Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3456: Second best

() In fact, the God King Baifeng has already been defeated.

His two deputy, Qin Ye and Wu Xue both fell.

Tianye God Crafter was killed, and Emperor Huosang also died.

More than two hundred high-ranking gods, more than 300 ordinary gods, and hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers were sacrificed.

Even if he could catch Ji Tianxing and others, the price would be too tragic.

In the next few hundred years, it will be difficult for the Fire Mulberry Region to recover.

Moreover, the King Baifeng offended the Jiang Clan, and he will definitely be avenged by the Jiang Clan!

What's more, the God King Baifeng had no assurance and hope that he could catch Ji Tianxing and others.

Not only could he not be caught, but his life would be in danger!

If he does not change his strategy, he will get closer and closer to death!

"Ha ha ha... This king is the dignified fire mulberry domain master, the upper **** king, the descendant of the Feng clan bloodline, how can he fall to such a point?

For more than three thousand years, this is the first time this king has felt a death crisis! "

Bai Feng sneered bitterly in his heart, staring at Ji Tianxing with gloomy eyes, firmly remembering his appearance and spirit.

"Boy, who are you? How can you have anything to do with the Jiang clan?"

Bai Feng suppressed Ji Tianxing, chasing him in the night sky, and asked in a deep voice.

Ji Tianxing always responded calmly and calmly, resolving his attacks again and again, and said with a sneer: "Do you want to know the answer? Then just grab it, this king will tell you!"

"Dreaming!" The God King Baifeng asked with a cold eyebrow and sneered mockingly: "You are not worthy of being the opponent of this king. You have been severely injured by this king. Why should this king surrender?

It is you who should surrender!

If you don't want to die by this king's sword, just give in! "

Ji Tianxing continued to deal with him, with a joking sneer: "Don't pretend to be the king. Who should give up? You and I know!

Wait for my comrades, kill all the defenders and close the six sacred formations, your death date will come!

Bai Feng, for the sake of your hard work, this king will give you a chance to survive.

It is not too late to admit defeat and surrender! "

For a high-ranking **** like Bai Feng, Ji Tianxing is still a little moved.

If he can be subdued and turned into a puppet and attendant guard like Yanke, his power can double again.

Moreover, behind Bai Feng is the Feng clan.

Ji Tianxing is confident that in the future, he will infiltrate the Feng Clan through Baifeng, and will also include the Feng Clan.

Now he is the king of gods, and he is preparing for his revenge plan.

Looking at the God Realm, the five overlords are his life and death enemies.

How can he complete his revenge by himself alone?

Therefore, he has been cultivating the power team from a long time ago to prepare for the future.

Now, it seems that the ancient clans of the big caves are undoubtedly the best choice.

It is precisely because of this that he promised Jiang Tianyi to go with Jiang Tianyi as a guest.

"Boy, you are so naive!

Do you think the upper **** king is so easy to deal with?

It's just that this king has not been serious! "

Bai Feng stared at Ji Tianxing, his eyes were cold, and he shouted in a solemn voice: "Who will kill you? It's not yet known!"

When the voice fell, Bai Feng lit up with white light, and disappeared in a flash.

He finally made up his mind to change his strategy.

Continuing to struggle with Ji Tianxing will only fail.

Moreover, he wanted to kill Ji Tianxing, and there was no hope.

That being the case, it is better to take the second place.

No extravagant desire to kill Ji Tianxing, just trap Ji Tianxing and others in Manchuan Pass, and Bai Feng will complete the task.

If you can delay for ten days and a half, you will be able to wait for at least two divine envoys, several domain masters and a dozen strong divine kings!

In that case, Bai Feng can make great contributions without risking his life!

This is the safest way.

Therefore, Bai Feng retreated to the outside of the sacred formation, standing above the Manchuan Pass, looking down at Ji Tianxing in the sacred formation.

Ji Tianxing frowned and looked up at Bai Feng in the night sky.

Although the two are only ten thousand feet apart, there are six divine formations between them.

Although the power of the divine formation was greatly reduced, it still remained intact and was not breached.

Bai Feng stared at the six-layer formation mask intently, pinching the magic art with both hands, constantly making dazzling patterns, and controlling several magic formations.

"Huh! Huh!"

Soon, the four uncontrollable divine formations renewed their dazzling divine light, bursting out powerful divine power fluctuations.

Under Bai Feng's control, the four sacred formations were all operating at full capacity, releasing invisible power of the law, and severely suppressing Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tianyi and others.

The situation in Manchuan Pass changed instantly.

Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tianyi, Yun Yao and others were all suppressed by the six large formations, and their combat effectiveness was weakened by 20 to 40%.

However, no one can resist their attack.

The surviving 40,000 defenders and more than 70 high-ranking gods still wanted to resist.

But they saw that Emperor Huosang was dead, Qin Ye and Wu Xue were killed, and Tianye God Crafter was also dead.

Now, even Baifeng Territory Lord has escaped from the divine formation and stood above Manchuan Pass.

They are truly a group of dragons without a leader, completely desperate!

"It's over... we lost a mess!"

"The three **** kings and powerhouses were all killed, and even the domain master escaped from Manchuan Pass. We are dead!"

"We are all working for the lord of the domain! How could he abandon us and run away alone?"

"Ha ha ha ha... we are so stupid that we are treated as cannon fodder by the master of the domain!"

"For a long time, we have believed that the domain master is unparalleled in the world and invincible.

Unexpectedly, when I met a few foreign **** kings, the lord of the domain would run away. It was ridiculous! "

Countless soldiers and dozens of high-ranking gods were all heavy and desperate, and their expressions were sad.

Everyone understood that they were considered abandoned by Bai Feng!

Suddenly, most of the soldiers and the upper gods lost their fighting spirit and no longer manipulated the gods.

Deafening discussions, desperate, unwilling and angry roars erupted from the crowd.

Many high-ranking gods retreated with large numbers of defenders and fled outside Manchuan Pass.

However, they were blocked by layers of divine formations, and they couldn't escape at all!

Finally someone broke out in despair.

A high-ranking **** looked up at the night sky and yelled at Bai Feng: "Lord Bai Feng, all of us respect and worship you~www.ltnovel.com~ to fight hard for you and go forward.

But this is how you treat us?

Are you not afraid that this matter will spread, chilling the hearts of hundreds of millions of people in Huosangyu?

Moreover, you abandon us and let us be slaughtered. What good is it for you?

When we are all dead, what is the use of you alone?

Can you punish these alien kings?

I'm afraid, you still have to run away?

That being the case, why can't you be a bit stubborn and accompany everyone to fight to the end? "

This high-ranking **** yelled out the aspirations of tens of thousands of defenders.

Countless people echoed loudly, asking God King Baifeng why he did this.

Suddenly, the entire Manchuan Pass was boiling.

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