Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3448: Trapped

() The **** of heaven is driving the palace, flying across the sky at a constant speed.

The setting sun has gone down to the west, gradually falling to the end of the horizon.

The God King of God's Will stared at the front, his consciousness released, and he probed the surrounding situation.

"The front is Manchuan Pass. After crossing that pass, you will enter the Huosang Empire."

He whispered to himself, driving the palace to Manchuan Pass.

Although, his spiritual sense detected that there were a large number of soldiers in armor and swords around the level, scattered among the mountains and the jungle.

But he knew that Manchuan Pass originally had 200,000 defenders.

Although the number of defenders was large, they were just some **** masters, and there were not many gods.

As long as there is no strong **** king, the **** king of heaven will not be too concerned.

For someone like him, there are ants under the **** king.

Even if it is an army of two hundred thousand heavenly gods, it can't help him.


As the palace entered the Manchuan Pass, the **** of heaven gradually realized that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that the defenders of Manchuan Pass should sit inside the pass, and only a small part of the defenders will go out on patrol.

But the situation is different.

An army of two hundred thousand gods came out, distributed around Manchuan Pass, forming an encircling circle of thousands of miles.

Among the many armies, there are more than two hundred upper gods, and more than 300 middle and lower gods.

Those gods are divided into small teams, arranged in a special direction, and it looks like they have formed a certain formation.

The God King of God's Will immediately frowned, and whispered to himself: "Those gods and the two hundred thousand defenders have formed an encirclement circle and seem to be waiting for them?

It shouldn't be!

The Huosang Empire and the Sanglan Empire have always been in peace, with the White Phoenix King suppressing them, and the major empires did not dare to start wars.

If it wasn't for the Sanglan Empire, who was the target of the 200,000 defenders?

Is it Young Master Tianxing?

Bai Feng passed the order to pass the Pass, and let the 200,000 defenders intercept Young Master Tianxing? "

In the blink of an eye, the God King of Providence analyzed the situation before him and realized that it was not good.

"No! Fools know that just with the army of two hundred thousand gods, you can't stop a few **** kings, even if the arrangement of the gods is useless.

Therefore, in Manchuan Pass, there is definitely a god-king and powerful person in charge! "

Thinking of this, the God King of Heaven did not hesitate, and immediately activated the Space God Formation in the palace.

Regardless of whether his analysis is right or wrong, he must make the palace teleport thousands of miles, immediately cross the Manchuan Pass and escape the encirclement of the defenders.


The palace, which looked like a divine ship, immediately lit up with a dazzling white light, releasing powerful spatial divine power fluctuations.

Seeing, the palace is about to break through the space, teleporting thousands of miles.

At this critical moment, the dimly lit Manchuan Pass actually lit up with a brilliant multicolored light, which illuminates the surrounding area.


The colorful divine light appeared from all directions, forming a huge aperture, blocking thousands of miles.

In the blink of an eye, the aperture stretched into a light curtain covering the sky and the sun, forming a huge divine formation, blocking this area.

The space within thousands of miles has solidified, and the divine formation is operating, releasing invisible pressure, covering the Palace of Heaven's Will.

Suddenly, the teleportation of the Palace of Providence was interrupted.

The space around the palace is like frozen ice, squeezing it hard.


There were bursts of shattering sounds, and the divine light on the surface of the Palace of Heaven's Will was quickly shattered.

But this is only the beginning of the raid.

After the opening of the first sacred formation, the surrounding area of ​​Manchuan Pass was illuminated one after another.



One after another huge light curtains were formed in the sky, blocking all directions.

Outside the first Sealed God Array, one God Array opened one after another, completely sealing this area.

Even if the God King of Heaven’s Will has the patience and means, it is impossible to break these divine formations in a short time, let alone escape from Manchuan Pass.

"Damn it! I was in an ambush!

They actually set up so many divine formations in Manchuan Pass? "

The God of Heaven's Will frowned fiercely, his eyes flashed with coldness.

But when he was in danger, he controlled the palace to stop in the sky and observed the situation calmly.

at the same time.

Tens of thousands of divine lights lit up in Manchuan Pass, and there were earth-shaking shouts of killing.


"They are surrounded!"


Nearly one hundred thousand defenders with perseverance, wielding all kinds of magic weapons, poured out from all directions, and launched a charge against the Palace of Heaven's Will.


Outside the palace of the coach of Manchuan Pass, Bai Feng also took Qin Ye, Wu Xue and Huosang Emperor, stepped across the sky and flew towards the Palace of Heaven's Will.

Of course, as soon as the four of them left the coach's palace, the **** craftsman Tianye flew over.

He flew in front of the God King Baifeng, bowed to salute, and said in an excited tone: "See the Lord of the Domain! This king has been humiliated by those alien kings, and he will not be a man if he does not avenge him.

This king wants to avenge himself and slash the enemy, please allow him! "

The God King Bai Feng glanced at him, and nodded slightly: "The God Craftsman Tianye is willing to help this king share his worries, how can he not agree?"

The **** craftsman Tianye was overjoyed and hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted: "Thank you, Lord Domain Master, for your accomplishment!"

Later, he also joined the team and flew to the Heavenly Will Palace of the White Phoenix God Dynasty.

After a few breaths, the encircling circle of nearly 100,000 defenders closed, enclosing the Palace of Heaven's Will.

Everyone held their swords and aimed at the palace where the light was shining.

Only after the commander gives an order, they will attack with all their strength.

At this time, the God King Baifeng and others also rushed to the court.

When there was still a hundred miles away from the palace, everyone stopped in the sky, watching with cold eyes.

Everyone saw with their own eyes that the shield of the shining ‘sacred ship’ was constantly crumbled and shattered under the combined forces of the nine gods.

In a short while, the ‘sacred ship’ collapsed and turned into a golden palace with a huge radius.

Seeing this scene, God King Baifeng and others frowned, showing doubts in their eyes.

"Domain Lord, this divine ship seems to be different from what you predicted?" Qin Ye couldn't help but ask.

Wu Xue also nodded, and echoed: "My lord of the domain~www.ltnovel.com~ In the scene you predicted earlier, those alien kings are riding on a blue godship.

But the divine ship in front of him was a palace.

Could it be...we stopped the wrong person? "

Emperor Huosang did not know the truth and did not have the right to speak, so he remained silent.

The **** craftsman Tianye stared at the Palace of Heaven's Will, and after a moment of careful observation, he suddenly said emotionally: "There is no mistake! This king recognizes this palace!

This is the palace of that young master craftsman!

It was he who provoked the king at Huolong Mountain that caused these incidents..."

He also hated the **** king of heaven.

If he could get rid of the God King of Heaven's Will by the hand of the God King Baifeng, he would of course be very happy and looking forward to it.

However, God King Baifeng frowned, and said in a deep voice, "The kings of foreign races are the first goal of this king!"

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