Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3449: Who gives you the confidence?

() Indeed.

The God King Baifeng made such a big fight just to intercept and besieged Ji Tianxing and others.

After all, this was an order from the Astrology Divine Envoy, and it also represented the will of the Asura Divine Emperor.

As the master of the Huosang domain, the God King Baifeng must of course execute it unconditionally.

But God King Baifeng was not interested in the humiliation of Tianye divine craftsman by other divine craftsmen, and did not think of revenge for him.

He is inferior to others, and he is embarrassed in front of his disciples and grandchildren. Who can be blamed?

Seeing the resolute attitude of God King Baifeng, God Craftsman Tianye became anxious.

He pointed to the Palace of Heaven's Will, and said with a certain tone: "Domain Lord, this king has seen them in Fire Dragon Mountain and competed with them before, so he knows them better.

That young master craftsman is a group with a few foreign kings!

They deliberately cheated this king, and joined forces to act in double acting, only to embarrass this king..."

Hearing what Tianye God Crafter said, God King Baifeng frowned again.

He looked at Tianye Divine Craftsman with majestic gaze, and said in a deep voice: "You don't want to retaliate with this king!

You have to think clearly about the cost of using and deceiving this king. "

No one is stupid.

The God King Bai Feng would not completely believe in the God Craftsman Tianye.

Tianye God Crafter suddenly looked embarrassed and hesitated.

But the words have been released, and there is no way to take them back.

If he backed down now, it would prove that he used the Baifeng Divine King to avenge his personal revenge.

Therefore, Tianye Divine Craftsman weighed it up and said with a firm tone: "Domain Lord, don't worry, what the king said is true!"

Regardless of the consequences, Tianye Artisan decided to take a gamble!

The God King Baifeng took a deep look at him, no longer said anything, solemnly ordered: "Search that palace!"

Qin Ye and Wu Xue said at the same time to obey orders, and both flew towards the palace of Heaven's Will with their swords.

At this time, the gate of the Palace of Heaven's Will opened.

Wearing a white cloak and full of white hair, the God King of Providence walked out of the palace gate.

He thought to himself: "Sure enough, as I expected, Bai Feng really took the Tianye master craftsman and two deputies to lay an ambush here, waiting for us to cast ourselves into the trap."

On the surface, he was calm, his expression and eyes were cold.

Standing at the gate of the palace, his eyes swept across Bai Feng, Tianye God Craftsman, Qin Ye, and Wu Xue with cold eyes, and the corners of his mouth sneered.

"If this king guessed right, the one in front is the lord of the fire mulberry domain, the **** king Baifeng?"

Jiang Tianyi stared at the God King Baifeng and asked clearly.

Bai Feng also looked at him coldly, and said in a majestic tone: "It is this king! Your Excellency is the master craftsman who set up a ring in Huolong Mountain before and wants to recruit disciples?"

"That's right!" Jiang Tianyi nodded, with a playful sneer on his face, and said: "If you don't talk secretly, this king will be straight to the point.

The God King Baifeng was so aggressive, setting up a net of heaven and earth in Manchuanguan, wouldn't it be to vent the gods of Tianye?

Ha ha ha... It's just a comparison and a test of the way of refining tools. Tianye's divine craftsman is inferior to humans and lost to this king.

how? Tianye Divine Artisan can't afford to lose, and Baifeng Domain Lord also intends to kill people? "

The **** king Baifeng frowned, and said angrily: "Hugh has to distort the facts and slander this king! This king is not interested in the exchanges and discussions between the two master craftsmen.

However, you have a close relationship with the few fugitives that this king wants to arrest.

The king was ordered by the envoy of the gods to set up a special checkpoint here to investigate every passing godship!

You open the palace now, this king must check it carefully! "

"The fugitive? I was arrested by the order of the gods?" Jiang Tianyi was a little dazed, frowning in doubt.

But he reacted immediately, and sneered with disdain: "Ha ha ha... God King Bai Feng, this excuse you fabricated is really low-level and boring!

If you want to avenge Tianye's divine craftsman, just say, this king still respects you a bit domineering.

The master of a dignified domain, doesn't even have this responsibility and courage? "

Divine King Baifeng's face turned gloomy, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he asked in a deep voice, "Boy, it seems that you are not going to cooperate and want to fight against this king?"

He didn't bother to explain to Jiang Tianyi, and he wouldn't come up with the decree from the Astrology Divine Envoy to prove that he was really performing the task.

After all, he is the master of a domain, and the opponent is an unknown person.

"Hahaha..." Jiang Tianyi laughed up to the sky, weighing a crystal in his hand, and sneered: "This king is going to use the photo crystal to record this completely.

It is also good for other domain masters and all the gods to see that this is how the dignified Fire Sang domain master avenged private revenge! "

After speaking, he input divine power into the photo-taking crystal, opening the formation in the crystal.

All the surrounding sights and sounds were clearly recorded in the crystal and preserved.

Jiang Tianyi also said to the photo-taking crystal: "This king came to the Huosangyu, set up a ring on the Fire Dragon Mountain, accepted the challenge of all the refining masters, and selected disciples from it...

All the disciples and grandchildren of Tianye God Craftsman lost, their faces lost.

Therefore, the **** craftsman Tianye came to challenge the king himself, but he was crushed by the king and defeated publicly.

Unexpectedly, the domain lord Bai Feng set up a heavy ambush at Manchuan Pass in order to help the **** craftsman Tianye vent his anger, and found a high-sounding excuse..."

Jiang Tianyi explained the cause and course of the incident concisely.

Looking at his posture, he will definitely make the photo-taking crystal public, so that many domain masters and **** kings can see clearly the ugly behavior of the **** king Baifeng.

The God King Baifeng immediately raged with cold light in his eyes.

Had Ye and Wu Xue also showed anger on their faces, with majestic divine power accumulated in their bodies, ready to attack Jiang Tianyi at any time.

Only Tianye God Craftsman is proud and happy.

Before, he was worried that God King Baifeng would not help him deal with Jiang Tianyi.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tianyi was so arrogant and ignorant of good and evil that he would easily offend the God King Baifeng.

Therefore, the **** craftsman Tianye decided to fan the flames and laughed: "Hahahaha...boy, who do you think you are? What are you? How dare you threaten Domain Lord Baifeng?

Photo crystal?

Just record it, it's useless.

If you can publish it in the world~www.ltnovel.com~ This king will screw off his head and kick it!

You never want to get out of Manchuan Pass today! "

The words of God Crafter Tianye further proved that the God King Baifeng was here to intercept Jiang Tianyi.

The **** Baifeng Wang Pingbai carried the scapegoat on his back, and his heart became even more angry, but he couldn't turn his face in public and rebuked the **** craftsman Tianye.

Jiang Tianyi shook the photo crystal in his hand, with a sneer on his face, and said loudly: "Sure enough, the king guessed right. The Baifeng domain master is so fanciful that he wants to kill the king!

But, Baifeng, do you know who this king is?

In order to be a subordinate master craftsman, you want to kill the king. Have you ever considered the consequences? "

As soon as this statement came out, Tianye God Craftsman, Qin Ye and Wu Xue were all taken aback.

Divine King Baifeng also squinted his eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "You are threatening this king? The king needs to see, what kind of backer do you have that gives you so much confidence?"

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