definitely not sacrifice their lives for him.


While many soldiers were wavering in their will and hesitating, Jiang Tianyi said, "Yes! The God King Baifeng, whom you respect and admire, has only this strength.

He misassessed our strength and was so happy that he set up an ambush in Manchuan Pass, delusional to kill us all.

As a result, he killed all three **** kings under his command and ruined 160,000 soldiers.

But he doesn't care about the life and death of you ants, anyway, there are tens of billions of people in the fire mulberry domain, and hundreds of thousands of deaths are drizzle.

Moreover, he is more afraid of death than any of you!

After all, he is the domain owner, who has enjoyed all the glory and wealth, how can he die here with you ants?

It's okay for him to escape alone, just a few words can get your forgiveness and let you die willingly!

When you are all dead, he turns around and runs away, anyway you can't see..."

The billowing sound spread throughout Manchuan Pass, allowing 40,000 soldiers to hear clearly.

Suddenly, many vacillating and hesitant soldiers showed indignation.

Jiang Tianyi pierced Bai Feng's mind, and many soldiers and gods began to make noise again.

Bai Feng's angry eyes were about to split, and he wished to smash Jiang Tianyi's body into pieces, cursing like a thundering voice: "Jiang Tianyi! You despicable and shameless beast, you can spit blood!"

"Hahaha..." Jiang Tianyi laughed up to the sky, and asked, "Why? After being exposed by this king, he became so angry?

Do you think you can hide your thoughts from 40,000 soldiers?

You dare to swear to heaven, haven't you thought about it like this? "

"This king..." Bai Feng subconsciously raised his hand and swore.

But he raised his hand halfway, but abruptly retracted it.


Swear to God, don’t practice it lightly.

Otherwise, the vow will really be fulfilled!

Even if Bai Feng is the upper **** king, he must remain in awe of God.

After all, the stronger the strength, the more awe of Heaven.

Seeing that Bai Feng was stuck, Jiang Tianyi sneered even more, pointing to him and shouting to the 40,000 soldiers, "Have you seen it? Bai Feng is ashamed of him, and he doesn't dare to swear.

You are the abandoned sons abandoned by him, the cannon fodder to help him delay time! "

"Fart!" Bai Feng yelled, ignoring the demeanor of the domain master, and roared angrily: "Jiang Tianyi, this king is going to thwart you!"

While roaring, Bai Feng cast a spell to manipulate the six divine formations, releasing the overwhelming divine light and sharp blades, and swept towards Jiang Tianyi.

Jiang Tianyi, Chao Qingyu, and Yanke were all affected and quickly cast spells to resist.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly had a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Lan'er and Yun Yao noticed his expression, and both showed doubts, and wanted to ask him what's wrong.

But before the two spoke, a deafening roar erupted from the crowd of 40,000 defenders.

There were at least three thousand defenders, all excited and cursing indignantly.

"Bai Feng! You are in vain as the domain master, respected by hundreds of millions of people, but you are a greedy person who fears death!"

"Your fate is fate, is our fate a horror?

Our 200,000 defenders worked for you, but in your eyes, you only deserve to be cannon fodder? "

"Brothers, we can't be fooled by him anymore!

He wants to live~www.ltnovel.com~We don't want to die either! "

"Everyone joins forces to break through these large formations and escape Manchuan Pass!

What **** task, what allegiance?

We just want to survive! "

All kinds of curses and roars burst out one after another in the crowd, echoing in the night sky.

More than three thousand defenders were scattered across the crowd.

While they roared and shouted, they waved their swords one after another, and launched a fierce attack on the divine formation in front of them.

The other more than 30,000 defenders were hesitant and suffering.

Hearing the shouts and roars of the people, their emotions were immediately affected, and many people followed to destroy the gods and tried to escape for their lives.

The situation in the field was instantly chaotic.

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