Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3451: God bow prestige

() The God King Baifeng almost vomited blood.

The mind of the **** craftsman Tianye is clear, but he still pretends to be innocent and loyal.

If not everyone was present, the God King Baifeng really wanted to dispose of him!

Now that the battle began, Bai Feng and the Jiang clan had already feuded, and he could only make the mistake and make the mistake to the end.

As the master of a domain, he is the most taboo to be fearful, look forward and backward, and waver.

However, the God King Baifeng was not willing to be used in this way by the God Craftsman Tianye, nor would he charge into battle.

He pointed to the heavenly palace in the torrent of gods, and shouted to the **** craftsman Tianye: "Aren't you going to cut the enemy? Now he is right in front of you. Go and kill him!

If you can't kill him, this king will kill you! "

Tianye God Craftsman shuddered immediately.

He knew that he had acted too hastily and had offended God King Baifeng.

But he did not expect that the God King Baifeng would be so angry.

This made him have to guess and mumble: "It's actually so serious? That kid named Jiang, who is strong behind him, makes Bai Feng jealous?

If this is the case, then if I kill him, I will definitely face Jiang's revenge..."

At this moment, Tianye God Craftsman felt a little regretful.

After all, he was also afraid that Jiang's power was too great, and he couldn't bear Jiang's revenge at all!

But the arrow had to be sent on the string, and the God King Baifeng stared at him closely and kept urging him.

Seeing that he was still hesitating and considering, the God King Baifeng unexpectedly wielded a magic sword, bursting out with fierce murderous intent.

Seeing that posture, if he doesn't attack Jiang Tianyi again, the God King Baifeng will take him.

In desperation, Tianye Divine Artisan could only bite the bullet, armed with a sharp gun, and launched an attack towards the Palace of Heaven's Will.


The **** craftsman Tianye roared, holding the scarlet sharp spear in both hands, and stabbing eighty-one spears in succession, attacking the Palace of Heaven's Will.

At this time, the Palace of Heaven was trembling violently under the violent attack of one hundred thousand defenders.

The Shrine has many large defensive formations, and all of them have been opened, forming four layers of extremely thick shields.

Hundreds of thousands of magical attacks hit the multicolored shield like a torrential rain, bursting with a deafening noise, but never failed to break the shield.

As for the shrine inside the shield, it was unscathed.

Jiang Tianyi flew out of the divine palace and did not need the protection of the defensive formation.

He was full of dark golden light, wearing a gorgeous golden armor, and he was in the dim sky.

Despite the attacks of many defenders, one after another fell on him, and he could not hurt a single hair.

He held a black meteorite bow in his left hand, and took out a spell after another in his right hand, which turned into silver arrows one after another and shot at the surrounding crowd.


Every silver arrow flew out, like a meteor falling in the battle formation of the defending army, bursting out the silver divine flames overwhelming the sky, and bursting with a loud noise.

The power of each arrow is enough to destroy thousands of miles in a radius, and the destructive power is very terrifying.

The arrow exploded in the crowd, and the silver **** flame instantly swept through hundreds and thousands of defenders, continuously harvesting waves of lives.

All the defenders engulfed by the silver **** flame were burned to ashes and dross, and there would be no bone left.

Not to mention most of the defenders of the Heavenly God Realm, even the powerful gods in the battlefield, after being swept by the silver divine flame, will die on the spot.

No one can resist his magic arrow except for the king of the gods!

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, the eighty-one spear lights pierced by the **** craftsman Tianye slammed into the shield of the Palace of Heaven's Will and burst into a loud noise.

The gun awns collapsed and shattered, but the shield was intact.

With the strength of Tianye Divine Craftsman's next Divine King, it was too difficult to break through the middle-ranked king-level defense formation.

The **** craftsman Tianye was very unconvinced, and tried his best to attack a few moves, and blasted towards the palace of heaven.

But the result was the same. It seemed that there was only a two-foot-thick divine light shield, which was always intact.

Seeing that, Jiang Tianyi had fired more than two hundred arrows, slaughtering more than 34,000 defenders.

With just a few dozen breaths, he slaughtered a third of the 100,000 army!

Such a fierce might not only shocked the more than 60,000 surviving defenders, but also frightened them all.

Even the God King Baifeng, Qin Ye, Wu Xue and others became serious and their expressions were very gloomy.

"Damn it! He must be entangled, otherwise the 100,000 army will not be enough to kill!"

The God King Baifeng frowned fiercely and gave the order in a deep voice.

Emperor Qin Ye, Wu Xue, and Huosang emperor said at the same time to obey orders, all wielding magic weapons, and launched a siege on Jiang Tianyi.

"Liu Shen Ba Dao!"

"Gulian Kaitian Strike!"

"Poyue Divine Sword!"

The three of them tried their best to use powerful killer moves to kill Jiang Tianyi from different directions.

The **** craftsman Tianye saw that it was futile to continue to attack the Palace of Heaven's Will, so he turned his head and killed Jiang Tianyi.

"Storm and wind musket!"

The **** craftsman Tianye shouted angrily, holding a sharp spear in both hands to pierce the shadow of the sky, releasing dozens of laws and supernatural powers, forming a sky full of wind, fire and thunder.

Jiang Tianyi can ignore the offensive of tens of thousands of troops and concentrate on shooting arrows to slaughter the defenders.

However, he could not ignore the siege of three **** kings and a peak **** king.

Facing the magical light and shadow attacked by the four powerhouses, he flipped the meteorite bow with his left hand, releasing circles of dark ripples, expanding like a whirlpool.

His right hand slapped a giant palm that covered the sky and sun, and blasted the four strong men head-on.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In the next instant, a deafening muffled sound burst out, resounding through the sky.

The magical attacks of the four powerhouses were all shattered by the golden palm.

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth was absorbed by circles of mysterious ripples, combined into four water tank-sized light balls, flew back at a faster speed, and slammed at the four people of Tianye and Qin Ye.

This situation shocked the four powerhouses.

They also didn't expect that Jiang Tianyi's reaction was so fast and his combat experience was so rich.

With only one move, they not only resolved their siege, but also counterattacked.

This is really daunting.

Tianye God Craftsman and Qin Ye are all facing the enemy, doing their best to defend.

What defensive shields, armors, and secrets of power-relief are all used.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

The emperor Huosang took the lead in the loud noise of ~www.ltnovel.com.

Although, he raised the defense to the extreme.

But he is just a peak god, and the strength of the middle **** is too far apart.

That colorful ball of light has long been beyond his ability to bear.

When he was hit, he didn't even have any resistance, and he was hit and flew backwards hundreds of miles away, and Qiqiao spurted blood.

Not only did he fracture his arms, but he also dented a big pit in his chest, and he kept spraying bleeding foam in his mouth.

After suffering such a severe injury, Emperor Huosang felt only a moment of fear, and his face was full of rejoicing for the rest of his life.

"It's terrible! Fortunately, I tried my best to defend, only to take my life back, otherwise I would be killed in a second!"



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