Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3452: Tianfeng Zhanyue Knife

() Emperor Huosang knows well.

With his strength, in front of Jiang Tianyi, he couldn't hold a single move.

Then bite the bullet and rushed up to fight, and only the end will be wiped out.

Therefore, taking the opportunity of being seriously injured, he rushed to Bai Feng with a disheveled head and blood on his face.

"My lord, his subordinates... his subordinates are no match for the Jiang thief, he is at least the middle **** king..."

Emperor Huosang neither tidyed his shabby clothes and hair nor wiped the blood from his face, he looked very miserable and embarrassed.

Even when he speaks, he is dying, looking like he will be dead soon.

The God King Baifeng glanced at him and waved his hand: "Since you are seriously injured, let's step back and heal."

The domain master didn't let him go to death, of course Emperor Huosang was happy.

But he was quite smart. He bowed and said thank you, and said in a firm tone: "My lord, although his subordinates have been severely injured, but the soldiers are still fighting **** battles, how can their subordinates shrink?

Even if he is seriously injured, his subordinates must contribute to the Lord of the Domain.

The subordinates will go to the Star Fighting Killing Array, personally preside over the operation of the large array, and assist the Lord Lord to kill the enemy! "

Emperor Huosang would do this, and the God King Baifeng was not surprised.

After all, Emperor Huosang pulled it up with one hand, and he knew it well.

"Okay, you go." God King Bai Feng nodded and agreed.

The Emperor Huosang said and obeyed his orders, and quickly bowed back and flew towards the divine formation four thousand miles away.

Until then, he dared to suppress the injury and quickly took Shen Dan to heal his injuries.

the other side.

Tianye God Craftsman, Qin Ye, and Wu Xue have been struggling to besiege Jiang Tianyi, but they have never been effective.

Although Qin Ye and Wu Xue are middle-ranked **** kings, they only have the fourth level of the **** king realm.

Needless to say, Tianye God Crafter was just a lower **** king of the triple realm.

But Jiang Tianyi is the best among the middle **** kings, and his strength has reached the sixth level of the **** king realm!

The **** craftsman Tianye was fascinated by the way of refining tools, and his combat effectiveness was not outstanding.

No matter how hard he attacked, Jiang Tianyi was no different from Tickle.

The attack by Had Ye and Wu Xue barely threatened Jiang Tianyi.

But Jiang Tianyi could resolve their siege with a little trick.

The two sides fought for a while, but Jiang Tianyi remained unscathed.

On the other hand, Tianye God Craftsman, Qin Ye and Wu Xue were all seriously injured.

Especially the **** craftsman Tianye, who was taken care of by Jiang Tianyi, had long been beaten completely unrecognizable and covered in blood.

Had it not been for the God King Baifeng who was staring in the distance, he would have had a retreat and wanted to withdraw from the battle circle.

He always felt that if he continued to fight like this, he would be killed by Jiang Tianyi soon.

No way, Jiang Tianyi was too targeted at him!

In the fight against each other, there is obviously a better chance to take the opportunity to hit Qin Ye or Wu Xue.

But Jiang Tianyi wanted to deal with him.

On the surface, it seemed that the three of them besieged Jiang Tianyi. They were equally hardworking and equally dangerous.

But in fact, Hadye and Wuxue are relatively safe, and he is in the most dangerous situation!

The two sides fought for another while, and Tianye God Craftsman's injuries became even more miserable.

Not only was the left arm severed by the root, but there were dozens of blood holes on the chest and back, and the internal organs and blood flowed out together.

Not only did he look embarrassed and miserable, but his strength also dropped sharply, leaving only about 50% of his fighting power.

Under such circumstances, he could no longer hold on.

But he didn't dare to turn around and escape, so he could only ask for help from the God King Baifeng who was not far away.

"My lord, help! This guy is too strong!

If you don't take action again, not only will I be beheaded by him, but hundreds of thousands of soldiers will also die!

Lord, it's nothing for me to die for you.

But those hundreds of thousands of soldiers are your most loyal people! "

The voice of Tianye God Crafter was loud and spread throughout Manchuan Pass.

Not only the 40,000 defenders left on the battlefield heard it, but the 100,000 defenders guarding the formation around Manchuan Pass could also hear it clearly.

Everyone's eyes focused on the **** king Baifeng.

That's right, Jiang Tianyi's strength is frightening.

A hundred thousand defenders besieged him, but in such a short period of time, he massacred most of them.

Tianye, Qin Ye, and Wu Xue besieged him with all their strength, but helpless to him, the wounds were miserable.

The morale of the defenders was low and panic.

If God King Baifeng doesn't make a move, I'm afraid the hundreds of thousands of defenders will be discouraged.

Now, Tianye God Craftsman shouted again in his throat.

He kept saying that he was fine when he died, don't let hundreds of thousands of soldiers die.

This is equivalent to threatening Bai Feng in public. If he doesn't make a move, he will ignore hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

"Damn dog stuff! It's so cheap!" Bai Feng was even green with anger, and roared angrily in his heart.

He really wanted to chop off the Tianye Artisan.

But hundreds of thousands of soldiers looked at him. Not only could he not do this, he could not express his anger.

"Soldiers, no matter how powerful the enemy Kou is, he will definitely die if he is here!"

The God King Bai Feng shouted loudly, holding the Shen Jue in his left hand, and waving the magic knife in his right hand, killing Jiang Tianyi.

"Thief, take this king!"

God King Baifeng finally made a move!

"Tianfeng cuts the moon knife!"

At this moment, a divine flame soaring up all over him, forming a phoenix phantom as high as thousands of feet behind him.

The scarlet sacred sword in his hand also cut out a sacred sword light that was ten thousand feet long.

The blade of light was like blood, tearing the night apart, carrying nearly two hundred laws and supernatural powers, and slammed to Jiang Tianyi with a gesture of destroying everything.

Before the light of the sword arrives, the world has changed color.

The sky, which was already dim, became completely dark, and only the colorful divine light and **** divine flame remained in the world.

The incomparable pressure instantly enveloped Jiang Tianyi, making his back chill, and a deep fear in his heart.

In contrast, Tianye, Qin Ye, Wu Xue, and the hundred thousand defenders combined are not as good as the Baifeng God King alone, which puts him more pressure!

He had no doubt that the sword of God King Baifeng had hit him.

Even if he was not beheaded on the spot, he would still be severely injured and his strength plummeted.

At the critical juncture, he did not hesitate to give up chasing and killing God Artisan Tianye, wanting to retreat and escape.

However, the entire Manchuan Pass was sealed by several sacred formations.

The space of thousands of miles was blocked~www.ltnovel.com~ He could not teleport at all, and his flight speed dropped several times than usual.

The sword of the God King Baifeng couldn't be avoided at all!

In desperation, Jiang Tianyi could only mobilize the ten successful forces and go all out for defense.

Not only did he condense the divine light shield, the divine armor he wore also moved the formation.

At the same time, he was holding the bow of God's Will and shot six arrows at the King Baifeng.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Six arrows pierced the night sky like a shooting star, and instantly hit the blades of thousands of feet, bursting with a deafening noise.

However, the arrows all collapsed, but the sword beam was intact, and the speed and power were only reduced by 30%.

Next moment.

Jiang Tianyi's figure was flooded by the sword light, and he hit him suddenly.

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